The Story of Hero Among Heroes ~The Founding Chronicles of Arestia - Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Scarlet Reaper’s Story of the Past .

Evening . When I drew the sword under the moonlight… I sensed a pressure .

I wonder how much time I’ve spent with this fellow . I knew every detail of this sword in my mind . I could talk with it as if I was one with it .

Right, back then… . . I was only called the『Reaper』 .

And later, the red necklace I wear gave me another nickname

『Scarlet Reaper』

It was such a fancy name… . . but it wasn’t wrong either .

Because there is always [death] no matter where I go .

I don’t have many memories regarding my childhood . I don’t even know who my real parents are… . I was found by a priest of a certain church and was raised by him . But he was nothing but a demon in priest’s clothing . There were a lot more others like me . And all of us were put under unspeakable suffering almost all the time, including me . What kind… . . just imagine it yourself . I think you can roughly tell by looking at my right eye . So of course, my first kill was the one who raised me .

The day I lost my right eye… . was the same day that I killed that priest . Not a shred of emotion borne from that event .

After that, I was put in to a certain orphanage for troubled children . But turned out it was a facility to breed and raise new for a certain guild .

And there… . I met the [Sword] that become the half of my existence .

I was so fascinated by it . It was funny . How this tool makes it so much easier to make someone else die .

The guild also started to notice my skill . After staying in the facility for a while, I already began taking orders .

The orders mostly came from the aristocrats . Well, they are an even more rotten existences . Eternally locked in the struggles for more power .

There were also orders from large merchants . Those people are also rotten beings . In any case… . I realized something .

Humans are rotten creatures, indeed .

Then one day…… I met some kids . Even kids got caught up in this rotten power struggles between aristocrats . Weaker people always ended up suffering the consequences .

I… . . may have seen my old self in them .

I don’t mind if you laugh at me . A man called the reaper… . . actually took care and feed the kids .

But right there… . . for the first time I felt myself free from rotten world, and it’s comfortable .



By living with them… . . it’s as if the humanity I once lost had gradually resurfaced .

The guild didn’t like this of course . Once, they attacked during my absence . However, thanks to me gaining the info about the attack in advance, I was able to thwart them .

You couldn’t stop once you enter this world after all

But these kids, they got involved because of me . There was only one way for me to protect these little fellows .

I decided to destroy the organization .

The guild I belonged to boasted the large number of members amongst the many guilds . I supposed they expected me to come . But before me, no defence will be enough .

I killed the guild……I killed them all .

It was an unspeakable memory . But I was finally free .



After that, I had to think about how to feed the kids . The only thing I can do……is swinging my sword . And so…… . I did various kind of works ranging from to being a bouncer .

Thanks to my nickname『Scarlet Reaper』…… . I rarely met any trouble .

Until……today when I was hired to be a bouncer for Baron Gordon .

Even as I worked as an and bouncer, Baron Gordon’s infamy was quite well known .

A man who did all kinds of thing just to make himself rise in the rank .

But that had little to no importance to me . What matters is……I would be able to feed the kids .

A few days after I started working for that man, I had a life-changing encounter with a certain guy .



The job this time was to kidnap the daughter of the Earl of Roxietta… . . and guard the mansion where she was held captive .

It came with a considerably bigger pay than a normal job . So I thought, why not?

The kidnapping was a cake walk . After that, we had a little conversation while returning to the mansion

[The knights of Roxietta will surely come for us… . why don’t you ambush them first, and get rid of them . ]

The Baron said that to the hired mercenaries .

[You sure? It’s the soldiers of Roxietta we are talking about . They are quite well known as warrior . ]

[There is the royal family backing me up . It won’t develop into a large scale battle . No need to worry . ]

Gordon laughed .

[2 days from now, Prince Joseph will give us a visit . There is nothing we should be scared about as long as everything is on time . ]

Baron Gordon and his son headed to the room where the daughter of the Earl of Roxietta was being held captive afterward .

We, the mercenaries, were left waiting in a separate room .

