There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 975

Chapter 975

Chapter 975 Don't worry, I can understand

Before they turned back to the courtyard, several chefs from the food factory arrived.

Hurry up and invite people into the courtyard, and not long after, neighbors who heard the movement also came to help.

The Han family has a big yard, so there is no need to borrow the seats from other houses, but the tables and so on are all moved from the neighbors in the neighborhood.

For a while, the old house of the Han family was very lively.

Xinyan intended to help in the kitchen, but was entrusted by her aunt Su Aihong to accompany her sister-in-law and niece in the Erjin yard, and her cousin Sun Zhenling went there with her.

The eldest aunt said that the two sisters would not be sent to work.

The most important thing is that the eldest aunt was afraid that she would be too busy to take care of her eldest daughter-in-law and granddaughter, and that the eldest son had just left on a mission, and she was afraid that the eldest daughter-in-law would be in a bad mood, so she sent the two of them to talk with her.

Wait for people from the Wu family to come, and help to greet them.

When they entered, the sister-in-law was staring at the child in a daze.

Xinyan said with some distress: "Sister-in-law, are you okay?"

Wu Shengfang came to her senses after hearing the question, "Yanyan, Lingzi, come and sit down."

The two of them didn't sit down, but lay on the side of the crib. Sun Zhenling sighed, "Sister-in-law, Feifei is the real president. She will take advantage of you and her big cousin. She will be a beautiful woman when she grows up."

Xinyan answered: "When the time comes, let's dress her up beautifully."

Xinyan carefully raised her head, seeing the smile on the corner of sister-in-law's mouth, she felt relieved.

Maybe seeing the intentions of the two sister-in-laws, Wu Shengfang smiled slightly: "When I chose to marry your elder brother, I knew it was not easy to be a military wife. He often went on missions before, but this time he said that the mission time was longer, and it happened to be this time. I said in my heart that I was not disappointed. Don't worry, I understand."

The three sisters-in-law chatted with each other sentence by sentence, and seeing Wu Shengfang smile more on his face, they were completely relieved.

Xinyan looked at the watch on her wrist: "Sister-in-law, take a rest, there are probably guests coming soon."

Wu Shengfang also knew that sister-in-law was doing it for her own good: "Okay."

She lay down, and Xinyan and Sun Zhenling went outside to stay. Xinyan knew that people from the Wu family would arrive soon.

Just before the Wu family came, a little girl from the neighbor ran in: "Sister Xinyan, Aunt Su asked me to come and call you, your fianc is here."

Sun Zhenling gave Xinyan a push: "My cousin-in-law is here, and I'm here to guard my cousin and niece. Go and see the hospital."

Xinyan thought that he would not be able to make it back, but she did not expect to catch up.

When she arrived in the front yard, she didn't see anyone, and she was wondering.

I heard voices coming from outside the gate: "How much does this car cost?"

Before she could see what was going on outside, she heard He Jinxuan's voice: "I entrusted someone to bring it back from other places, and I haven't settled the bill with him yet."

As soon as he heard this, he understood that the motorcycle that He Jinxuan had mentioned earlier must have returned.

Xinyan walked over and saw a lot of people around the gate, with a brand new motorcycle in the middle.

He Jinxuan seemed to have sensed it, and turned his head at this time, and when he saw Xinyan, he smiled softly: "Yanyan, I'm back."

Xinyan smiled back at him, and before she could say anything, Han Jingchen appeared behind him with someone: "Jinxuan, you push the car to your Uncle Lu's courtyard, so as not to block the road."

He Jinxuan nodded in response, and smiled at Uncle Lu: "Uncle Lu, I have caused you trouble."

Boss Lu waved his hand and said, "We are all neighbors, so don't be polite to me."

(end of this chapter)