The Story of Hero Among Heroes ~The Founding Chronicles of Arestia - Chapter 92

Chapter 92

Chapter 92 – Military Reform

[On to the next topic, we will discuss about our military movements . s.h.i.+on, can you please?]

George’s words caused everyone’s eyes to focus on s.h.i.+on .

[Always doing things at your own pace as usual…]

s.h.i.+on smiled bitterly but complied, presenting three papers with him .

This first paper is the Military Organization chart .

[First of all, we have to reorganize the military . ]

The paper s.h.i.+on presented was concise and neatly-written .

Supreme Commander – Ares Schwarzer

Chief Staff – s.h.i.+on Tristan

1st Corps general – Ares Schwarzer

1st Corps deputy general – Sharon Roxietta

1st Corps deputy general – Liliana Redgear

2nd Corps general – Sigurd Dragonia

2nd Corps deputy general- Arnold Neuer

3rd Corps general – Darius Grants

3rd Corps deputy general – Dirk Winkelman

4th Corps general – s.h.i.+on Tristan

4th Corps deputy general – Eckhart Grants

4th Corps deputy general – Roland Grants

[Ares-sama’s first corps will consist of Ares-sama’s own 20,000-strong private army . The 50,000 Grants army will be divided into the 2nd and 3rd cCorps, each having 20,000 as their main forces . As for the remaining 10,000, they will serve as the rearguard under the 4th Corps . ]

Both Sigurd and Darius showed no complaint .

[By the way, I would like Eckhart-dono and Roland-dono to act as my deputy generals, do you mind?]

Roland was Darius’ younger brother and Gail’s fourth son . A young warrior who worked side by side with Eckhart in the previous battle against the monsters . Roland, who was just a teenager then, was confused by the out-of-the-blue selection .

[Certainly not!]

Roland replied with a tense voice .

[To be clear, I won’t be fighting directly on the frontline . So I’ll leave that matter to you . Of course, I know it’ll be hard to work alone so I also appointed Eckhart-dono in case the matter becomes too hard for you to handle alone . ]

Darius and the others watched the scene in satisfaction .

[ [ Yessir! ] ]

Eckhart and Roland voiced their agreement in unison .

[Since there are no objections… . . ]

[W-wait a minute!]

When the decision was about to be finalized, Ares surprisingly raised a complaint .

[Well, it’s a good organization chart, but why are my deputy generals Sharon and Princess Liliana…]

[A messenger came from each the capital and Redgear earlier today . ]

As he revealed the news, s.h.i.+on gave Ares a look .

[From the capital, it’s said the milord’s [Fiancees] are to depart for Heinz as soon as the preparation is over . And as for the one from Redgear, didn’t milord personally request for Liliandono? Milord has just visited there after all . ]

[That was too faaaaaaaaaaast!]

Ares unintentionally screamed .

But s.h.i.+on kept going, ignoring Ares altogether .

[Alright, anyone else?]

[How about my opinion…]

[Rejected . ]

Ares dropped instantly .

[For consideration, Sharon-dono has graduated from the Imperial academy’s knight cla.s.s with excellent results . Moreover… she seemed to have mastered『that thing』milord has taught her . On the other hand, the『Silver Princess Knight』Princess Liliana is also a force to be reckoned with . Because we are a bit short-handed now, we can only ask them for help . Princess Liliana is still gathering her soldiers… so it’ll not be immediately, but she will serve as Sharon-dono’s lieutenant under Milord’s command . As for… the riot that will come afterward… that is entirely Milord’s responsibility . Alright, since there are no objection,s Milord, please sign it . ]

Regardless of his earlier complaints, Ares still signed the chart as told . Just like before, the chart began to glow soon after .

[Next is our future direction . Please have a look at these two maps . ]

s.h.i.+on unfurled two maps this time around . Everyone immediately paid attention . The first one was the map of Grants region, while the other one was the map of entire Arcadia continent .

[Firstly, regarding the Grants region…]

s.h.i.+on pointed at the western area of Grants, the Land of Demons .

[First of all, we have to conquer the Land of Demons . ]

s.h.i.+on then started to share his view on the Land of Demons and its Demon Lords .

[The Land of Demons is actually fertile ground . It can become the foundation of a country should someone could develop it . If we can control and develop it, Grants will surely become the most prominent power in the Arcadia Empire . We must also start to deal with the barbarians . Achieve the best results as soon as possible . ]

Having said that, s.h.i.+on turned to George who responded with a low voice .

[The reason why Grants couldn’t take control of the Land of Demons was because of the influence of three particular Demon Lords . ]

[Mm… exactly]

Gail admitted in a low voice .

[Darius should be capable of defeating each one in a duel… but when Darius attempted to engage one in battle, the other two would attack Heinz . The northern riders and the Aryans would also take the chance to plunder us… so that plan never really went anywhere…]

s.h.i.+on then added to Gail’s explanation .