[But…that girl, she’s really a looker . Don’t mind if I can have my way with her . ]

[And that father and son will get to enjoy her . How envious . ]

[Perhaps we’ll get a taste too after they’re done]

The mercenaries laughed merrily in between their conversation . Meanwhile I was just listening to them while closing my eyes and leaned myself on the wall .

It was at that moment . A booming sound came from the gate… . followed by the frantic screaming of men .

[What the… what just happened??]

The mercenaries were amazed . They tried to survey the surroundings whilst readying their equipment . While other mercenaries were busy with themselves……only I could sense that a powerful monster had appeared .

(What the, the sweat won’t stop… . . !)

I heard a voice calling for us from the room where Baron Gordon was in .

By then, I could still run away .

An alarm rang inside my head . But beyond that… . . the curiosity on what kind of monster it was got the better of me .

Standing over there was a boy who barely reached adulthood . However, his clothes was soaked in blood . I could easily imagine how he came to this room .

What they talked about, I didn’t remember . All I remember was heads flying off from their body with one swing of that boy’s sword .

His swing was casual but full of power, something I thought to be impossible .

And then… . . I was knocked down outcold with a single blow…





[Oi, Kiel . Are you listening?]

Apparently I was daydreaming about the past .

The big guy in front of me offered me a mug . To be honest, I don’t really want it .

[Baran, please keep it quiet . Don’t bother anyone while you are drunk . Good grief . Can you just leave Kiel alone? It’s a ha.s.sle to tell you that every single time]

[Shaddap! Karina! I’m here to keep this territory safe from harm… . ]

[Hey there, please excuse Baran’s att.i.tude . He has a needlessly loud voice that tends to bother everyone else . ]

[I wonder if you can even drink quietly… . ]

Scolded by two more people this time, Baran’s voice got even louder instead .

[What the hey! Now Flick and Robin too!! You guys really misunderstood me, do you!?]

[Also, didn’t you merely tell what is already obvious? What Ares-sama envisioned is also our vision too . ]

Once Robin said that, Baran became quiet .

[Well… . that’s right . ]

Then, Flick laughed and patted the depressed Baran’s shoulder .

[Forget that . Let’s drink for now . Boss! One more]

Karina also laughed after seeing the mishap… .

Looking at this myself… . I also smiled .

I couldn’t do this back then, smiling carefreely like this .

Yes, these people are my companions now . There are still many others……those who share the same ambition .

… . .



Back then… . . after taking me out of Baron Gordon’s mansion… . . Ares-sama said .

Back then… . . after taking me out of Baron Gordon’s mansion… . . Ares-sama said .

[Will you join me?]


[If you want to bring people in, I will take care of them too . ]

Now, the kids who I took care before are living well in a orphanage in Schwarzer Territory . Unlike me… . . it’s not the h.e.l.lish facility, but a true orphanage that nurture the parentless children . I heard that they not only willingly take care children from Schwarzer territory but also those coming from all over Arcadia .

And so I……decided to work under him . What I’m wearing……this bracelet around my wrist, is a proof of my loyalty .

All of my companions wear the same bracelet on their wrist… . without saying . It’s our pride .

We will be his sword……to carve the world he wishes for .



Immediately under the order of the King of Heroes Ares, was a group of people nicknamed 『Broken Legion』 . They swore allegiance to Ares personally, instead of to the country .

Their capability was proven later on by successfully routing the demon army, barbarian cavalry, and even the Aryan warriors which is said that even one was more than enough to defeat a camp of soldiers single-handedly .

The『Broken Legion』is consisted of several groups .

Wearing a blue uniform was the『Blue Legion』which excels in long range magic attack .

Wearing a red uniform was the light cavalry boasting supreme mobility, the『Red Legion』

Dressed in uniformly black armor was the heavy cavalry『Black Legion』with their unstoppable charge .

And then… . different from the three other legions, there was one without a proper uniform . These particular members of the『Broken Legion』are the most loyal and are the greatest in terms of fighting prowess . Each one was a warrior that could match an army of other nations on their own .

Each and every one of them are wearing white bracelets on their wrist, thus called the『White Legion』

It won’t be inappropriate to say that one hundred of the White Legions were more than a match for ten thousand soldiers . According to the history books, it became a place where anyone aspiring to become a knight would aim to .

