The System Of A Vampire - 43 A Tribe Of Mutts And Strays Pt1

43 A Tribe Of Mutts And Strays Pt1

In truth Draig just wished for a change of scenery, he had found endless amus.e.m.e.nt at the little thing that imitated people. Perhaps this being one of the reason's for the change in scenery, however suddenly the little fatty began quivering causing Draig to raise an eyebrow.

"What is it Marco" stated Draig as he called out using the name he had given it.

"Werewolves" cried Marco as he ran to hide behind the young Feratu before being kicked forward.

"Translate Marco" ordered Draig as they waited for what was coming.

Soon they were met with a party of the Beasts.

"Tell us why you are here you filthy Bat" started the Werewolf before Marco reacted quickly and responded causing the Mongrels to raise their weapon's.

"Marco, what did you tell them" asked Draig as he cast a scathing look towards the little Goblin.

"You are the Heir of Feratu" answered Marco shrinking back fearing repercussion.

"Very well" stated Draig as his finger's flexed causing cracking sounds to be heard.

Seeing this action the Werewolves jumped back warily but found something horrible happening as the wild life under their feet began to die and wither before the roots grabbed them and pulled them to the ground.

"Stupid animals" stated the young Feratu.

However right before his eyes Marco was s.n.a.t.c.hed up and a heavily armored Werewolf stood with the Goblin in his grasp.

"Release my brother's or your companion will meet an untimely demise" demanded an all to familiar voice.

"It's been awhile hasn't it" chuckled Draig as he started stepping forward, he noticed an all too familiar black ring on his finger.

"Hasn't it Kira" laughed Draig as he reactivated the enchantment on the ring.

"L-Lord" gasped Kira as he dropped Marco.

"So is this why you wished to reunite, is this what you call returning to my side" asked Draig as his amus.e.m.e.nt disappeared while looking into Kira's eyes.

"My Lord, please forgive me and my brother's it was not our decision to attack you" answered the old Wolf.

"You are different, never would you have called me Lord in this situation." stated Draig as a look of displeasure came across his face.

"As I have said, we did not come here of our own volition. There is an Alpha in our village, he has taken charge of the village using the abilities of his Cla.s.s." answered Kira as his claws clenched.

"He even intends to take my daughter as his mate" spoke Kira through gritted teeth.

"Come Kira, bring them too" stated Draig as he pointed towards the newly released Werewolves.

"Lord where are we going" asked Kira with uncertainty.

"Take me to your Village" commanded Draig as he thought about Monster with a hungry look in his eye.

Kira's eyes lit up in excitement thinking the young Feratu was going to take up for him.

"Of course brat" laughed the old Wolf as he and his comrades took off in a sprint.

Draig of course did not lag behind, his form became that of Mist as he followed closely, however no one seemed to notice that as he became mist and continued to travel more of it started to build.

'What is the brat thinking, they'll see us before we even get there like this' thought Kira but he wouldn't question this person, he had displayed too many amazing skills.

Draig stayed in his mist form while Marco rode atop the shoulder's of one of the Werewolves, the Mist clouds behind him continued to grow thicker as they came closer. Eventually the mist behind the group had grown too thick to see through and thus Draig resumed his physical form as he floated amidst the Mist like a specter.

Eventually the group stopped before a rather simple looking farm Village reminiscent of what you would see in the human world, the only difference was that it was a bit larger and the people hear held Wolf traits on their bodies.

Kira stopped and turned around couldn't help the s.h.i.+ver he felt as he looked into that rolling cloud of Mist and saw those cruel eyes gleaming before disappearing only to be revealed again.

"T-this is the place" coughed the Old Wolf.

Draig nodded and quickly threw his hand out as it became a huge twisting log that thundered out as it crumbled the walls around the village.

"Call them" stated Draig staring deep into the village discovering many nice little Treats for his Tome.

"Asagi" cried Kira loudly however Draig found this disappointing.

"I mean all of them" ordered Draig causing Kira's mouth to dry, he hoped it wasn't for the reason he believed but he had no choice regardless.

Kira nodded stiffly before raising his beastly snout and ripping through the air with a mind melting howl.

Draig smiled as that truly seemed to do the trick.

"Master, that's the Challenger's Howl." cried Marco in despair.

"It makes no difference" stated Draig as he saw many Wolf like people walk out and it was quite simple for him to pick out the one he would be collecting.

A slim looking man with deceitful eyes stood at the front of these people.

"Kira what is the meaning of this, do you truly wish to be humiliated again" started Asagi but he was interrupted.

"Silence you filthy mongrel, I have not addressed you yet" stated Draig making himself known causing this Asagi person to widen his eyes momentarily before smiling.

"Very well" answered Asagi.

"Kira you have done well" complimented Draig as he looked at the through out this breed of Monster.

"Lord, I only ask that you spare my wife and daughter" begged Kira

"I can allow this." answered Draig before speaking softly but it was like thunder in the ears of those around.

"Bring me Kira's family" commanded Draig inspiring such fear that the two were forced out of the crowd quickly.

During all this even his reunion with Kira he had never removed his hood but that was about to change.

"What is the meaning of this, you dare sacrifice my mate before I have battled the enemy" snarled Asagi as he attempted to snag Kasa.

