There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 861

Chapter 861

And those few quick-minded people followed Gu Yingying, preparing to sit in her car for a while.

Several people have been praising Gu Yingying here, probably because Gu Yingying's vanity has been satisfied, and when they followed to get into the car, she didn't chase them away.

Gu Yingying asked Shu Xiaomei who got on the bus with her: "Is everyone here?"

Sister Shu looked at the paper in her hand: "Everyone who signed up with me has arrived."

Gu Yingying told the driver: "Let's go."

Jiang Peiqin saw the car in front moving, so she said to the driver: "Uncle Zhang, follow the car in front, and when you get out of the urban area, get in front, so as not to follow them in the dust."

The driver nodded in response: "OK."

He knows how to get to Miyun, and there is really no need to follow this car.

Walking forward for a while, I found an intersection and directly overtook the car in front. The driver kicked the accelerator, and directly let the car behind eat dirt.

The driver Jiang Peiqin and the others knew about the reservoir, so there was no need to wait for Shu Xiaomei in the car behind to lead the way.

But after Uncle Zhang drove for a while, he would always stop for a rest, just in time to wait for the car behind him.

Students sitting in the rear compartment of the double cab have suffered a lot during the journey, not only to bear the dust raised by the car in front, but also to enjoy the pain of blooming buttocks.

When they got to the place, they were so bumped that they couldn't find their buttocks, and they were all numb.

A classmate complained: "If I had known that I would take this car and suffer this crime, I would not have come."

When Gu Yingying heard her words, she immediately turned dark: "No one begged you to come."

That classmate is not a disadvantaged character: "If you said earlier that you can only find a truck that pulls goods, and begged me not to take it, you can really brag."

Gu Yingying was very angry. How could she have imagined that no matter how soft and stubborn she was this time, her father would not agree to send more cars.

In the end, it was the second brother Gu Boyan's idea that she would take a car by herself, and then send a truck over.

Gu Yingying had no choice but to agree, and that's how today's event came about.

Xinyan originally didn't want to come because Gu Yingying was participating, but Jiang Peiqin wanted to come fishing, thinking that she was so tired recently, so it would be good to come along and relax.

Plus Jiang Peiqin said earlier in the morning that the family sent a car to take her off, thinking that she didn't have to look at Gu Yingying's face, and didn't have to squeeze the bus, so she wasn't so repulsive.

Xinyan glanced annoyedly, and the few people who were still arguing over there gave Jiang Peiqin a wink.

Jiang Peiqin said a few words to the driver, pulled Xinyan and walked forward.

Where they parked their car, a few hundred meters further ahead is the reservoir they are going to go to today. The side is full of forests, the front is a grassland, and there are many big rocks beside the reservoir, which is quite suitable for camping.

There are already people on the shore not far away. It seems that many people come here to play on weekends.

Xinyan and Jiang Peiqin walked ahead, and Master Zhang chased them with the fishing tools he had prepared.

Jiang Peiqin originally wanted to teach Xinyan, but she didn't expect that once the fishing gear was in her hands, she would be very proficient.

Jiang Peiqin couldn't help asking: "Have you ever fished before?"

Xinyan's subordinates kept moving: "Well, there was a big river not far from where I lived before. When I was free, I would go fishing and exchange some living expenses with the people around me."

Jiang Peiqin heard Xinyan talk about herself for the first time: "Why do I not understand?"

Xinyan smiled at her: "At that time, my parents were not by my side."