The Strongest Beast Tamer - 25 Testing

25 Testing

Their first destination was Target. Their main goal at Target was to get some undergarments, as they had a different store in mind for the rest of their clothes. When they walked into the store a putrid smell smashed them right in the face.

Looking around they noticed a few corpses, one beast and a few humans. Each of them looked like they had been rotting for a while, it looked disgusting and smelt even worse. They quickly went in and grabbed some undergarments before running out.

Alfredo, however, took his time, when he walked out the kids were the first to notice what he got, skipping ropes. They knew their training load increased when they saw the expression on Alfredo's face when he looked towards them.

They continued their journey for new clothes and they finally reached their final destination, SportsPower. They needed a few new things such as shoes and they were thinking about getting a better water bottle.

Alfredo, on the other hand, was happily thinking about what exercise equipment he could bring. Although he did want everything it wasn't like they could carry it all.

A bit traumatised by their previous encounter they were a bit hesitant. Opening the door they realised there was no horrible smell or horrendous sight which relieved them.

They walked inside and inspected the story. Fortunately, they didn't see any corpses and it felt great as it meant everything in the store was in good condition. Of course, that was unfortunate for the boys as it meant all the equipment was usable.

They quickly went and grabbed some duffel bags and other large bags, everyone grabbed two each. One of which was very quickly filled with various clothes. There were tank tops, shorts, short-sleeved s.h.i.+rts, socks and a couple of jumpers in the guy's bags. Although it was currently summer, they wanted to grab everything they can.

As for the girl's bags. There were leggings, shorts, tank tops, short-sleeved s.h.i.+rts, socks as well as jumpers and jackets. They did think about getting some compression clothes they didn't feel the need to get it.

Everyone then walked over to the shoe section, while they were at it they may as well get some new and comfortable shoes. Everyone quickly found shoes they liked that were in their size and put them on before walking out.

When Lachlan summoned his Rocs he quickly realised they felt different, stronger and more intimidating, obviously, he quickly realised it was due to what happened last night. There was also something else different. They gave off an electrifying aura, it wasn't anything insane but it just felt uncomfortable.

'You think you three can stop giving off that aura?' Although he was glad they've managed to get so much stronger he didn't like the fact that everyone felt uncomfortable. It would also be a pain when riding.

'It's only Catastrophe doing it, Calamity and I have good control' It was Disaster that was explaining the situation, he felt wrong that he had been blamed.

'What are you on about, it's just because I'm stronger than you' Catastrophe bragged and rightfully so. Although Calamity was only 1 level beneath which only led to a small difference in strength, it seemed as though their powers increase along with their level.

Which didn't make much sense to Lachlan since their lightning control was in a dormant state. There shouldn't be any way for them to even give off electricity. Lachlan suddenly remembered last night's incident, with the Rocs creating a thunderstorm.

'Can you all control lightning?' Lachlan was curious about this since they shouldn't.

'Not exactly. While we will gain the ability to control electricity in the future, the lightning core in our bodies is currently in a dormant state. However, the closer we are to evolving the looser the seal on our cores become' Calamity explained nicely.

'So once you evolve you gain the ability to control lightning?' Lachlan asked as he wanted to confirm and learn a bit more about what they said.

'Yes, that is unless you evolve us down a different path than intended' They all said.

'What's your intended path?' His eyes didn't say anything about an intended path for their evolution. As a matter of fact, it didn't say anything about evolution paths, he just thought that they'll evolve when they reach a certain level or age.

'Done the path of electricity rulers, as that is our birth element we are born with the ability to use it better' Calamity explained. It seemed as though he was their leader even though Catastrophe was actually stronger.

'Alright, I'll look into it but for now, try to control that electricity' Lachlan said.

Catastrophe nodded before the aura seemed to slowly disappear.

Everyone relaxed and got on before they finally flew back to the apartments to drop off everything they got. Once they finished that they got back onto the Rocs and travelled to an open plain a kilometre away from the city.

