The Story of Hero Among Heroes ~The Founding Chronicles of Arestia - Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Weekly chapters (2/2)

Here comes the explanation about our MC.

Since this is important, please read it carefully.

The author sure has prepared a lot for the future.


Translator: Raizu

Editor: Xaga

Ares Schwarzer

I, Ares Schwarzer, was the first-born son of the current generation of Schwarzer family. The whole of Romania rejoiced since I was the long-awaited successor to the family.

I'm thankful for the blessing and kindness I received from everyone ever since I was born into this world.

The Archduke of Schwarzer is one of the highest existences on the Holy Arcadia Empire, a member of the Four Archduke Clans.

Originally, the clans were officially recognized after the First Emperor married his four daughters to the four most prevalent retainers involved in the founding of the Holy Arcadia Empire. They, including the Schwarzer family that I was born into, held the greatest influence within the empire.

Thus, I, as the eldest son, grew up with everyone pouring their love in me.

But when I was eight years old….I was afflicted with a fever of unknown illness. The doctors gave up as the cause of the sickness remained a mystery. While I was in a lot of pain one night, yet another mysterious event struck me.

And that was…..

Various kind of memories flooded into my head

Those memories belonged to three people. These three were prominent figures in the history of Arcadia continent. Even the eight-year-old me had heard about them.

The first one was the [Alchemy King] also known as the [Great Sage], Gilbert Goraye. The individual who had invented various items through alchemy, which had a great influence on many countries. Moreover, not only did he revive a lot of long-lost magic, but also found the [Non-elemental] Magic which was said to have not existed before. He obtained the t.i.tle of [Honorary Aristocrat] from his achievement as an alchemist and was a black-haired smooth talker in sweet mask on his private life. With his skillful conversation techniques combined with his excellent insight in grasping the hearts of others, he boasted a great popularity among not only many uncourted women of the empire but also of other various countries, which was said to have enabled him to exercise great influence far and wide. Fearing for his powerful magics and his ability to woo any woman he wanted, the head of countries often sent after his life. He had hid himself to protect his own life, and his location had remained a mystery until now.

The second one was the [Sword Saint] and the hero s.h.i.+n Oldeus, a child who was said to be born alongside a sword in an island country in the far east. With that sword, said to be a gift from the G.o.d of Swords, he slew many monsters single-handedly, and it was believed that his battle prowess wouldn't lose to a country. He was unbeatable in a sword fight.

At that time, the most devastating demon king in the history, [Galgain], who could bring countless demons together, was defeated by the power of this lone sword-wielding hero.

Afterward, he went to the demon island and was said to have spent his life there to both recover himself and to keep guard of the place.

Finally, the third one was the renown [G.o.d of War], the Heroic King Leon Arcadia.

No one would not know about this person, as he is the most famous in history. He was the champion who ruled the continent before the time of the Holy Arcadia Empire, the first emperor of the Great Arcadia Empire. Originally just a king of a small country, he fought thousands of battles in his lifetime, the legendary commander who boasted many victories. Said to be also exceptional in political affairs, this individual pushed the Great Arcadia Empire to be an unprecedented superpower. In the present days, he is deified as the [G.o.d of War].




When the memories of those three flooded my head, I was struck by so much pain, fatigue, and nausea that I felt like I almost went crazy. My eight-year-old brain couldn't handle so much information, it's as if the nerves on my brain burned out. I couldn't get up from the bed for a year, unable to do anything….Only suffering, since all I could feel was pain.

I could hardly even eat my meals, the eight-year-old me couldn't understand any of this, and not even able to ask for help….the only thing I was able to do was to endure it all.

Then the end of my suffering came. About a year later. It disappeared, just like that, as if it was just a lie. I had barely eaten anything, and I had stayed in the bed all the time….yet strangely my body and head felt light.

At the same time I also felt that I could take on the world. Yes. I came to an understanding that day. The enormous memories of the three individuals. I had come to possess all of them. It's as if I'd obtained a pair of large wings that'd help me soar high in this world.

The three [Memories] taught me various things. And even more strangely…..I found that I could converse with the three inside my dreams when I'm sleeping.

Gilbert Goray said.

[Take your time, and try to make use of our memories. It'll definitely be a great help for you, boy.]

s.h.i.+n Oldeus said.

[Among the memories, there is my established way of sword. Try to revive it. Once you do, you'll obtain the strongest power in this world. If you want a sparring partner, I will always be here to help you.].

And Leon Arcadia opened his mouth.

[A few years from now, there will be a turning point. You are destined to change the world as the main driving force. A great country, not unlike the Great Arcadia Empire, will be founded….by your very own hands.]




It's been ten years since then. I've been training myself according to their instructions.

Not relying solely on the [Memories], I also read various books. Unbeknownst to me, I'd comprehended the memories of [Alchemy King] and the [G.o.d of War]. Steadily, I've made their [Memories] as my own knowledge.

Not just reading books, I also trained my body. In order to be able to use the swordsmans.h.i.+p of the [Sword Saint], I would sneak out at night to train alone. I'd practice the method taught by s.h.i.+n before going to bed. Several times I felt my muscles tear or cramp to the point of being unable to move. But I would wake up stronger on the next day. And s.h.i.+n would spar me one-on-one and thoroughly beat me into shape inside my dreams.

I'm still only a chick now. But one day, somehow, with the companions who follow me, I want to make the world a safe place for everyone, where they won't have to fear of being hungry.

Later on, there will be no one in Arcadia continent who does not know about the name of [King of Heroes] Ares Schwarzer.

With the [Six Heavenly Generals] as his right hand and under the guidance of the [Seven Wis.e.m.e.n], and more, starting with [Iron Duke], [One-eyed Dragon] …… Heroes from all over the continent who had sworn their allegiance to him, he will rule over this war.

That's right, in order to create his ideal world, [A world where everyone can live safely and equally]……