There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 85

Chapter 85

Chapter 85 Black Market

There are no real estate agencies these days. If you want to find a house, you have no connections or contacts, so you can only try your luck.

Most of the current houses are welfare housing of the unit. There are some private properties, but few. After asking for a long time, I haven't found a suitable one. It doesn't matter if you don't have a household registration, you can't get in at all.

She frowned and looked at the busy street, feeling a little melancholy.

It seems that for the time being, I can only make a fuss at the machinery factory. After all, the receiving unit of my relocation certificate is the machinery factory. Will not let myself wish.

Seeing that it was getting late, I was too tired to ask any more questions, so I changed my clothes and went to the black market I had been to before.

Before, she used the fish caught in Yuquan River to exchange rice and wheat seeds with an old woman in Xiahe Village, and planted all the remaining land in the space with wheat and rice. This space is really magical, as long as there are seeds , can be planted.

A few days ago, a season of grain had been harvested, so I took the opportunity to exchange it into money and put it in my hands for peace of mind. After calculating the time, the Yu family may be coming soon, so I have to prepare for the battle.

Anyway, don't panic if you have money in your hands. If the Yu family really pushes themselves, they should leave here before making plans.

She turned around to find the place, and explained her purpose, because she came here once before to sell fish in the space, so she soon met a small leader of this black market.

She entered the door and nodded at the man: "I have a batch of food in hand, I wonder if you are interested?"

The man played with a jade pendant in his hand: "I don't accept those miscellaneous things. Of course, it depends on the quantity. If it's only three or two catties, then don't bother."

Yu Xinyan naturally understood what he meant: "The newly harvested wheat is two thousand catties, and the rice is about three thousand catties, and none of them have been threshed. I wonder if it's worth your trip?"

As soon as the words came out, the man raised his head and looked at the unattractive woman in front of him: "We never accept things from unknown sources."

Yu Xinyan gave a 'cut' in her heart, and said solemnly: "It's definitely coming from the right way, and there will be no trouble."

The man put down the jade pendant he was playing with: "Wait a minute."

After saying that, she went out, and Yu Xinyan waited for about ten minutes before the man came back, followed by a man.

The man glanced at Yu Xinyan, and asked in a cold voice, "Did you bring any samples?"

Yu Xinyan opened the cloth bag she was carrying, grabbed a handful of rice and grains from it, and put them on the table in front of them.

The reason why she dared to run here alone was that Yu Xinyan discovered that her strength had grown a lot during this time. If something really happened, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with three or five people. Plus, she had space, so she had no courage. Big up.

The most important thing is that these rice and wheat grains are placed in the space, and they cannot be removed by themselves. It is better to find a place to sell them and exchange them for money for peace of mind.

The man put it in his hand and twisted it, then looked up at Yu Xinyan: "The quality is good, I will charge you according to the price of the finished product after threshing."

As soon as he said this, the little leader next to him said in a low voice: "Brother Biao, I'm afraid this is inappropriate, so isn't our busy work all for nothing?"

The man named Biao glanced at the little leader: "Do as I say."

Then turned to look at Yu Xinyan: "In the future, there will be goods of this quality, even if they are delivered, I will charge them at the price of the finished product."

(end of this chapter)