The Story of Hero Among Heroes ~The Founding Chronicles of Arestia - Chapter 86

Chapter 86

Weekly chapters (2/2)

Best girl.

Translator: Raizu

Editor: s.h.i.+rayuki

Chapter 86 – Date

When Ares was about to head back to the Schwarzer territory, Princess Cornelia sent him a message.

There was not much detail other than she wanted to meet him. So after giving instructions to the servants, Ares headed to the appointed place.

And that place was… the church in the southern district.


[This is… surprising. I didn't think that you'd want to meet up here of all places…]

Ares talked to a hooded woman next to him in a somewhat amazed tone as they walked together along the main street south.

The street was filled with people walking to and fro, as well as stalls.

[Fufufu, my elder sister often reprimanded me because of this… but I would sneak out like this once every week. Staying at the Imperial Palace can be suffocating sometimes.]

The hooded woman, Cornelia chuckled after saying so.

Ares was confused at first when he received Cornelia's letter last night.

The letter said:

〈Please come meet me in the morning on your own. Don't bring anyone else.〉

In addition to that, the meeting place was at the southern district where most commoners are gathered. Therefore, a lot of churches were built in this district.

What does she want? Ares couldn't help but think about that along the way.

The day was still early, so the traffic was a bit lighter than normal. The church stood there with dignified air.

As Ares observed the church…

[Good morning, Ares-sama. Thank you for coming]

Someone greeted him.

Following the voice, Ares saw a hooded woman nearby stood up.

[Could it be…]

In response to Ares' muttering, the woman lowered her hood a bit.

[Y…Your Highness!? Here all by yourself…?]


Cornelia's eyes gleamed with mischief as she silenced Ares.

[By the way, Ares-sama, have you had breakfast yet?]

[No, I haven't… I headed out very early in the morning after all.]

[It is good that I came prepared then]

Saying so, Cornelia opened a small packet she's been carrying.

[I have made this for breakfast. Would you like to sit on that bench as we eat it?]


Ares and Cornelia sat on one of the benches by the streetside as they began eating the sandwiches Cornelia had made.

Also spending time by having some casual talk.

Ares was already amazed earlier.

He never expected that the princess would go to such a place alone.

Let alone the same princess to prepare a meal by herself.

When Ares expressed all that, Cornelia merely chuckled.

[My mother was originally a priestess working for the church. That was until she met Esteemed Father. They both loved each other. But my mother didn't let His Majesty knew that she had given birth to me, so I spent the first 10 years of my life by living in the church.]

Ares was surprised by this revelation. But Cornelia wasn't finished yet.

[When I was about to be 10 years old… my mother died from an epidemic. Before she died, she told me and the others of my real ident.i.ty. The people from the church soon brought me to His Majesty…and He… immediately recognized me and even declared me as the fourth princess.]

Cornelia had a slightly saddened face.

[That is why instead of eating fine cuisine inside a luxurious mansion, I prefer eating outside like this.]

Then she looked at Ares with a worried look.

[…do you think it is weird… for me to act like that as a princess?]


Ares replied after he finished one sandwich that he was chewing with his mouth..

[Not at all. I honestly like you even better this way.]

Hearing that answer, Cornelia laughed.

[Really just as the report says.]


[En. After my elder sister introduced us, I took the initiative to do some investigation.]

After Silvia introduced Cornelia to Ares, Cornelia quickly investigated just what kind of man Ares is. The result… was beyond her expectations.

[I was surprised when I heard that you were involved with the many changes in the western district. Even living alongside the people there as a bouncer for a time.]

Ares was surprised that the Empire's information network could glean that much.

[In the Schwarzer territory, you spent time together with the soldiers and enjoyed buying and eating snacks sold in the street food stalls… there are certainly many interesting stories about you.]

[…nothing less from the Empire's information network.]

[Pardon me if that makes you feel uncomfortable. But… we would be walking alongside each other from now on, so I would like to know more about you.]

Having said so, Cornelia stared at Ares with a serious look.

[Everytime I found out things about you, I would only feel that I want to know even more. At the same time, I hope that you also come to know more about me. Everyone else who are engaged to Ares-sama have shared somehistory with you… but that is not the case with me.]

[….hnn? No, but…]

[Fufufu, did I sound a bit pushy just now?]

Cornelia resumed after a short chuckle.

[But that is my real intention. I wish to close the gap even a little before our marriage arrives. So today… I want to spend time with you as my true self]


After finis.h.i.+ng the meal, the two changed locations according to Cornelia's direction. And their next destination was…

(eh? Isn't this the church where Cecil works?)

[Bishop Griffith, good morning.]

[Cornelisama, you arrive earlier than usual today. And this man with you is… eh? Ares-sama?]

[………..Cecil, do you two know each other?]

[Yes, since a long time ago actually.]

Cecil showed a refres.h.i.+ng smile.

[I was raised by Cornelisama's mother. She's pretty much my benefactor. But well, when I heard that Cornelisama is engaged to Ares-sama, I was… pleasantly surprised].

[When my mother pa.s.sed away, it was Bishop Griffith who helped me]

Cornelia quietly smiled.

[I was there when Cornelisama's mother revealed that she was of the Imperial bloodline… I feared that she would be used for bad things if the news were to spread further, but thankfully it worked out somehow.]

