The Story of Hero Among Heroes ~The Founding Chronicles of Arestia - Chapter 76

Chapter 76

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Arigatou Gozaimasu!

Duel between Ares vs Darius.

The author gives detailed explanation in the end of chapter.


Chapter 76 – The Land of Demons

Ares, unlike the Arcadia Empire forces that marched from the south through the Depay river, opted to lead the Black Legion elsewhere instead: to the『Land of Demons』.

To the west of Heinz is a dense forest where demons and magic beasts live. The demon lords' residences were also scattered in this place. Thus the people of Grants called the forest the [Land of Demon] and never got to develop the region. More like they [cannot].

[Heinz has the Galia mountains in its east and the gra.s.sland in its north from where the threat of barbarians always existed. And there is this Land of Demons in its west. The only open path was from the south. Heinz is truly impregnable as other countries can only invade it through the south. The Land of Demon acts like a natural s.h.i.+eld for Heinz, yet also one of the threats for Heinz itself.]

Ares explained the reasoning behind his decision to Sigurd.

[This area is already like lord Darius' playground. If we attack through here, he'll surely come… in fact, this is the only place where we could afford to have a showdown with him]

Ares nodded lightly.

[After that… what kind of hand Rozenheim's Scion will play next… it's a bit worrying.]

According to the information that Ares had, Darius left many soldiers back home and only marched to the Land of Demon with about 10,000 men.

Also, the two forces will clash in two days.



[Black armored cavalry… this is the first time I've seen something so spectacular…]

On Dirk's comment, Darius squinted his eyes to have a better look at his opponent. He could only agree with his lieutenant.

[None of the soldiers I've seen so far are these unified. It shows a high level skill… we should be careful when engaging them… hmm?]

While Darius and Dirk were exchanging thoughts, a single arrow flew towards Darius with loud swis.h.i.+ng noise as it cut through the air.



Darius caught the arrow with its tip merely a few centimeters away from his face.

[So you are trying to imitate me…hmm?]

Darius noticed that there is a letter strapped on the arrow. He read the contents and grinned.

[……………….interesting. The enemy general has invited me for a meeting.]

[….Boss will just beat him… is he stupid or what…]

[No, this goes to show how confident he is …back then, I only managed to sample his strength for a short while. I might be able to enjoy myself this time.]

After crus.h.i.+ng the paper with his hand, Darius headed to the appointed hill.



When Darius arrived one the appointed place, a young man in white battle attire was already waiting there.

[This will be the first time we officially meet.]

Darius laughed at Ares and got down from his bull steed… he's just that kind of man.

Ares jumped down from Saint as well and also laughed.

It's like two best friends greeting each other.

[That's right… If we don't do this, a lot of lives would be lost in vain.]

Staring at Darius, Ares continued to speak.

[Anyways, is it really okay for you to come here on your own just because I proposed it?]

[A person's general characteristics…is easy to understand after exchanging blows with them. But…]

Darius freed his iron spear from its trapping and proudly held it out.

[I'am the Prince of Grants Princ.i.p.ality Darius! Never have I tasted defeat in my entire life! I'll make you regret your decision to cross swords with me! En garde!]

At that moment Darius' body was enveloped in his golden fighting spirit, attacking Ares in an explosive burst of speed.

[Schwarzer clan heir Ares Schwarzer, going in!]

Similarly Ares strengthened his body with magic power and clashed with Darius head on.

The『Divine Sword Oldeus』of the『Seven Heavenly Swords』was swung into action.

Ares' bluish magic power collided with Darius' golden fighting spirit, erupting in violent and destructive shockwave.


Ares blocked Darius' great iron spear with the flat side of Oldeus.


Then swiftly changed into an attack that targeted the enemy's hand.


Darius calmly twisted his spear to evade the sword, transitioning into another attack right away. Ares was forced to retreat, but immediately unleashed [Invisible Sword] to halt Darius from advancing.

[As expected… fighting this way won't do, huh…]

Ares prepared his sword once more.

On the other side, Darius was also calmly brandis.h.i.+ng his iron spear.

[Then let's try the other method.]

Having said so, Oldeus disappeared from Ares' right hand.

[Holy Sword Excalibur!]

And in its place was a different sword s.h.i.+ning in silver light.


Ares said to the seemingly confused Darius.

[Now let's do it with pure physical and magical power combined. Here I come!]

This time around, Ares attacked Darius with a speed vastly different than earlier.


Not to be outmatched, Darius also wielded his iron spear with an equally fierce momentum. Ares drove his sword in, aiming at the moment when Darius began to swing his spear. But Darius still managed to block his attack in time.

