There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 88

Chapter 88

Chapter 88 Ginseng Seedlings

Yu Xinyan saw that the uncle regarded herself as a bad person, and said with a smile: "Master, you don't know me anymore. I bought two jujube saplings at your stall at the town fair in Shang'an Township."

After hearing this, the old man still didn't remember it, but he did sell jujube seedlings at the town market, it seems that he is really old and doesn't remember anything.

Yu Xinyan saw that the old man still didn't recognize her, and then belatedly remembered that it was normal for the old man not to recognize her after she put on makeup.

But she didn't bother with these things, anyway, the old man brought a lot of jujube seedlings that day, and it wouldn't matter if she met her again next time, it wouldn't matter if she changed her appearance to talk to her.

Now the old man is not as vigilant towards Yu Xinyan as before: "I'm getting old, I can't remember clearly, girl, what's the matter?"

Yu Xinyan smiled and said, "I just heard you talk about setting up a stall, so I just wanted to see if there is anything I need."

When the grandfather and grandson heard this, the expressions on their faces were much lighter, and they hurried to get busy.

The child named Gou Sheng was very clever: "Sister, look, they are all here, see if there is anything you need."

Yu Xinyan took a look, and most of the things she took out from the basket were some seeds and some kudzu roots, but they hadn't been processed yet.

She took a look into the basket, and found that there were many plants she didn't know, so she asked, "What are these in the basket?"

Gou Sheng turned his head to look at his grandfather. He is too young to understand these things.

Grandpa Gou Sheng looked at the basket: "It's just some cheap herbs."

As he spoke, he pulled the basket and pointed it to Yu Xinyan: "This is Anemarrhena, which can clear the bowels and defecate. This is Astragalus, which can be used to replenish qi."

Yu Xinyan didn't expect this uncle to know herbal medicine: "Master, you also know herbal medicine, really amazing."

Lord Gou Sheng shook his head and fiddled with those herbs: "How do I know these things? I went to the mountains and followed the barefoot doctor in the village to recognize a few kinds and learned a few words. Later, if I encountered them, I picked them by the way."

Turning to the end, Lord Gou Sheng stopped his hand, pointed to the two herbs inside and said: "This is a ginseng seedling, but it hasn't matured yet, it's a pity."

After hearing this, Yu Xinyan's eyes lit up in an instant, and her speech was a little erratic: "Master, you said this is a ginseng seedling, the ginseng seedling we are talking about?"

Lord Gou Sheng looked up at Yu Xinyan: "Well, my son-in-law brought it down from the mountain when he dug kudzu root, and he didn't know it. The barefoot doctor in the village happened to be at my house and said it was ginseng seedlings, but it's nothing. I can't feed it this season, I don't know who threw it in.

As he said that, he was about to throw it out.

Yu Xinyan quickly reached out and took it: "Don't throw it, don't throw it, I'll take it back and try to plant it."

Master Gou Sheng saw the light in Yu Xinyan's eyes, so he couldn't pour cold water on her: "Take it if you like it."

Yu Xinyan looked at the seeds, and there were all the basic vegetables: "Master, I want these seeds and these herbs, how much are they?"

Gou Shengye couldn't believe it, and repeatedly confirmed with Yu Xinyan several times: "You want all of these?"

Yu Xinyan nodded: "Yes, let's see how much it costs."

Lord Gou Sheng looked at the seeds on the ground and the herbs in the basket, and said a little embarrassedly: "If you want it all, give it to Bamao."

Yu Xinyan really felt that Lord Gou Sheng didn't want much, and was about to reply, when Gou Sheng said: "Sister, there are really not many eight hairs, my grandfather wants to sell it quickly so that I can get medicine for my milk, or later, I can't keep up with Uncle Liang's mule cart in the village."

The update is finished today, thank you for your support! ~~~

(end of this chapter)