The Story of Hero Among Heroes ~The Founding Chronicles of Arestia - Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Chapter 66 – Princess Knight

The Redgear Kingdom is located west of Grants . Its territory is twice as large as Trevoir, but only half of Grants .

It’s not that huge of a country, but sufficient enough to maintain its independence from powers such as Arcadia Empire .

Redgear boasted two fortresses

The fortress and Soran fortress .

Those two have had many historical battles against Arcadia forces and had remained impregnable .

As of now, 30,000 soldiers led by Prince Carlos is heading to . While Archduke Saxon Georg led 40,000 soldiers to attack Soran .

Arcadia forces marched for 3 days then had been engaged in battle for 4 days . A total of one week and still no victor emerged .

Carlos who received the battle report was enraged .

[You say it’s all because of a mere young girl!?] fortress was currently defended by General Zion the [Gold Tiger General] . A capable general and a solid warrior, he had saved Redgear from several perilous battles .

No matter what strategy Carlos concocted, it was rendered useless thanks to Zion’s ironclad defense .

And above all…

[That white haired witch always got in our way over and over again!]

Intercepting them as the flying squadron was the first princess Liliana Redgear, said to hold the greatest military power in the kingdom .

[Our soldiers were decimated by princess Liliana alone . Her using…that holy sword Alflex…is like a moving strategic weapon already . ]

As they spoke, a silver haired young woman was wading through the battlefield, blowing away Arcadia soldiers with her s.h.i.+ning blue sword with so much ease to the point that the Duke of Hoover Douglas who served as military staff could see her with his bare eyes .

[Arcadia forces is just at this level!? How pathetic!]

The silver princess said so as she dug deeper into her enemy ranks all by herself . Being in the midst of the enemy, naturally the soldiers went in to surround her, but…

With a flash of blue light, those soldiers were blown away .

[It’s all because of that magic sword and princess Liliana as its wielder…I have to admit it after seeing this myself . ]

[I don’t like this… I don’t like this at all!]

Carlos stood up, taking his spear along .

His spear… was emanating dull dark red glow due to certain magical enchantment .

[Demon Spear Killburn . ]

It was said that it belonged to an unknown demon warrior before it somehow made its way to human hands and now, it’s Carlos’ spear .

[This spear should be able to counteract that holy sword . I’ll fight her myself…]

[Please reconsider . A general shouldn’t act only by following his whims . ]

Douglas quietly advised Carlos .

[Although we sacrificed many soldiers, it doesn’t really matter since they are all lower ranked aristocrats’ soldiers . No need to worry about them . ]

Douglas laughed .

[More will come after this . I wonder how long she could endure… isn’t it better to wait for that?]

[…understood . Very well, there are still some time until Esteemed Father arrives anyways . So let’s do things carefully]

In Carlos’ face, a smirk unbefitting of a prince bloomed .

[Just wait you silver hair witch… you’ll regret your folly one day . I’ll be sure to capture you and make you my s.e.x slave . Yes… I’ll definitely enjoy messing her up!]

Looking at the battlefield, the Redgear was clearly the one on the lead . And most of it could be attributed to one person, Princess Liliana . If one looked at the Arcadia forces, the troops provided by the aristocrats were obviously already in tattered state .

[Let those Redgear weaklings do as they like for now and execute all the aristocrats who dare to retreat later . Afterward, we’ll advance with the royal army . ]

Carlos announced as he left the battlefield .



On the other front, Silvia who finally joined Ares was unable to hide her surprise .

[When I heard that he had conquered both Trevoir and Brittany in such a swift manner, I couldn’t believe it… but he actually did it…]

[Even if they were small countries, taking over two of them within a short five days is… unheard of before . Not even the history of the whole continent ever mentioned such a feat . ]

Silvia’s a.s.sistant officer, Astoria also added with astonishment .

Silvia was supposed to take over the command of the forces to conquer Trevoir and Brittany . That’s why she left the capital three days after Ares …but it turns out that Ares had already taken both countries .

When Silvia arrived, she was greeted by the sight of a man in white battle attire, with soldiers in black armor stood behind him .

[It’s good to meet you, Schwarzer’s little lord]

Silvia climbed down from her horse .

[Your Highness has had a long journey . The resting place has been prepared in Trevoir palace, if You may . ]

Ares stepped forward and greeted back . He then walked side by side with Silvia .

[Conquering two countries and not to mention in mere 5 days . Can you tell me your method so I can study it later?]

[Nothing special in particular . It’s all thanks to the soldiers’ hard work . For details, Your Highness may ask Vulcas about it . ]

Ares replied with a laugh to Silvia’s question .



[Merry-go-round charge formation was it…? I’ve never heard of it before . ]

Commented Silvia upon hearing the battle details from Vulcas .

[But to think he took down Trevoir Palace without a fight . ]

[Perhaps, it’s likely because the enemy did not antic.i.p.ate for the blitz . Ares-sama said, the opponent’s decision making capability will be dulled when facing such sudden pressure . ]

[I see… I understand now . Alright then, Vulcas . ]


[You know that being an aide knight for him isn’t your only duty… so could you report the result now?]

Before becoming a knight serving directly under the Emperor, Vulcas was originally one of Silvia’s knights . His loyalty actually tilts more toward Silvia than the Emperor .

The reason why Vulcas was appointed as Ares’ observer this time was because Silvia had pulled some strings behind the scenes . Silvia asked him to observe Ares .

[Ares-dono was astonis.h.i.+ng . To the point that I’m looking forward to what he’ll do next…]

Vulcas’ face turned serious afterward .

[Your Highness . You must not make an enemy out of him at all cost . I couldn’t see through this man . This continent may have a lot of Heroes… but I have a feeling he’s a vessel that will go beyond that . ]

[…is that so?]

[The world will change and he’ll be at the center of it . I’ve only spent about a week with him, but I was made sorely aware of this . . He’s not exactly a horrible person to get along with anyways . ]

Silvia often relied on Vulcas’ ability to judge a person’s characteristics . If Vulcas even said that…

Silvia smiled silently in agreement .

[Was my gut feeling was right? Then we cannot afford to let go of that man… interesting . Very interesting…]