There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 882

Chapter 882

He Jinxuan came the latest today, but he received a call from Xinyan before leaving, asking him to make a trip to buy some roast ducks.

He Jinxuan thought it was the little girl who was greedy, so he went out of his way.

But the real reason is that the mother-in-law was so angry that she suddenly wanted to eat roast duck. Originally, Han Jingchen wanted to drive to buy it by himself, but was stopped by Xinyan.

When she was thinking about He Jinxuan passing by, she happened to make a slight turn, and she was able to enter the store.

No, Han Chunxue saw Jinxuan coming in, and stood up with a smile: "Jinxuan is here."

Sun Zhenhai saw what he was carrying, and ran over with a voice of 'Aww': "Brother He, did you buy roast duck?"

Han Chunxue on the side smiled and scolded directly: "You brat, what are you doing so loudly?"

Sun Zhenhai laughed: "This is not what I was thinking about today."

When Xinyan heard what her little cousin said, what did she think of: "Those who don't know think you're being rude too."

Sun Zhenhai is such a smart person, he knew what was going on as soon as he heard it: "It's okay, I won't fight with the little cousin in the stomach of the second aunt, and keep him tight first."

Everyone laughed heartily again.

Gu Wanqing is actually very hungry right now, but she really can't do it in front of so many people.

But Han Jingchen, who was sitting next to her, didn't care. He got up and dragged someone to the restaurant: "You are pregnant, so you can eat whatever you want, but don't change your taste later and be unable to eat anymore."

He took one directly, divided it into three portions, and put one portion on the dining table for Gu Wanqing first.

After that, he beckoned Sun Zhenhai over, pointing to the two remaining copies on the table: "Bring it to your cousin, the remaining one is yours."

Sun Zhenhai was a little embarrassed, but he was overjoyed: "Is this the same treatment as my second aunt and eldest cousin?"

Seeing that the second uncle was about to speak, he quickly added: "However, I like it, and the second uncle and the second aunt treat me better."

After finishing speaking, he quickly withdrew the two terminals.

Sun Zhenhai was quite good at doing things, and after giving a share to his pregnant cousin, he divided his share directly, and forcefully distributed a share to the second cousin, cousin and his own sister, justifying: " This is called sharing blessings.

Several people couldn't refuse his kindness, and didn't want to expose his small thoughts, so they all accepted.

In fact, this kid is too embarrassed to eat alone, and the meal will be served soon, so everyone simply shares the food, so that no one can try to make fun of him again.

Han Chunxue and Su Aihong chatted a lot with Gu Wanqing after she ate the roast duck.

Gu Wanqing was a little embarrassed at first, but Han Chunxue was careful: "Second sister-in-law, this is like this when she's pregnant. I don't know when I'll have a bite. It's too late. I've lost my energy in the past, and I don't like it anymore."

Gu Wanqing covered her mouth and laughed: "That's true. I remember that when I was pregnant with Yanyan, I wanted to eat shredded pork with Beijing sauce in the middle of the night, and my mother tossed it for more than an hour. Finally, it was ready and served. I lost my appetite at all."

Chatting and chatting, everyone brought the topic to Sun Zhenling.

Su Aihong didn't know Yuan Yikai's situation, but thought that a friend in the unit asked her if she had a suitable girl a few days ago, and wanted to introduce someone to her nephew. She also asked about the young man's situation.

Because I never heard my niece mention the previous partner, I thought it was a joke, so I asked: "Zhen Ling, are you in a relationship now?"

As soon as these words came out, Sun Zhenling first glanced at her own mother, then winked at Xinyan next to her, hoping that she would help her for a while and calm down her emotions, and then said: "Auntie, I still Little, I don't want to get married so early.

Su Aihong laughed: "My aunt's work unit has a colleague who wants to find a partner for his nephew. I found out that the young man is not only a good-looking man, but also doesn't borrow his job. Would you like to meet and date first?"

Sun Zhenling's forehead was sweating anxiously, she turned her head to look at Xinyan, that little expression made people want to laugh.

Alas, who told me that she was her kissing cousin, and knew that she was now dating Yuan Yikai behind her parents' backs, so it's better not to provoke other blind date partners now, so as to save my aunt and her colleague from feeling estranged again, but just Not beautiful anymore.