The Ring That Defies The Heavens - Chapter 996 - Appearing Again As Zhuge Shanzhen

Chapter 996 - Appearing Again As Zhuge Shanzhen

Chapter 996: Appearing Again as Zhuge Shanzhen

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Jiang Fei went to visit the island. This time, instead of Ariel, Jiang Fei brought Isabella with him. The reason was simple. Everyone knew who Ariel was but not Isabella. Zhuge Shanzhen was never seen with anyone else but it was also the official, first time Isabella made her debut to the world. Ariel's presence might elude some and trigger other to be suspicious. So far, Isabella had never truly exposed herself to the outside world. Only a handful of the Chinese Martial Artist Alliance had seen her once.

"This quiet pleasantness reminds me that it has been a while since the two of us were alone," said Isabella with her face plastered against his back.

"I'm… really sorry about that…" said Jiang Fei apologetically. Jiang Fei was filled with guilt when Isabella said that. Even though he was sure that he was never a casanova, he could not deny if he was accused of being one since there were literally an army of beautiful girls gathering around him. Even if he would be accused, he could not just let anyone that he had brought into this world. In fact, when Isabella mentioned about being alone, he felt the utmost guilt for taking advantage of the girls' feelings for him.

"It's fine. I'm all too familiar with how men thinks," said Isabella, smiling sweetly yet sighing at the same time. Her father, Augustus the Nephilim King was betrothed to a Queen yet he went out of her way to find countless of other women. As soon as she thought about it, she pulled Jiang Fei closer to her face and stared into his eyes, saying, "I don't mind having these girls now but if you dare to attract any new ones…"

"Ugh… When you say right now… What about the others…" Jiang Fei could not finish his sentence. If Isabella had included the girls in the game, and Si Tuying and Ariel in this world, Jiang Fei could then revive Nina and Sylphy without any worries.

"Of course those that were in this world, and Nina, Sylphy, and Hua Mulan! What are you trying to say? Did you picked out new flowers when I was still asleep?" said Isabella. Her voice grew higher and louder, not to mention angrier when she reached the last sentence. It was then she realized that Jiang Fei had already expanded his harem to 6 girls! Not including the army of girls that was kept in the Winter Islands.

Jiang Fei breathed a sigh of relief. It was a great relief when Isabella did not know about the other girls that Jiang Fei had to court; the Naga Priestess and even Sahraz! Even so, Jiang Fei had no plans of bringing them into this world.

To be fair, even though there were many girls Jiang Fei had surrounded himself with, in the digital world and in real life, he had only harbor genuine feelings for the girls that Isabella had just listed out. Hua Mulan was an exception. Even though he did care for the girl, she was being too uptight. It was hard for Jiang Fei to develop a stronger feeling for her.

It did not take too long for Jiang Fei to travel to the uninhabited island since the hovering sword was fast and Isabella could teleport. Before Jiang Fei landed on the island, he had already put on his Zhuge Shanzhen disguise.

"Ewww! That's ugly!" said Isabella with the most disgusted expression on her face.

"Call me ugly again and I'll put up a disguise on you that looks just the same!" said Jiang Fei playfully as he pinching her nose lightly. He cleared his mind for a moment and got into the dignified, regal character of that Zhuge Shanzhen was known for.

"Hmph! How pretentious!" Isabella gasped playfully. To be honest, the girl had truly missed the times when the two of them could playfully tease each other. It was a time that she truly cherish and would never forget.

"Alright. It's time to get serious. From here on, please address me as your master! And please do not break out of character!" Jiang Fei reminded.

"Yes, my master! Teehee!" Isabella chuckled. She was born into royalty and would know how to behave regally. There was no problem for her to treat and address Jiang Fei as someone of higher authority than her.

"Alright, I'm going to land now," said Jiang Fei before he started to descend.

As soon as he got lower and closer to the island, the radar system immediately picked up Jiang Fei presence. The Church members on the island immediately sprung into action.

"He's here! Pin them down!"

These Church members were stationed there and was waiting for Jiang Fei to come. Once he arrives, they would need to subdue the other Mutants that were on the island to prevent them from disrupting the business transaction.

"What are you doing?" cried one of the Mutant as he was being pinned.

"I have nothing against you. Please cooperate. We do not want to hurt anyone. You best not resist or… we'll do something that we know we would regret," said the head of the Knights of the Church. They had already prepared well for this hence the subjugation of all the Mutants on the island went extremely well.

"Peace be with you all!" Jiang Fei roared his introduction speech when he touched the ground. Isabella came out behind him and stopped holding back her powers. The aura of a Level 5 master was released fully, sending out a "greeting" to everyone to declare Jiang Fei and Isabella's presence. The two were standing literally next to each other, rendering other failing to identify which one was releasing the powerful wave.

"Could this respected one be Zhuge Shanzhen?" said the head of the Knights. The man did not bow nor did he spoke in perfect Mandarin. Even so, Jiang Fei could see that the man had practice long enough to deliver his speech properly.

"Indeed. This one is Zhuge Shanzhen!" Jiang Fei bellowed as he looked away from the Knight with the utmost dignified posture. According to 0542's scan report, the man power level was at the Advanced stage of Level 4, the strongest person on the entire island.

"It's an honor to meet the great Zhuge Shanzhen!" cried the Knight as gave Jiang Fei a clasped fist bow, the standard Chinese culture greeting.

"Enough of this farce. Let us move to business," said Jiang Fei. When he landed on the ground, 0542 had already started scanning the entire island. The location of the alien artifact was located and 0542 had also identified the s.h.i.+p fragment as a laboratory. That part of the s.h.i.+p was an important part of the s.h.i.+p but with Jiang Fei's current status, he would not be able to make full use of it.

The laboratory was a research facility to a.n.a.lyse foregein minerals and elements. It's main purpose was to use whatever resources to create replacement parts of the exterior sh.e.l.l of Braveheart. With enough power, Jiang Fei could even make a special kind of metal that was essential to rebuild the entire s.h.i.+p.

Unfortunately, the power reserve in the ring was low. So low that it would not be enough to revive both Nina and Sylphy. If he could not even revive them, surely he could not rebuild the s.h.i.+p. At this point, he could not even rebuild the exterior hull. However, it would not matter since he had yet to acquire the rest of the s.h.i.+p.

In the end, it was still vital for Jiang Fei to acquire the laboratory since it plays the most important role in rebuilding the s.h.i.+p.

"Please clear this place. I must say… Even though you managed to break some of this alien artifact… but a business is a business. I will gladly give you five bottles of potion for this alien artifact!" said Jiang Fei.

This time, Jiang Fei was not being as cheap as when he was dealing with Ruan Jincheng. The man was merely a middle man while the Church was a huge organization. A bottle of potion would not please them and neither was five. However, the reason Jiang Fei started the offer with only five bottles was to lay down the bait. If the Church decided to reveal more alien artifact to him, he would then put up higher number of bottles!