There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Chapter 70 Who Killed Whom?

Sending Lu Haibo away, Yu Xinyan quickly pulled the fishing line from the crucian carp, and was about to heat up the oil in a pan, and stew the fish first, but remembered that there was no tofu at home.

Looking at Ye Sili who was standing at the door of the kitchen, he pretended not to be familiar with the machinery factory: "Sili, do you know where there is a tofu seller?"

Ye Sili nodded: "I know, there are grocery stores."

Thinking of the tofu ticket in the drawer, he went straight into the room and took it out: "Si Li, look at Si Yan, I'm going to buy a piece of tofu."

The non-staple food store is not far from here, and there are people in every yard at this time, Yu Xinyan is not worried about the two children, she took the bowl and ran out.

I asked for a catty of tofu directly, thinking that there would be some left over, and I could put some in when I stir-fry at night.

After I came back to stew the fish, I mixed it with Erhe noodles, but this time there were more white noodles and less cornmeal. After all, there were two sick patients, so I had to eat some good ones.

When the fish was almost stewed, I put one into the lunch box, and the other into a bowl, put the noodles in the fish soup, and served it to the two children first. I was afraid that I would get stuck, so I just picked it out and put it away To their bowl: "Okay, eat it, pay attention to some fish bones, there may be some that haven't been picked out."

Now Xiao Siyan has the energy to eat by herself, which saves Yu Xinyan a lot of trouble.

Originally, she was supposed to deliver food to He Jinxuan first, but she felt that it was better to wait for these two brats to finish eating before she felt at ease. What if there was a fishbone that was not picked out?

I just help someone look after their three-month-old child, but there must be no mistakes, and it is better to be careful in everything.

He made noodles for himself neatly, and put the remaining fish tail after sharing it with the two little guys into his own bowl. He was very satisfied with a bowl of fish soup noodles.

Seeing that the two children had almost eaten, they started cooking noodles for He Jinxuan.

Put out the fish soup noodles, sprinkle with chopped green onion, and bring the fish that was served before, perfect!

Yu Xinyan put the lunch box wrapped in a towel into the basket: "Si Li, take my brother back to the house to digest food, and my sister will come back after delivering the meal."

Ye Sili thought of what his uncle said, and reached out his hand to pick up the basket: "Sister, I'll just deliver the food."

Yu Xinyan hurriedly stopped her: "You and your brother can just play at home."

After all, she was earning her wages, and she had paid them three months in advance. How could she let a child deliver her meals? She couldn't do that.

Going out with the basket in hand, I went to the market in the morning and couldn't find a place to sell quilts, and the supply and marketing cooperative wanted tickets.

It's just that I didn't check the auspicious time when I went out. When I was about to arrive at the staff hospital, I happened to run into Lu Juncheng and Yao Hui.

Lu Juncheng had a stinky face, while Yao Hui kept talking to him, and tried to reach out to hold him, but Lu Juncheng threw him away.

Yu Xinyan originally wanted to speed up her pace and enter the hospital so as not to confront them, but she really didn't want to meet these two rotten people.

But it was only a few steps away, and Yao Hui saw her when she looked up.

She didn't know what kind of mood she was in, but she rushed forward: "Yu Xinyan, why do you have the nerve to stay and hurt us like this, you are leisurely."

Yu Xinyan is not used to her: "How dare you say such a thing, you can really turn black and white, it's fine to hook up with your brother-in-law secretly, and you still have the face to come to me to be arrogant, who harmed whom?

You explain it clearly to me.

Did I let you hook up with Lu Juncheng, or did I let your mother lead someone to catch you in bed? I quit and fulfilled you, and I took on the loan from my adoptive parents. You still refuse to let go But I, I want to ask the Yao family, how can they bully people like this? "

The update is finished today, thank you for your support!

(end of this chapter)