However… . . the King of Heroes himself once said .

[They are strong . But they are also a bunch of weirdos . ]

Scarlet Reaper’s Story of the Past . .

Evening . When I drew the sword under the moonlight… I sensed a pressure

I wonder how much time I’ve spent with this fellow . I knew every detail of this sword in my mind . I could talk with it as if I was one with it

Right, back then… I was only called the『Reaper』

And later, the red necklace I wear gave me another nickname.

『Scarlet Reaper』.

It was such a fancy name… but it wasn’t wrong either Because there is always [death] no matter where I go

I don’t have many memories regarding my childhood . I don’t even know who my real parents are… . I was found by a priest of a certain church and was raised by him . But he was nothing but a demon in priest’s clothing . There were a lot more others like me . And all of us were put under unspeakable suffering almost all the time, including me . What kind… just imagine it yourself . I think you can roughly tell by looking at my right eye . So of course, my first kill was the one who raised me

The day I lost my right eye… . was the same day that I killed that priest . Not a shred of emotion borne from that event

After that, I was put in to a certain orphanage for troubled children . But turned out it was a facility to breed and raise new for a certain guild And there… . I met the [Sword] that become the half of my existence

I was so fascinated by it . It was funny . How this tool makes it so much easier to make someone else die

The guild also started to notice my skill . After staying in the facility for a while, I already began taking orders

The orders mostly came from the aristocrats . Well, they are an even more rotten existences . Eternally locked in the struggles for more power

There were also orders from large merchants . Those people are also rotten beings . In any case… . I realized something Humans are rotten creatures, indeed

Then one day…… I met some kids . Even kids got caught up in this rotten power struggles between aristocrats . Weaker people always ended up suffering the consequences

I… may have seen my old self in them I don’t mind if you laugh at me . A man called the reaper… actually took care and feed the kids

But right there… for the first time I felt myself free from rotten world, and it’s comfortable

=====. â—†.

By living with them… it’s as if the humanity I once lost had gradually resurfaced

The guild didn’t like this of course . Once, they attacked during my absence . However, thanks to me gaining the info about the attack in advance, I was able to thwart them

You couldn’t stop once you enter this world after all.

But these kids, they got involved because of me . There was only one way for me to protect these little fellows

I decided to destroy the organization

The guild I belonged to boasted the large number of members amongst the many guilds . I supposed they expected me to come . But before me, no defence will be enough

I killed the guild……I killed them all It was an unspeakable memory . But I was finally free

=====. â—†.

After that, I had to think about how to feed the kids . The only thing I can do……is swinging my sword . And so…… . I did various kind of works ranging from to being a bouncer

Thanks to my nickname『Scarlet Reaper』…… . I rarely met any trouble Until……today when I was hired to be a bouncer for Baron Gordon

Even as I worked as an and bouncer, Baron Gordon’s infamy was quite well known A man who did all kinds of thing just to make himself rise in the rank But that had little to no importance to me . What matters is……I would be able to feed the kids

A few days after I started working for that man, I had a life-changing encounter with a certain guy

=====. â—†.

The job this time was to kidnap the daughter of the Earl of Roxietta… and guard the mansion where she was held captive

It came with a considerably bigger pay than a normal job . So I thought, why not?.

The kidnapping was a cake walk . After that, we had a little conversation while returning to the mansion.

[The knights of Roxietta will surely come for us… . why don’t you ambush them first, and get rid of them . ].

The Baron said that to the hired mercenaries

[You sure? It’s the soldiers of Roxietta we are talking about . They are quite well known as warrior . ].

[There is the royal family backing me up . It won’t develop into a large scale battle . No need to worry . ].

Gordon laughed

[2 days from now, Prince Joseph will give us a visit . There is nothing we should be scared about as long as everything is on time . ].

Baron Gordon and his son headed to the room where the daughter of the Earl of Roxietta was being held captive afterward

We, the mercenaries, were left waiting in a separate room

[But…that girl, she’s really a looker . Don’t mind if I can have my way with her . ].

[And that father and son will get to enjoy her . How envious . ].