[…how come you never told me about this before?]

[Doesn't Ares-sama also have many things that he never told me? I'm just returning the favor.]

After saying so, Cecil turned to Cornelia.

[Well then, Cornelisama. What brings you here today…?]

[The usual thing.]

[Of course. Ares-sama doesn't know about it yet though…]

Thus Cecil turned to Ares and said.

[From here on out, Ares-sama will surely be surprised. Seeing the real Cornelisama… ]


Cecil took Ares to a balcony where they could oversee the church hall from above.

[Ares-sama will just be a hindrance if you are down there. So please watch from here instead.]

[….you really have to be so frank, huh…]

Ares chuckled.

Downstairs, many people had lined up to receive help from the priests.

Some of them were suffering from disease, while others were gravely injured… some were the poor folks who couldn't afford regular medication, while the remaining were demihumans.]

[Ooh, the Saintess is visiting today!]


[Saintess-sama is here!]

Ares was both perplexed… and fascinated by the scene happening below.


Cornelia, who was wearing a pure white robe was standing there.

Many people gathered around Cornelia. After speaking to each one of them… Cornelia raised her hand over them.

[By the G.o.ddess' will… may your pain be relieved…]

Then… a brilliant spark enveloped the hall.

(This is… a holy art?)

Ares wondered while narrowing his eyes.

(Oioi… a holy art this powerful, how come I've never seen it before!?)

Following that, those present… slowly had color return to their previously pale faces.

[Wow, my body feels lighter!]

[Me too… I feel like my condition is recovering!]

[Saintess-sama! Thank you very much!]

Hearing those grateful cheers made Cornelia smile. She then started speaking once more.

Her voice was not loud. But everyone ceased their shouting, seemingly desperate to listen to her.

[My holy art merely brought your inner strength out. If you are seriously ill, please follow the instructions of the doctor over there. As for the lighter one, my『Healing』and『Detoxify』should be enough to alleviate it to a certain extent. Please return home and have some rest.]

After the voice ceased, the crowd started to disperse. But before leaving, they didn't forget to bow deeply toward Cornelia. Some were in tears, and some others muttered silent "thank you" repeatedly… their reactions were varied.

Ares was too surprised… that he was loss for words up until now.

[To possess such a powerful holy art… she's truly a member of the Royal Clan… ]

[Not many possess such an art in the church as well.]

Cecil was in agreement with Ares.

Holy arts consist of three separate arts.

『Healing』,『Detoxify』, and『Dispel』.

『Healing』stimulates the natural regeneration of one's body. It could heal wounds and increase resistance to disease.

『Detoxify』removes poison and bacteria from one's body.

While『Dispel』neutralizes the effect of magic power.

Of course, it's not an answer to everything. It could not remedy serious and complicated illnesses and may even worsen it instead. Therefore, several doctors also work in the church.

But it's still very effective for wounds and common physical injuries. Usually the art is used alongside regular medication.

[Cornelisama is also well versed in medicinal knowledge. So she could treat people more efficiently.]

Cecil chuckled afterward.

[Only me, His Majesty, and the higher ups at the central church know about this. Even the people downstairs and those working in this church does not know her true ident.i.ty.]

[But… this kind of power. If the central church make a move against her…]

[No, they couldn't. Because she's a genuine member of the Royal clan, the church won't make any direct move against her. But they could still do something secretly. Therefore, having her sent to Grants… seems like the best course of action]

After saying that, Cecil bowed to Ares.

[Cornelisama's mother is my benefactor… to see her finds happiness is my greatest wish… and for that, I leave Cornelisama in your care, Ares-sama.]


Ares and Cornelia left the church sometime after, walking side by side in leisure.

[Back at the Imperial Academy days, there was a place I regularly visit… I'll take you there later in the afternoon.]

Ares took Cornelia to the food stalls and restaurant he often visited during his days as a student.

As they shared stories, both good and bad… the distance between the two slowly but surely shrunk.

And finally at dusk, it's time for them to part.

Ares had brought Cornelia to one of his favorite places to spend time on. A hill with an overlooking view of the Royal Capital.

[So there is actually such a place in the Royal Capital.]

Cornelia said as her hair fluttered in the wind.

[I like this place. Especially during this time of day… because I can see the lights in the houses below…]

Ares gazed into the distance as he said so.

Cornelia also silently followed Ares' gaze.

[Cornelisama, thank you very much for today.]

Cornelia seemed a bit annoyed by Ares' words just now. Ares tilted his head, wondering why she made such a face.

[Eh? Did I say something wrong just now?]

[Ares-sama, I will soon be your wife, correct?]

[Yes, that's correct…]

[Then please drop the honorific. Just call me Cornelia.]

She puffed her cheeks as she said so.

Ares could only smile, and corrected himself.

[Thank you… Cornelia.]

Those words brought a smile to Cornelia.

[Can we… have an outing again sometime?]

At Ares's proposal, Cornelia let out a smile that would remind anyone of a beautiful flower.

And following that proposal…. did their silhouettes overlap with each other.

Author's Note:

Thank you so much for your feedback

Although it's originally something I'd thought to disable in the past, the comment section has become my source of encouragement lately.