There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Chapter 94 The child is lost

Wu Fangfang, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Yu family, glanced at her mother-in-law's room: "You heard me right, you said Aunt Lu wanted to return the two hundred yuan dowry?"

Yu family's second daughter-in-law Wan Rongjuan panicked: "Looking at Aunt Lu's appearance, it is very possible that Yu Xinyan is trying to kill us, she is really an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf."

The sister-in-law and sister-in-law looked at each other, and quietly went to the window of the mother-in-law, trying to eavesdrop on the conversation in the house.

I happened to hear Mrs. Lu's words: "This matter can't be left as it is. It was agreed at the beginning that the two hundred yuan doesn't have to be paid back, and it will be regarded as an engagement for your family. If this is really a divorce, the dowry must be paid. Come back."

Yu's mother was dumbfounded: "We didn't receive the letter, and that girl Xinyan can be regarded as the girl you watched growing up. She doesn't have the guts. I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding about this matter."

How can Mrs. Lu not know what Yu's mother is thinking: "My son can't make fun of this, and besides, he doesn't need money for calling, it's easy to say."

Yu's mother was also angry when she saw that Mrs. Lu didn't eat oil and salt: "We haven't received any news, so we can't just do what you say. We have to ask face to face what's going on. I know better than you what Xinyan's temperament is. "

The two started arguing in the room.

The last two struggled for a few days and decided to visit the machinery factory in person.

Originally, Yu's mother was worried about the fare and didn't want to go, but Mrs. Lu whispered to her a few words, but she changed her mind.

No, Yu's father and Yu's mother boarded the train to Sanyuan City together with the Lu family.

He Jinxuan has already returned to work, and Yu Xinyan only found out at noon: "He Section Chief, I will move out as soon as possible."

I thought that I received three months' wages from someone before, but only worked for less than two months: "It's only three days before two months, I'll just work for two months, just to make your clothes, I will refund the remaining one month's wages to you at that time."

He Jinxuan originally wanted to say something to persuade her to stay, but she saw that Yu Xinyan was already busy with other matters, and she was afraid of being abrupt, so she didn't say anything.

Yu Xinyan didn't hear him speak, so she unilaterally thought that He Jinxuan agreed.

In the afternoon, Yu Xinyan borrowed scissors from Cheng's sister-in-law, and cut the clothes of the two children neatly.

Going out to greet Ye Sili and Ye Siyan to drink water, but they didn't see anyone in the yard, so they panicked all of a sudden.

She reminded them ten thousand times that they were not allowed to leave the yard without permission these days, and she didn't care about other things, so she hurried to the gate to find someone.

Seeing a few children playing at the intersection, he ran over quickly: "Have you seen Si Li and Si Yan?"

One of the little girls looked at Yu Xinyan: "Sister, I saw them follow the loach to that side."

As he spoke, he pointed in a direction.

That direction is the back mountain of the machinery factory. There is a wall around the family courtyard, but there is a small gate at the back to make it easier for everyone to go up the mountain.

Yu Xinyan's head exploded with a 'hum'.

She didn't care about the fact that the door of the house was not locked, she just saw Lin Aifeng coming out of Zhang's house, and grabbed her hand directly: "Aifeng, do me a favor, go to the security department, just say Si Li and Si Li Rock is nowhere to be found.

A kid in the courtyard saw them going to the back of the mountain with the loach, and asked him to take someone up the mountain to find someone quickly. Hurry up, it's troublesome. "

After finishing speaking, he ran to the back.

Lin Aifeng thought to herself: Which of the children in the courtyard has never been to the back mountain, so why worry, but seeing Yu Xinyan's expression and running back without a trace, she was a little confused.

(end of this chapter)