[Perhaps we’ll get a taste too after they’re done].

The mercenaries laughed merrily in between their conversation . Meanwhile I was just listening to them while closing my eyes and leaned myself on the wall

It was at that moment . A booming sound came from the gate… . followed by the frantic screaming of men

[What the… what just happened??].

The mercenaries were amazed . They tried to survey the surroundings whilst readying their equipment . While other mercenaries were busy with themselves……only I could sense that a powerful monster had appeared

(What the, the sweat won’t stop… !).

I heard a voice calling for us from the room where Baron Gordon was in

By then, I could still run away

An alarm rang inside my head . But beyond that… the curiosity on what kind of monster it was got the better of me

Standing over there was a boy who barely reached adulthood . However, his clothes was soaked in blood . I could easily imagine how he came to this room

What they talked about, I didn’t remember . All I remember was heads flying off from their body with one swing of that boy’s sword His swing was casual but full of power, something I thought to be impossible And then… I was knocked down outcold with a single blow….

=====. â—†.

[Oi, Kiel . Are you listening?].

Apparently I was daydreaming about the past

The big guy in front of me offered me a mug . To be honest, I don’t really want it

[Baran, please keep it quiet . Don’t bother anyone while you are drunk . Good grief . Can you just leave Kiel alone? It’s a ha.s.sle to tell you that every single time].

[Shaddap! Karina! I’m here to keep this territory safe from harm… . ].

[Hey there, please excuse Baran’s att.i.tude . He has a needlessly loud voice that tends to bother everyone else . ].

[I wonder if you can even drink quietly… . ].

Scolded by two more people this time, Baran’s voice got even louder instead

[What the hey! Now Flick and Robin too!! You guys really misunderstood me, do you!?].

[Also, didn’t you merely tell what is already obvious? What Ares-sama envisioned is also our vision too . ].

Once Robin said that, Baran became quiet

[Well… . that’s right . ].

Then, Flick laughed and patted the depressed Baran’s shoulder

[Forget that . Let’s drink for now . Boss! One more].

Karina also laughed after seeing the mishap…

Looking at this myself… . I also smiled I couldn’t do this back then, smiling carefreely like this

Yes, these people are my companions now . There are still many others……those who share the same ambition

… . … .

Back then… after taking me out of Baron Gordon’s mansion… Ares-sama said

[Will you join me?].


[If you want to bring people in, I will take care of them too . ].

Now, the kids who I took care before are living well in a orphanage in Schwarzer Territory . Unlike me… it’s not the h.e.l.lish facility, but a true orphanage that nurture the parentless children . I heard that they not only willingly take care children from Schwarzer territory but also those coming from all over Arcadia

And so I……decided to work under him . What I’m wearing……this bracelet around my wrist, is a proof of my loyalty

All of my companions wear the same bracelet on their wrist… . without saying . It’s our pride

We will be his sword……to carve the world he wishes for

=====. â—†.

Immediately under the order of the King of Heroes Ares, was a group of people nicknamed 『Broken Legion』 . They swore allegiance to Ares personally, instead of to the country

Their capability was proven later on by successfully routing the demon army, barbarian cavalry, and even the Aryan warriors which is said that even one was more than enough to defeat a camp of soldiers single-handedly

The『Broken Legion』is consisted of several groups

Wearing a blue uniform was the『Blue Legion』which excels in long range magic attack

Wearing a red uniform was the light cavalry boasting supreme mobility, the『Red Legion』.

Dressed in uniformly black armor was the heavy cavalry『Black Legion』with their unstoppable charge

And then… . different from the three other legions, there was one without a proper uniform . These particular members of the『Broken Legion』are the most loyal and are the greatest in terms of fighting prowess . Each one was a warrior that could match an army of other nations on their own Each and every one of them are wearing white bracelets on their wrist, thus called the『White Legion』.

It won’t be inappropriate to say that one hundred of the White Legions were more than a match for ten thousand soldiers . According to the history books, it became a place where anyone aspiring to become a knight would aim to

However… the King of Heroes himself once said

[They are strong . But they are also a bunch of weirdos . ].