The Story of Hero Among Heroes ~The Founding Chronicles of Arestia - Chapter 119

Chapter 119

Weekly chapters (2/2)

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Enjoy the read~

Translator: Raizu

Editor: s.h.i.+rayuki

Chapter 119 – The Heretic

Felix Rhynemeier was born as the third son of an Arcadia Empire baronet.

Since he's the third son of a low ranking aristocrat, he was sent to a seminary from childhood to reduce food costs. He was discovered by Lucius, who was still an archbishop by then. He then was told to study at the Imperial Academy to widen his horizons.

He was along with one other person that year, Cecil Griffith, his best friend as well as his rival in most kinds of things.

After graduating from the seminary, both chose to walk the path of the holy knights.

But their paths took a major contrast from there.

Regardless of his achievements, Felix did not receive as much recognition as Cecil did, making the latter more successful than the former.

Everybody said that it's due to Felix's character.

[I didn't become a Holy Knight to make them even fatter. I don't want to feed extra mouths!]

He's a stubborn man who does not care about authority, always acting according to his own beliefs. It's probably because of that he received less recognition from the higher ups despite being as capable as Cecil.

And because of that, he often got flagged, with Cecil having to cover for him. He was also hara.s.sed regularly. In the end, he got tired of all that and quit from being a Holy Knight, opting to pursue the path of regular priesthood.

But it's still the same old song. He created too many enemies due to his excellent skill in sacred arts. Thus, after some persuasion from Cecil, he decided to leave for Grants, where n.o.body was willing to go.

Cecil had another goal in mind by doing so. It was to stabilize Felix's position. With his mastery over sacred arts and his knowledge on the teaching, he would be in the position of someone with authority.

Normally, it would be inconvenient for an ordinary priest to lead a Royal wedding.

People urged that Ares' wedding should be held at the Royal Capital. But Ares dismissed all those voices and chose to stay in Grants. Cornelia agreed to it, and Arcadia Empire acknowledged his intention, so it's been decided that the wedding would be held on Grants instead.

Many factions originally wanted to send their subordinate to attend the wedding. But it's Grants we are talking about here, a country of barbarians and monsters, not to mention the existence of the demons.

Despite the rumour about how many migrants found a better life after moving into Grants, that land still remained an uncomfortable place for factions and the church as the spies they sent never returned to the point that going there was considered suicidal. No matter how much of a bounty was offered, n.o.body dared to take the job.

Cecil was given the t.i.tle of 『Bishop』for sending Felix to Grants. Of course, he also offered a lot of donations in lieu of that.

[How superfluous… I just wanted to stay away from those rotten people…]

[Don't say that, Felix. The time will come when we will need your strength. At that time, if you happen to be in a higher position already, all the better. Well, for now, just spend your time at Grants. I'm sure Ares-sama will…]

[Where do you think I'm going? There is that person. And Cornelisama is also there so of course I will definitely behave.]

After that exchange, Felix left for Grants. A week after he left the royal capital, he finally arrived safely in Heinz.



The first thing Felix did after arriving was to head to the church. Seeing the church, he was lost for words.

[Oi oi, what's with this building? It's even more majestic than the cathedral on the Royal Capital.]

Although the size was a little smaller than the Royal Capital cathedral, it's definitely larger than any other churches he had seen. Not only huge, it was also decorated with intricate and detailed carvings. It was attractive to say the least.

Of course, there were still some rough sculptures to be seen here and there, but it's insignificant compared to the entire thing.

[Perhaps because the sculptors weren't experienced. Well, we can easily fix that and probably also fix those that seemed unfinished.]

George appeared while saying that, as if answering Felix's question.

After hearing the explanation, Felix came to know that Ares had let any sculptors, both beginner and advanced, to carve on public objects freely.

[It's to help promote and train the aspiring sculptors, so the works are completely free… isn't that like helping each other?] was how Ares said it.

After realizing why some of the results were plain bad, Felix simply chuckled.

[That's just like him alright. He hasn't changed at all.]

While saying so, Felix's gaze fell on the statue sitting at the back of the temple. The statue in question doesn't seem like something that should be put inside a church.

[But after seeing all these, I kinda can tell why he did that.]

George nodded as a response.

[We heard that you were sent here by Cecil.

[…….State Secretary, you coming here personally, is it also some kind of a warning?]

[Partially. The other part is me looking forward to seeing the reunion between old friends… do you have anything to say about that?]

