The Story of Hero Among Heroes ~The Founding Chronicles of Arestia - Chapter 123

Chapter 123

Weekly chapters (2/2)

Double chapter of King Heroes~

It's quite long chapter.


Chapter 123 – True Dwarves

The dwarf.

It's said that they're born as the servants of G.o.d to control the ground.

They are excitable and easy going. They also don't bother too much about details.

They are short statured, but their body consists of solid muscles. Therefore, many of them became renowned warriors. There were many dwarves who actually work as mercenaries.

But what they are truly best at is craftsmans.h.i.+p. Be it weapons, armors, sculptures and buildings; all are top quality. And contrary to their characteristics, their works are meticulously detailed.

They are also a race with a fondness for food and liquor. If you can bring them a delicious meal or good liquor, they'd even go as far as buying those with money.

They certainly had their quirks, but they are undoubtedly an indispensable presence in this world.

And then… among the dwarves, those who bear the pure bloodline of their forefathers were called the 『True Dwarves』.

There were three dwarven clans that claimed themselves to be the 『True Dwarves』.

One was in the northern Wolfgard. Another was living on the border of Thracia in the west and Tranberg Princ.i.p.ality in northwest. And… the last one built their settlement in the mountain ranges near Grants.

During the time of the former Grants Princ.i.p.ality, they weren't particularly hostile and neither did they interact with outside often…

[But we can't say that for sure in the coming days. They might not be hostile today, but there is no guarantee that they won't attack us in the future. Also, we need their skills to forge ahead further, that's why we need to negotiate well with them.]

Ares explained as the group entered the true dwarves settlement.


[Halt, humans!]

The moment the guard entered the town, they were stopped by what appeared to be the town guard.

[This is the city of the 『True Dwarves』. I do not recall having asked humans to come. With what purpose do you all come here??]

[Oi oi, don't tell me you forgot my face already?]

Darius moved forward ahead of Ares. He then approached the guard and leaned his body forward as if letting the guard see his face better.

[Y- your face is too close!]

The guardsman shouted as he retreated.

[Lo-Lord Darius!?]

[Yes, it is I. Darius.]

Darius smiled, while on the contrary, the dwarven guardsman looked a little disgusted.

[You… nothing good ever happened when you were around…]

[Whatsoever do you mean?]

[No, it is nothing!]

The guardsman promptly struck up a salute, and said.

[Welcome, dwarven friends. Bless you all for the arrival.]

[Ahh, thanks. I shall be intruding without hesitation then. Let's go, Milord.]

Darius then urged Ares, who was smiling wryly, to go onward.


[Ey, Darius… are you really a friend with these dwarves?]

Ares asked Darius carefully.

[Obviously. That's why everyone is staring at me. They must be glad to see me again after a long absence.]

The dwarves they pa.s.sed by were certainly eyeing Darius. Ares sensed no malice from all of them… but for some reason, all of them had an annoyed look on their faces.

[Ermm… just what have you done in here anyway?]

[What does Milord mean… I came here just to buy some 『Dwarven Firebreath』though?]

[Ah, that. Of course.]

The dwarven firebreath was famous as a liquor with a strong alcoholic content. It can be said to be the longing of every liquor gourmet around the continent. And… of course it's the favorite liquor of the dwarves.

[Rest a.s.sured. I haven't done that anymore ever since the 『Distilled Spirit』was made.]

Darius showed a refres.h.i.+ng smile while saying so. Ares deeply sighed.

Darius said before arriving in this town to leave the talking to him since he had a strong connection to these dwarves.


(Uーn, this has become worrying now. I was too optimistic…)

Ares unconsciously facepalmed.

[Ah, Milord.]

[What is it this time?]

[I forgot to tell you, I had a scuffle with the chief the last time I visited. I was quite devastated, since it's a quarrel over just a small amount of liquor. That's why, it'll be up to Milord to make this negotiation come through!]

[You should've told me that earlier!]

Ares became even more uneasy. On the other hand, the chief's residence was already in sight.

It was a large stone building.

Regardless of his anxiety, Ares bravely pa.s.sed through the gate.


[Welcome, O' Lord of the Frontier! I'm Galdor, the chief of this town!]

Unlike what Ares imagined, the true dwarves chief Galdor greeted him with a lively smile.

Ares observed the person carefully as he accepted the handshake.