That kind of exchange repeated itself several times.

(Dammit! Even after raising my physical and magical ability with Excalibur, I still couldn't deal a decisive blow!)

Ares clearly had the faster speed. And yet, Darius blocked each of Ares' attack with precision and patience as if waiting. Yes, he's waiting for Ares to be exhausted.

After a couple more exchanges, Ares once again retreated.

[Is it still too easy for you?]

[Indeed it is… do you still have another thing hidden in your sleeve?]

Hearing that Ares could only sigh.

[To be honest, this will be the first time for me to attempt in real battle while in this body …I'm not even sure if it'll work… but you're not someone I can beat so easily, and now that my magic power is enhanced by Excalibur… maybe it might work somehow. I can only try.]

Ares took a deep breath, then began chanting a spell.

He suddenly roared loudly.


At that moment, Ares' body was enveloped by golden fighting spirit.

[!? You can use fighting spirit as well!?]

Ares replied to the surprised Darius.

[Of course. And this isn't all!]

At the same time, his magic power also blanketed his whole body.

The blue magic power and the golden fighting spirit mixed together, forming a white aura.

[Infusing both magic power and fighting spirit to my entire body…. This is the Sword Saint s.h.i.+nn Oldeus' [Magic Sword Style]. Combining physical strengthening and magical strengthening, also Excalibur's strengthening on top…. This is my ace in the hole… Come, let's try it again.]

Having said so Ares poised his sword once again.

[…..interesting. Truly interesting! One secret move after another. This is the opponent I've long searched for!]

Darius showed a ferocious smile after seeing the situation.


He roared loudly and, along with that, his body also grew even bulkier.

[Just how great of a fighting spirit you have…]

Darius merely smiled widely at Ares' comment.

[Yes! Come now, let's begin anew!]

And with that, Darius jumped toward Ares. Ares also met him head on.

Thus a battle that went beyond common sense continued.



Later on, after several dozens more exchanges…

The surrounding terrain had been heavily altered, now adorned with numerous craters. Both Darius and Ares were breathing heavily. But Ares evidently was more exhausted than the former.

(No way… There is no way I can win if this goes on.)

In his short moment of respite, Ares calmly thought.

What he needed to defeat Darius is not speed. Without enough strength, his attacks will only leave little to no damage to Darius. All he needed to do was to disarm him of his iron spear… yes. A blow strong enough to break even the hardest of iron used to forge that long spear.

Ares current attack was not enough to destroy Darius' weapon. If only he could use his entire magic power reserve to strengthen his physical strength to the utmost limit.

Thinking so, Ares undid the 『Holy Sword Excalibur』

[What's wrong? Want to stop?]

Seeing the situation, Darius provoked lightly despite his rough breathing… but he never left his battle stance. He knew that this young man before him isn't someone who would easily break down under such pressure.

Ares quietly closed his eyes, ignoring Darius' provocation. His hand grasped the bladeless『Seven Heavenly Sword』tightly

(All I need now… is a sword that could break through his defense. I should be able to unlock it now!)

[This is a magic sword, an ancient one forged in the fiery flames of h.e.l.l.]

Muttering to himself, Ares raised his hand.

[Magic Sword Gram!]

At that moment, a dazzling light and powerful magic were emitted out from the hilt. Many who witnessed the duel couldn't keep their eyes open due to the blinding light.

When they opened their eyes once more… they saw a new sword within Ares' grasp. One with an ebony colored blade and crimson colored magic power swirling around it.

Author's Note:

What's the difference between physical and magical body strengthening? Someone asked me the other day.

Certainly I have yet to write an explanation, but I will add it in later date.

Magic power is, in short, magic power that allows one to perform magic. Mages consumed this in order to cast their spell. Body strengthening is also one method to use it. However, humans with magic power tend to become mages and usually aren't interested in strengthening their body.

Magic power normally cannot be obtained through other means except inborn talent. In essence, mages are naturally those who were born with magic power.

Ares and Sigurd were born with this talent as well, thus enabling them to use magic power.

Fighting spirit is the unleashed inner power of one's body. In other words, using your mind to control and improve your body's capability.

It's a technique obtainable only to martial artist that has gone through arduous training.

In the same vein as magic power, it can also be used as a kind of body strengthening.

Darius has no magic power. Therefore, by exploiting the fighting spirit hidden within his body, he could obtain power that is equal, if not surpa.s.sing the level of someone whose body has been strengthened by magic.

Ares, who is also an accomplished martial artist, is a rare example who could use both types of body strengthening and even combine it together.