[Haa… don't make me laugh… I know you're not that kind of guy. Depending on my reaction, those who're hiding in the shadow will jump out to attack me… isn't that right?]

[…..just a precaution, that's all. In case the person who appears this time intends to cause trouble from the start… that's how I think. But how can I have the heart to do that to an old friend?]

George replied while keeping a straight face, causing Felix to laugh.

[Aaa scary scary. As usual, that guy always ended up making a hotbed. Well, compared to the Royal Capital, it'll be harder for me to cause trouble here. Well then, when do I get to meet him?]

And so, Felix left the church and headed to the resident of the lord, Ares.



[Welcome, Felix. It's been a long time.]

Ares chuckled as he greeted Felix.

[Oya well, to have the lord himself to meet me. Of course, I've been doing great.]

[Why of course, you are a 『Bishop』now after all.]

[Ha, touche.]

The two were quick to mock each other. But the smiles on their faces made it evident that it was all just in a joking manner.

Felix only had a very small number of acquaintances among the aristocrats. One of them was Ares. Of course, Ares was informed about why this man went to this land of self-reliance called Grants.

Ordinarily, most aristocrats often get angry since Felix tends to act a bit rude while around them. Thus he wasn't well-received by his colleagues and boss.

Ares doesn't mind about such a thing. Anyone could act as themselves while around him. That pretty much made Heinz as the most fitting place for Felix to work.

[Then, Felix. I think you already know about it…]

[Yeah, is it something unique to this place?]

Heinz' uniqueness lies in the fact that there are various races living together here.

From human to beastkin, half-elf, to demi-human like dwarves and even demonkins who're supposed to be hostile to humankind.

These races of course have different religions.

Human wors.h.i.+ps the Sun G.o.d 『Ain』, said to be Great G.o.d who is also the father to all other G.o.ds.

The other races certainly have their own Chief G.o.d. Like the beastkin that wors.h.i.+ps the Beast G.o.d 『Lioniel』, said to be the forefather of all beastkins. The long eared elves wors.h.i.+p the Divine Spirit 『Celestina』. And even the demonkins… they wors.h.i.+p 『Ain's』sister Demon G.o.ddess 『Acrodina』.

The current teachings of the church forced everyone to wors.h.i.+p the Sun G.o.d, making other races have little respect for them.

In the teaching, races other than humans are also treated as lower beings.

[The church here does not discriminate against other races. Demihumans, demonkins… everyone is free to wors.h.i.+p their G.o.ds in the church.]

Ares turned a sharp gaze toward Felix.

[Therefore I want to have my wedding in front of not only the Sun G.o.d, but all of those G.o.ds. Be it the Beast G.o.d, Divine Spirit, or even the Demon G.o.ddess.]

Felix listened to Ares silently. He remembered how the statue of the Sun G.o.d wasn't the only one inside the church. There were also other statues of G.o.ds that are supposedly shunned by the teachings.

Reflecting on that, Felix laughed out loud.

[Hahaha! Interesting, how interesting. In short, you want me to become the first priest in history to lead a ceremony in front of all G.o.ds? That is very interesting!]

Felix then turned to Ares, and bowed.

[With pleasure. This Felix will lead the wedding ceremony. Let's work together for the future to come.]



That day, Ares consulted Felix about the procession and also about the future.

There were two main points in Ares consultation.

One was about Cornelia. And the other regarding the existence of Sirius.

[When everything has calmed down, Cornelia said that she'd want to help out. So I'll be imposing on you.]

[I'd be grateful to have a certified Saintess to help me out…..the most important thing is that she doesn't discriminate against other races. Perfect for this kind of place.]

[Then, about Sirius…]

[He's still a youngling. It'll be good for him to get in touch with the many religions in this place. Doing so will broaden his mindset.]

That said, Felix gave Ares a serious look.

[According to Cardinal Lucius and Cecil… we decided to send Sirius here to hide him from the eyes of the church, for his own growth and for when the time comes… to make Grants be the center of everything.]

Then he smiled mischievously.

[Therefore, I have to get used to this place as soon as possible. Sincerely thank you, Your Excellency.]

Felix and Sirius' arrival would later have a significant impact with Ares' relation with the church.

And what they'd cooked up would show itself in a few years from now…

Author's Note:

Thank you for your continuous support.

Regardless of whether it turned out good or bad, all of your responses were great… All those are encouragement for me to work a little bit harder.

There are many opinions coming in, but if you start to feel unpleasant about the story, it's also fine to stop reading.

And for those who continue to support me… Thank you.