"Bad dog" came the voice right in Asagi's ear before a gut wrenching kick was planted into his side.

Hacking violently from the sudden hit the silver Werewolf started glowing purple before rising again.

"Ha ha ha, did you really think that would be it." laughed Asagi.

Draig was a bit impressed causing his hunger to grow in antic.i.p.ation, Asagi as if sensing this froze for but a moment however it was noticed by those around.

Draig started laughing at the Albino Wolf.

"Who do you think you are that you can laugh at me" snarled Asagi as seemingly teleported to Draig's side and launched a devastating hit managing to send the Feratu flying.

"Not so funny now, pest" sneered Asagi but his nose twitched for but a second before he dodged to the left where a familiar figure was finally revealed as the remnants of his traveler's cloak fell to the ground in tatter's.

"Lord" whispered Kira as he saw that familiar face.

"You may not know this but I haven't been particularly upset in a long time" started Draig before Asagi cut in.

"Oh look at this, I made a leech cry" laughed Asagi as the other Werewolves couldn't help but chuckle at the one aspect they approved of from this person, Werewolf pride.

"In fact I even try to refrain from being put into that mood, today however you have destroyed a very special cloak." continued Draig ignoring the laughter around him as he clicked his pen transforming it into a cane.

"Aww did your mommy make it for you" continued Asagi as Kira started backing away a bit, he wasn't blinded by vanity at the moment as his instincts were warning him to step away.

"Inside that cloak were the Journals containing almost Two years of work and study, my journey as a scholar started with that cloak." continued Draig while the laughter continued to grow louder.

"Oh boohoo, the wittle vampire's crying over ripped clothes" laughed Asagi once again.

"So I feel that it is only fitting that I end that part of my life with it's destruction" stated Draig seemingly finished, Asagi opened his mouth to speak again but felt a little lighter around his left side.

The crowd around grew silent as they witnessed the sickening scene.

"And return to my true ways" finished Draig pulling his arm back and staring at the chunk of flesh and organ he had literally punched out of Asagi's side.

Asagi looked at the wound in fear until the purple Haze surrounded him and closed up the wound.

"Oh look the Vampire actually has a little Bite to him" laughed Asagi after realizing he wasn't in immediate danger.

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However instead of hearing Draig get mad he heard laughing from the young Feratu as he placed a drop of Blood in a book.

"I thought your precious books were destroyed" stated Asagi.

"This one is more of a Collector's edition" chuckled Draig as he closed his Tome.

Asagi was confused for a moment but soon he remembered a few stories his father had told him about the branches of Vampires.

"Aries" cried Asagi in shock alarming the other members of the village.

"No" answered Draig with a cruel smile.

"You actually had me worried for a moment" started Asagi

"I am Feratu" stated Draig as he disappeared and appeared behind Asagi in a spinning kick that met the the White Werewolf's head cleanly.

Growling in a purple Haze the Werewolf launched from the trench that had been carved by his body and in a turn of events that shocked everyone present, Asagi had managed to slash Draig's chest causing blood to spray from the wound. Draig stared at the wound in shock as memories began to fade into his head that he had long forgotten.

It was an Orphanage, a girl smiling, adult's cornering him. The young Feratu let out a horrifying roar as his crimson eyes slit slightly and locked their predatory gaze upon Asagi.

The Silver Werewolf didn't have time to dodge when his arm was ripped away, however with that sacrifice he jumped away from the second grab. As Limit breaker once again took effect and Asagi's arm regrew Draig had taken to slas.h.i.+ng wildly in the air, or so it seemed.

"Moon Mirror" cried Asagi with a smirk.

Asagi then mimicked Draig's actions and there were several clas.h.i.+ng sounds but no sign of any weapon.

Draig fired off a few spells however Asagi managed to imitate them and even hit Draig with Lightning causing him a fair bit of damage from the light Attribute

Growling angrily Draig started to even his breathing out as his eyes returned to their normal look of crimson.

"So that's your trick" said Draig softly but still loud enough for all to hear.

"W-what do you mean" started Asagi as he started backing up but Draig didn't attack the Werewolf instead he grabbed an una.s.suming looking boy from the side.

He was skinny as could be, lacking the muscle that Asagi bore.

"Asagi? Asked someone in the crowd suddenly as they looked towards the form of the Silver Werewolf fading.

"Indeed" stated Draig as he rose a claw and placed against the boy's neck.

"Wait, he's only a child. He hasn't even managed to actually pa.s.s his coming of age" started someone in the crowd.

"This child was man enough to lead a whole village, to force a man to give up his daughter. So in my opinion I think he's man enough... to give his life" stated Draig as he traced it in a thin line across the boy's neck.

However the image once again faded and Draig was holding nothing.

"Boy I am growing tired of your games" stated Draig clearly.

"Oh really, how does it feel knowing you will never be able to capture my real body" laughed Asagi until he choked slightly.

"I never needed to find you, I just needed my pets to find you" chuckled Draig as a beautiful glittery cloud came from the mist that had circled Asagi and Draig from the Beginning.

There was no response as Draig walked into the village unimpeded.

"Come Kira, Marco. We start here" ordered the young Feratu.

Those around could only follow behind as they couldn't deny the fear they held of such a crafty creature.