There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 768

Chapter 768

After finishing speaking, he took out a red envelope from his pocket and handed it to Xinyan.

Xinyan was also polite, and took it with a smile: "Thank you, Second Sister-in-law."

At this time, Mrs. Jiao also came over with a smile. Han Zhaoxu had brought Chu Zhenhua to visit Jiao's house before, so there was no need to introduce any more. , with one heart and one mind, hand in hand.

As soon as the words were finished, a group of people came into the new room to see the bride. Chu Zhenhua got up generously, smiled and took the tea tray full of wedding candies handed over by Han Zhaoxu, and distributed the wedding candies to everyone in the room one by one. How lively.

Today's wedding banquet is also scheduled at an outside restaurant, but it's not too far from the Han family's old house.

Afterwards, everyone moved to the hotel, and the next round of excitement began immediately.

The head chef of the restaurant is another person that Han Jingchen found. Today's meal is a delight for both guests and hosts.

Second Brother and Second Sister-in-law and their comrades-in-arms had a lot of people here, and they put on a lot of programs, which made the couple very upset and brought laughter to the guests.

When the restaurant was over, some people went back to their homes to have a bridal chamber, playing various tricks. If it wasn't for Han Zhaoxu's words later, those people might have been able to make trouble until night.

He Jinxuan has been helping to clean up, and has received unanimous praise from the elders.

The man forgot to take the time to ask Xinyan for credit, and was almost caught by Han Jingchen, but he was clever enough.

The sender of the Chu family was very satisfied with the arrangement of the Han family. After exchanging pleasantries, he gave Chu Zhen a few instructions before leaving.

After sending off the troublemakers, everyone retreated to the front yard, leaving only a couple in the new house.

When Xinyan arrived at the front yard, sister-in-law Wu Shengfang smiled and said, "The next one will be our turn."

Xinyan looked over with a smile: "Sister-in-law, you are wrong now, the next one is cousin Zhenjun from my aunt's family."

Wu Shengfang looked at Han Chunxue: "Auntie, does Cousin Zhenjun have a date?"

Han Chunxue nodded with a smile and said, "He had a date when he went to the countryside, and he brought his partner back earlier, and the marriage has been settled, but because the woman has some matters to deal with, the wedding hasn't been held yet.

However, it should be soon. "

Educated youths began to return to the city on a large scale in the second half of last year. It has been the New Year, and it is indeed time to come back.

Su Aihong walked in in a hurry: "Taking advantage of today's good day, let's eat hot pot tonight, and wish us all a prosperous new year."

Everyone applauded in unison, and they all took action.

On the other side, Yu Erli finally activated after lunch two days later.

When Yu's mother rushed over, Yu Erli was already giving birth.

It's just that before the child was born, the sturdy daughter-in-law of the Qian family got the news and brought someone to find her.

But I don't know who gave the idea. After the person arrived at the place, he didn't act on the impulse of ignoring it. Instead, he sent someone outside to inquire about the news, and the others found a place to hide and wait for the news.

Yu Erli tossed all afternoon, and after the sky darkened, she tried her best to give birth to a son.

When they heard that it was their son, not only Yu's mother and Yu Erli were overjoyed, but they finally made the right bet, and everyone in the Hao family also beamed with joy.

The shrew of the Qian family who was waiting for news outside had a ruthless look on her face when she heard that she had given birth to a son.

Instructed the person who came to deliver the letter: "Go back and watch first, and wait until late at night when people are quiet and inconvenient to move."

Dear friends, good night~~~