"My boy Long! It's really you! Cough Cough " w.a.n.g Tiantang's voice was heard as soon as Zhu Long and Han Qiang entered his room. w.a.n.g Lu rushed to w.a.n.g Tiantang and put her palm over his chest and rubbed it, "Father! I've told you many times to not push yourself but You keep on doing so. It will only make your condition worse. You have recovered on a small amount after that battle, So please rest well, or else it might get worse."
w.a.n.g Lu's voice was stern and her tone serious. Zhu Long nodded when he heard w.a.n.g Lu. He slowly walked towards w.a.n.g Tiantang and said in a deep voice, "Who did this?" w.a.n.g Tiantang was taken aback for Zhu Long's sudden question but he shook his head and chuckled. Little lu, I will be fine, Please, let me talk to Long and this pretty lady here. You can scold mesad later." w.a.n.g Lu shook her head and walked to the wall. fsdf
Han Qiang walked towards h er and smiled, "Sister Lu is a very caring person." w.a.n.g Lu shyly smiled and thanked her. "Long, it's been so long and the first words you say to me is 'Who did this?' not even a simple greeting? Humph! Just like that Yong!" w.a.n.g Tiantang scoffed.
Han Qiang walked towards Zhu Long and pinched his arm, she also looked a bit angry by Zhu Long's actions. Zhu Long shook his head while rubbing the place where Han Qiang pinched. "Emperor Tiantang, Uncle… I apologize, It's just I just found out about everything, I don't want to lose someone else. I don't even know what happened or if anyone is still alive. All the things that I do know are based of people's gossips so it isn't that reliable."
w.a.n.g Tiantang looked towards Zhu Long and smiled, "Child, I was only trying to pull your leg. I know how you are so you need not apologize. But still, I guess it must have been hard that you just found out about what happened 15 years ago. You must have been far away, really far. I did try to find you but I never even got a clue so I had to give up. I was very happy the moment that you entered the room, at least You live." He then looked towards Han Qiang and smiled, a bit of sadness in his eyes. a.s.sd
"And You even got yourself a lady. I guess times have changed, but you did find yourself a fine woman. At least someone who can control you, that Yong had one just like her, a shame she died a long time ago. This little lady reminds me of her… Long, Don't you lose her as well." w.a.n.g Tiantang then shook his head, "I apologize, I just remembered a sad time, I'll get back on topic, Long, since you don't know what happened, I guess I will tell you, Listen well."
Han Qiang blushed when she heard w.a.n.g Tiantang's words, Zhu Long shook his head and looked towards w.a.n.g Tiantang. "Please, I want to hear it all. I want to know who was killed and who was the killer as well as if there are any survivors… Are Father and oldie still alive? Is brother Feng alright?" Zhu Long was desperate for answers.
Until now, he had restrained his emotions, well, he at least tried to. But as they say, when a person feels warmth and love, all the tears fall. Zhu Long, a man who could kill people without giving them a second look had tears fall down their eyes. He was truly distressed. It seemed like it, everything was finally being processed in his mind and he had truly realized that he lost his sect. His hope was that at least his own blood had survived, along with Zhu Feng. A selfish thought indeed but something that every person would feel, no matter how selfless they are.
w.a.n.g Tiantang shook his head, "Child, I am sorry to say this, but they are all gone. Not even their bodies could not be properly retrieved, they were mutilated and guts were mangled. By the time our guards got there, we could not identify them. But there is a chance that Zhu Yong, The saint is still alive. But at what condition, I do not know. He had left a talisman which contained a small wisp of his soul which told me a lot of things. But that soul being there does not mean that he is alive as the soul could have survived in the talisman without the main source. I apologize as I cannot give you the talisman, it has already been used and from what Zhu Yong told me, the nex t time you reach this empire, you would have already gotten all the information he could have possibly given. Except for one thing. He told me to covey these words to you. 'Finish your mission, more secrets will come, this one of something very close to you, a creator of life…' That d.a.m.n b.a.s.t.a.r.d left it at a riddle but I guess that is how it always was. Now, abo ut tho se who harmed the sect, it's a simple answer, the devils. Those d.a.m.n devils manipulated and attr acted the Duan and the Lin Clan and made them attack the Zhu Sect killing any they saw. We are curr ently battling those devils, They have gained immense strength ever since they became consumed, eno ugh to even rival me. The ones who injured me were the leaders of the Lin and Duan Sect, but my injury w as at the cost of the death of Duan Mugu, and the injury of Lin Ha. But that Lin is a cunning one, I k now that even when injured, he is hatching an evil plan. That is all. I'm sure that you are feeling a bit bet ter to know what actually happened instead of the rumo rs."as asas asd as das sa asd