Lachlan unsummoned the Rocs as they needed to stay rested for whenever they need to travel, which could be either today or tomorrow.

Ryley summoned his lizards.

"Summon Surprise, Ninja, and Ambus.h.!.+"

The three lizards stood before them, they looked exactly the same.

"Do you guys have a special move you can use?" Ryley enthusiastically asked.

They stared at him then nodded and Ryley's expression lit up, meaning he got the confirmation. However, when the lizards went to use their special abilities not all of them went forward, only two.


They began stomping of the ground at the same tempo, everyone began to feel the group shake before it hit them.

The ground began rupturing, splitting apart. Everyone quickly realised what the lizards were doing, they were creating an earthquake.

The stomping similar to the loud crackling of lightning. It continued for 4 minutes before the lizards were exhausted. However, the damage they caused in that 4 minutes was insane. The entire landscape around them had been ruptured, the hill they were on broke apart, trees were scattered everywhere.

As they looked around to inspect the damage they determined the range of the attack to be 40 metres, which was a lot more than the Rocs lightning attack.

It caused a lot more damage then the lightning did, but the group did quickly realise that this move wouldn't do as much damage to enemies as the lightning did.

"d.a.m.n, although it was pretty epic I kind of wanted more," Ryley said disappointedly.

"Jeez, what else do you want, a meteor to fall from the sky?" Alfredo asked.

"Exactly!" Ryley shouted. That's exactly what he fantasised as it would be the biggest and scariest trump car his future enemies would have to face. Not to mention have a meteor fall from the sky he wouldn't stop if it was another planet.

Everyone facepalmed and thought the same thing, 'This idiot'.

"You know it could do a lot more damage in certain environments?" Alfredo said. While Ryley fantasised Alfredo thought about the uses of this ability and came up with a few.

"What environments?" Ryley asked.

"Mountains and caves, using that skill would probably break apart mountains and collapse caves, which would kill everything in it," Alfredo explained.

"Huh, true, I suppose it would kill a lot," Ryley said slightly happier. But when he thought about it more his expression turned for the better. As he thought about possible scenarios. Having an opponent in front of you on the side of a mountain, only for him to pull out his trump card and the ground beneath their feet disappearing.

After that, they tried a few more things. They tried to use the skill with only one lizard, it didn't work. Lachlan had tried to use two Rocs to summon the lightning, it failed. After a few hours of testing and resting they tried one last thing, using all three lizards to use the special move, the results were shocking the say the least.

It seemed the power had doubled, the shaking intensified and all the ground around them shattered and ruptured. The surrounding environment was a complete mess, it's shocking that it only took three lizards to do such damage.

Lachlan began to see a pattern and knew how the special abilities worked. From what he's observed it takes at least three beasts at the adolescence to even perform it, two at the adult stage and if his theory is correct, it'll only take one elder.

He began s.h.i.+vering at another thought. If three adult lizards could do so much damage, then what would three or even more elders do. However, Lachlan did realise that so far on this journey as he has yet to witness an elder beast.

They went back to the apartments to take a break. The group already decided to stay for another night, they really enjoyed it here, there were almost no disturbances and they were free to do whatever they wanted.

Alfredo got the boys to begin training a bit earlier, of course, that was because the training was going to be longer.

They now had to do skipping, when asked why they got an entire lecture about the importance of skipping and having good control over the lower body, they did skipping for an hour. They then repeated the routine they did last time, this was for two hours, which exhausted the boys, well, except Lachlan.

Lachlan seemed more energetic than ever, the exercise didn't exhaust him as much as it did to the others and he felt like he could go for longer, his body has never felt so great and fit. It was something he wasn't used to.

After the training, they went to the shower and had some snacks. Adam got everyone to gather outside, he had some news to tell. The family knew what it would be about as Adam would constantly browse the news.