Just like all other dwarves, Galdor had a short stature. But his arms and legs were equally thick with muscles. The calluses in his hand also gave off the clue that he's an excellent warrior.

[But well, I've never expected someone like him would actually call someone else his lord… after hearing the story, I've really wanted to meet you in person…]

While saying so, Galdor glanced at Darius before returning with a serious gaze to Ares.

[The gnomes made a fuss when you came. It's a happy occasion when they do. But they didn't do that when Darius came on his own… so it's gotta be because of you.]

He grinned while saying so.

[Well then, what has brought the Lord of Frontier himself to our door this time?]

But Galdor's eyes remained sharp during the entire exchange.


Even under Galdor's sharp gaze, Ares didn't break his smile one bit. This made Galdor to inwardly growl.

(He must be very used to killing intent if he didn't even flinch after all that… what a fine fellow. Now, is he truly a big fish or just another fool…)

Ares took out a wooden box all of a sudden and offered it to Galdor. He then said.


Galdor was dumbstricken by that word. But Ares continued on.

[I wish to befriend the true dwarves. And… I wish that we could interact with each other more often. Of course, it's not for free.]

Ares then gently opened the box. On one side was a beautifully made gla.s.s bottle, with sparkling amber colored liquid contained within.

On the other side, was a large chunk of dried meat.

[While interacting, I wish that I can learn your trades in craftsmans.h.i.+p. And in exchange, to deepen our friends.h.i.+p, we'll provide you with this liquor and food.]

Galdor's eyes were already nailed to the bottle of liquor from when it was revealed. Even the famous 『Dwarven Firebreath』couldn't be processed to become that clear looking liquid.

Dwarves are inherently fond of good liquor and delicious food. And now Galdor was presented with a liquor that he'd never seen before.

[Fumu… bringing liquor to the dwarves' home. Just how confident can you be?]

[Ee, but I am confident that this high quality liquor will manage to impress you. How about it? Don't you want to taste it??]

[I intend to do that from the beginning. Anyone! Bring me a goblet!]

[No need, I've prepared it here.]

Ares then took out a chalice made from clear gla.s.s from his bag. Galdor looked surprised when he saw it.

[Hou… that's a beautiful vessel you have there…]

Ares poured the liquor into the gla.s.s chalice under Galdor's gaze. The latter took a single sip, and promptly shouted.


Then he took a second and third sip to confirm the taste.

[Strong… strong liquor… probably stronger than our Firebreath… but with such a mellow taste.]

What Ares brought out was of course the 『Distilled Spirits』. Dwarves like liquor, especially ones with strong alcoholic content. This time, Ares thought to win them over via their stomach.

[Why don't you sample this one as well to top it off?]

[Un? This dried meat? We have plenty if it's just this…]

[But this one isn't any ordinary meat. Well, I shouldn't divulge further. Just sample it and you'll know the difference.]

Following Ares' suggestion, Galdor sampled a small piece of the dried meat that Ares had cut for him beforehand… and he once again roared.


Unlike earlier when he carefully sipped the liquor, Galdor practically devoured the meat. The dried meat on the plate was gone in a matter of seconds.

[Delis.h.!.+ Too delicious actually! What kind of meat was that?!]

[It has gradually become our local specialty… the platinum meat, buffalo magic beast's meat.]

[Buffalo magic beast you say!?]

[Yes, this meat is the result after we drained out the blood. We devised a way to process the meat of this magic beast, and it resulted in this delicious meat.

Ares observed Galdor. It seemed that he managed to pique the latter's interest.

So Ares launched the final blow.

[Galdor-dono… I always consider that the dwarves' history and technology are wonderful. We'll be proud if we could push our technology to be slightly on par with yours. Building friends.h.i.+p by interacting with each other and taking in each others' good points… wouldn't that be mutually beneficial for both of us?]

Galdor turned his gaze toward the liquor and meat, then back to Ares.

[Do you mind setting aside some of this meat and liquor for me?]

[I don't really mind… what is it for?]

[I'll use them to convince the elders. The exchange should be worth it. Especially with these meat and liquor in the equation. And in addition to that…]

Galdor grinned widely.

[There is also you.]


At dawn, Ares and Darius headed back to the dwarven town from their camp.

Just as Galdor told them the day before, the two headed to a hill overlooking the town.