[The Demon Lords… not only that, there are also senior demons amongst those dwelling in the land of demons… I heard that they are called the Eight Arch Demon Lords and their members are particularly very strong demons . Although we may be able to beat them if only one attack us, we’ll be in trouble if more than one attack at once . ]

s.h.i.+on then turned to Sigurd, Darius, and Ares .

[Therefore, I’d like to have the first, second, and third corps to engage the three demon lords in battle at the same time . ]

[Ares-dono, Sigurd-dono, and Darius are certainly warriors of peerless valor . They may be able to defeat their adversary . But what about the northern riders and the aryans that may attack us in the meantime…?]

In response to Gail’s question, s.h.i.+on replied without any ounce of hesitation .

[Ah, I’m sure they won’t though?]

[They will only hurt themselves if they go to battle now . The northern area is currently busy with their livestock . It’s the season where horses and lambs bear their young and they will not survive for long without great care . I don’t think they have room to attack now . ]

s.h.i.+on continued after taking a short breather .

[Meanwhile the Aryans are currently locked in a conflict with the dwarves . They won’t be attacking us… and even if they do, there are many ways to repel them . So please rest a.s.sured . ]

s.h.i.+on once again turned toward Ares .

[Therefore, it can be said that this is the greatest opportunity to take the land of demons . We can’t afford to miss it . ]

Everyone seemed to be convinced with s.h.i.+on’s strong argument . After confirming the situation, s.h.i.+on proceeded to talk about the strategy to capture the land of demons .



[Let’s capture the land of demons, and develop it to be our foundation . If we proceed accordingly to George’s plans, we should rise to be a great power in three years time . And with that power, we can then start to take control of the northern riders, the Aryans and the dwarves . ]

[What should we do if we are attacked during those three years of preparation?]

[We’ll soften them up with either our financial power or by force . ]

s.h.i.+on kept going .

[The first 3 years is important . We must complete the reform before three years and after that, we’ll deal with all the external problems such as the barbarians . At the same time, the continent will undergo a major change . When that time comes, we must already have enough power to even compete with other『nations』 . ]

[But will the emperor wait for that long? I heard that he’ll launch another eastern campaign next year…]

To Darius’ question, s.h.i.+on replied .

[Most likely, there won’t be any more campaigns to the east . ]

Everyone gasped .

[The Thracians in the west are making movements . And the Kingdom of Sindora in the south is also up to something . Soon, a large battle will commence in the south and west…]

s.h.i.+on pointed at the Arcadia continent map .

[Although they will probably ask Milord to lead the expedition… you can afford to decline since you’ve already been tasked with conquest of the frontier . ]

[They won’t leave the Schwarzer territory alone though . ]

[Indeed they can’t refuse . Probably Rouen-dono or Alberto-dono will have to take to the field . Well, there shouldn’t be any problem if it’s those two . I will send a secret letter to the Archduke soon . ]

However, s.h.i.+on also added .

[There are also movements in the east . The Byzerd Princ.i.p.ality and the newly-emerged Kingdom of Dormadia are taking down their surrounding countries . It’ll be troublesome if a super power threatened us when we are not ready yet so we must send the Dragon’s Eye to sow discord and make the two countries go at each other . We must also send messengers to nearby small countries like the former Redgear such as Fern Princ.i.p.ality and Istrea Queendom . We need them as our allies . ]

[Sending a messenger to other countries without the emperor’s consent… wouldn’t that be regarded as an act of treason?]

In response to Gail’s question,

[The status as 『Lord of Frontier』allows us a great amount of autonomy . It’s actually a very ambiguous position… but we must make use of it to the fullest . ]

s.h.i.+on brushed his hair with his fingers, then continued .

[I repeat, 3 years . We must make preparations as best as we could during those 3 years . And after that… we will change the world . ]



Thus the meeting to discuss both politics and military matters came to an end . Those that exited the meeting room left with a tense look .

All who remained in the office were Ares, s.h.i.+on, George, Sigurd, Darius, Elan as well as Gail, Bergan and Ramires .

[We’ll be busy from now on . ]

s.h.i.+on sighed and sipped his tea .

Listening to that remark, Gail asked Ares out of curiosity .

[Ares-dono… what are you actually aiming for?]

Listening to George and s.h.i.+on on the meeting, Gail was surprised at the scale of their operation .

Isn’t it almost like policy and military strategy planning for a country?

Ares replied without changing his expression .

[Changing the continent . ]

[I want to end the era where Kings and Emperors rule without contest… that’s what I think . ]

[Ares-dono… that means, are you aiming to take the throne…]

[I don’t know yet . And not that I’m interested in it . I’ll just do what I do best until a『Heavenly Opportunity』shows itself . ]

Ares smiled quietly as he said so, rolling the map back .