There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 909

Chapter 909

I originally wanted to go back to Eastern Province before school started to visit Grandma Zhang, but it seems that I can only wait until the National Day holiday.

Ready to go back home, find a reason to send some vegetables, eggs, and fruits produced in the space to my parents.

Regularly eating the ingredients produced in the space is good for your health, and the younger brother or sister in your belly can also benefit indirectly. After all, her mother is considered an advanced mother, so it is better to be careful.

Gu Wanqing saw her daughter coming back with big bags and small bags: "There is everything at home, why did you come back from shopping again?"

Xinyan smiled and put the things down: "You didn't have an appetite a while ago, and the ingredients I brought back were bought at his house. It just happened to happen today, so I naturally bought more."

Gu Wanqing was moved by her daughter's thoughtfulness: "Then I am blessed, and Yanyan still thinks of me."

Gu Wanqing knew that Xinyan was coming back today, and she made Mrs. Chen eat chicken soup. During this time, the child was also exhausted, and she had been studying with her second brother in the hospital.

Although she feels a little distressed, she can't stop it. All she can do is for her daughter to come back and give more supplements: "School will start in a few days, can't you rest for a few days?"

Before Xinyan could answer, she continued to complain: "This entire vacation has been fully arranged, and I don't even have time to hang out with my classmates. You really don't have to work so hard."

This misunderstanding is really not small. I have to fight on my own. Is there no way?

But there are some things that you should know yourself. It's better not to tell your parents, and you have to work harder, and you will benefit in the end: "Mom, the hospital is not over, I have already learned enough."

Before Gu Wanqing was happy, she heard Xinyan say: "However, I want to go to the south for tonight's train ticket."

Gu Wanqing instinctively wanted to object, but she still said patiently: "What are you going to the south for?"

Xinyan watched Mrs. Chen come out, and pointed to the watermelon she brought back: "Ms. Chen, I brought watermelon back, you all have a taste and see how it tastes."

Sister-in-law Chen came over with a smile, and saw that the watermelon was still covered with vines: "Hey, this watermelon is really fresh, it looks like it was just picked."

As he said that, he walked towards the kitchen with his arms in his arms: "I'm going to cut it into pieces, and it will be ready in a while."

After Mrs. Chen left, Xinyan sat down: "Mom, I made an agreement with the tea farmers last time I went to the south to collect their tea during the summer vacation. I was busy before and couldn't spare time.

School is about to start, if you don't go there, you should make a mistake. "

Gu Wanqing heard this, her face was full of worry: "You went to the south before, you went there alone? Does your father know?"

Xinyan nodded lightly: "Well, I mentioned it to him."

Gu Wanqing complained to Han Jingchen, how could she agree to her daughter going so far alone.

But later, there was another burst of heartache, and Xinyan saw clearly the change of expression on his face.

Gu Wanqing didn't hide it in front of her daughter: "Yanyan, this time you go alone?"

Xinyan knew what she was worried about, she got up with a smile and went to the wall to pick up a small stone, held it in the palm of her hand and squeezed it hard, the small stone broke into foam: "Mom, you know my skills, safety is not a problem."

Gu Wanqing was still a little worried: "How about I go with you."

Xinyan quickly waved her hand: "Don't, if you look like this, if you really accompany me to go out, my dad will have to beat me too late."

Gu Wanqing gave Xinyan a gouged look: "See what your father said."

Xinyan hurriedly said coquettishly: "I'm not making an analogy, you're still protecting me."

Gu Wanqing also knew that she was impatient and said the wrong thing: "Well, I'll send someone to go there with you."

Xinyan shook her head and said: "Don't worry, I've been to the south a few times, don't worry, and I've already bought the train ticket for the night."

Gu Wanqing disapproved, but she knew she couldn't stop her.

Xinyan said this on purpose. After all, she will definitely have to run outside frequently in the future. She doesn't want to lie to her parents. After all, one lie needs to be covered by countless lies, which is too troublesome.

It's better to explain clearly from the beginning and let them get used to it.