There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 644

Chapter 644

Chapter 644 The Big Secret Revealed

On the other side, He Jinxuan was busy avenging Xinyan.

The reason why Xinyan told He Jinxuan about Mao Xingyan's coming to her was because He Jinxuan provoked this matter, and he should solve it himself.

Besides, I lived so hard in my previous life, and I always had some kind of suffering. I smashed my teeth and swallowed it in my stomach. I don't want to be that kind of person again in this life.

At this moment, the Lu family of the transportation company's family courtyard has already quarreled: "Lu Zhuzi, whether this is true or not, I want you to tell me yourself."

Captain Lu had a dejected look on his face, he would never have imagined that this matter would be exposed twenty years later, his eyes were scarlet: "Ewha, I am sorry for you, but I really didn't mean it at the time." of."

Geng Lihua just came out of the police station, and she broke the matter of her husband and eldest sister. She felt that the sky was falling: "Lu Zhuzi, are you worthy of me?"

Then he pointed to his elder sister Geng Xinghua and said, "And you, elder sister, my dear elder sister, how could you treat me like this?"

Captain Lu is extremely regretful now. He saw the hatred in the eyes of his sons and the contempt in the eyes of his daughter-in-law. Why did he do that stupid thing back then.

He suddenly raised his head: "Ewha, I was confused for a moment, really, can you forgive me?"

Geng Lihua picked up the bowl on the window sill and threw it at it: "It's impossible for me to forgive you, I think you're disgusting."

These words deeply hurt Captain Lu's heart: "Ewha, we are all grandparents, grandparents, let's stop making trouble, can we live a good life?"

Geng Lihua's face was full of tears, but she sneered: "I'm so stupid, I can't blame Xingyan. You were so generous at any time, even better than the three daughters I gave birth to. It turns out that she is also yours. Zhong, twenty years, you have lied to me so hard, let me protect Mao Xingyan like a clown, I am really a joke."

Captain Lu is also at a loss now, he doesn't know how to deal with this matter, his mind is in a mess, and he is about to explode.

He Jinxuan discovered this by accident when he was investigating Captain Lu, but Captain Lu himself was unlucky.

He Jinxuan just left the relationship, and let Geng Lihua, who was supposed to be released home the next day, arrive home the night before, in order to make her suspicious of certain things.

It's just that they didn't expect that the two daughters-in-law of the Lu family dragged their families back to their natal family, and Captain Lu was the only one in the family.

Not to mention that when she came back, her own sister was also at home. At first, she thought it was the same as before, and her sister came to the house because she cared about her.

Just when she was about to open the door and enter the room, she heard the eldest sister say: "Xing Yan is not young anymore, she finally fell in love with Captain He, so she really can't think of a way?

Anyway, you are also an old employee of the transportation company. Whether it is connections or prestige, you are definitely better than him, a new captain. Don't forget that Xingyan is your own daughter. "

This sentence made Geng Lihua stiff from the explosion, almost dying of breath.

When the son and daughter-in-law of the Lu family came back, the house was already in chaos, and my mother was holding their aunt to fight.

They never thought that the two people who had always had a good relationship would beat each other to death regardless.

At first, they wanted to pull the two of them apart quickly, but they heard Geng Lihua say that Mao Xingyan was their half-sister. This breaking news made them lose their minds for a long time.

(end of this chapter)