Upon arriving, Ares saw many dwarves, including Galdor, had gathered there as if waiting for him.

[O' Lord of the Frontier, did you sleep well last night?]

Galdor greeted with a smile.

[About yesterday, we're here to announce the response… the elders will be the one to do so.]

Behind Galdor were eight elderly looking dwarves.

[The distilled spirits and dried meat you brought… were too attractive of an offer for us. The elders are convinced. However…]

Galdor stared at Ares sharply.

[We've been avoiding interaction with other races, because… we wish to preserve our culture.]

Ares could understand what they mean… somewhat. Exposure to another culture will bring changes. And the true dwarves didn't want any of that.

[However… I have a feeling that your arrival here might've been the sign for us to finally change. Therefore, we would like to consult our G.o.d first.]

Galdor pointed at something behind him. It was a spear lodged in a rock.

[Inside that spear resides the spirit that the G.o.ddess Celestina sent to protect us. It was thanks to the spear's protection that we could live here peacefully. If you truly mean no harm and would protect us, then according to the G.o.ddess' words, the spear will accept you… Lord of the Frontier, can you pull that spear out from the stone?]

[Oi oi, hold on a minute. Isn't that the spear that I couldn't pull out back then? Having Milord attempt to pull it out… are you sure?]

Galdor replied to Darius' question.

[We have thought a lot about this, Darius. What the Lord of the Frontier said yesterday made sense. And the liquor as well as the meat were too attractive to pa.s.s. But we still have our reservations. So in the end, we decided to leave the decision to the G.o.ddess' will. Should the Lord of the Frontier pull the spear out, that means G.o.ddess Celestina is giving us Her approval to finally move on.]

Galdor then urged Ares once more.

[Lord of the Frontier. Would you… please?]

Ares walked toward the spear quietly in response.

The dwarves present at the site couldn't tear their eyes away from the sight.

(Good grief, why does it have to be this difficult?)

Ares laughed inwardly.

He could sense an immense magic power coming from the spear which was lodged deeply into the rock.

Ares whispered in his heart as he placed his hand upon the spear handle.

(O' spirit and G.o.ddess Celestina. If I'm worthy to become these dwarves' friend… then please a.s.sist me.)

With that, Ares started pulling the spear from the rock.

And then…

The spear was pulled out of the rock so effortlessly.



Seeing this spectacle, the dwarves started to make noises.

Ignoring the hubris, Ares observed the spear carefully as he held it in one hand.

It was a beautiful spear. As if the fact that it's been left in the open all this time was a lie. And the immense magic power remained even after it's been pulled from the rock. A bright light was emitted from its tip, attracting a lot of attention.

While Ares was fascinated by the spear, he finally sensed someone behind him. When he turned around, he noticed that many dwarves, including Galdor, had gathered around him.

[Lord of the Frontier… well done.]

Galdor smiled.

[We, the true dwarves, hereby recognize you as our true friend, and therefore we agree to your suggestion. As the true dwarves, we are willing to lay our life if it's for the sake of our true friend. So ask anything you want.]

That said, he stretched his hand out.

With a smile on his face, Ares shook that hand.

[I see. Thank you. Then, can I make my first request now?]

[What is it? Ask anything you want.]

[Whatever the case, I don't want you to give up your life for me so easily.]

Hearing Ares' first request, Galdor's face frowned, before quickly turning into a satisfied laugh. The other dwarves also did the same.

Ares and Darius also joined the laughter band. Soon, the echo of their laughter could be heard even from the dwarven town.


Afterward, a banquet was held in the dwarven town. The White Legion that were standing by outside was called to join in as well. The entire town had become a grand feast.

[O' friend, I want you to keep that spear.]

At one table, Galdor kept insisting Ares to keep the spear. Although Ares declined at first, Galdor persisted until Ares finally had to give up. And thus, the spirit G.o.ddess spear, the 『Divine Spear Reinart』was entrusted to him.

[With that spear in hand, the other 『true dwarves』living on the different sides of the continent will also a.s.sist you.]

Galdor said.

On the next day, Ares and Galdor concluded the agreement, although it's only provisional at the moment. He and Darius then headed out of the dwarven town, this time heading to the mountain where the 『Fighting Tribe Aryans』settled.

[Well… this time we might be up for some difficulties. We should be prepared.]

Ares whispered to himself.