There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 637

Chapter 637

After eating with my senior sister, I checked the time, and it was getting late.

When she left school, she asked Jiang Peiqin to ask her for leave in the afternoon, so she didn't have to rush back to school.

After separating from the senior sister, I plan to visit my father's unit and give him a surprise.

I found a hidden place and entered the space, but I was shocked when I entered.

She didn't expect that there was no room for change last night. At this time, the fog on the **** retreated a long way, at least 300 meters by visual estimation. What's the situation?

She didn't figure it out for a while, and just stood there stupidly.

The previous changes in the space were all after she did good deeds, probably in exchange for merit, but now she hasn't done anything?

It couldn't be because he hit Meng Yifei.

After the surprise, he finally recovered and did not forget what he was going to do.

Suppressing the ecstasy in my heart, I picked some fresh oranges from the space, took the dark blue scarf I knitted for my father before, and prepared some black tea that I roasted myself, and then I left the space.

It's just that along the way, I still can't calm down for a long time. Now the space can be regarded as having a place. The milk goats that He Jinxuan fostered with friends before can also have a place to raise, but she has to think about how to send them into the space. Not suspicious yet.

Because it was the first time I came here, I was not familiar with this place. After asking for a long time, I finally found the office building where my father was.

I just want to go upstairs to find someone, but it's not that simple.

As soon as she entered, she was stopped by the guard at the door: "Who are you looking for?"

Xinyan looked at the person blocking the way, and thought to herself: There are so many people coming in and out here, why did you stop her alone for questioning?

Feeling a little unhappy, he frowned and said, "I'm looking for Han Jingchen."

The man heard Xin Yan's words: "Who are you, why are you looking for our chief?"

Xinyan became even more popular now, what is it all about: "Everyone who enters the office building, will you ask these questions?"

The person did not expect Xinyan to ask her back: "You are not wearing work clothes, you are not wearing a work badge, and you are an unfamiliar face. I naturally want to ask, this is my duty."

In fact, someone touched Director Han's office a few days ago, and he felt that it was his negligence, which led to today's incident.

It turned out that after Han Jingchen rejected Jiang Lina, Jiang Lina tried her best. First, she started with her neighbor Gong's little cousin Hu Rong'er, and gradually met several girls who worked in the office building.

Jiang Lina exhausted all her efforts, and finally took the opportunity to find those girls and met Han Jingchen by chance.

It's just that Han Jingchen thought she was in the way and blocked his way downstairs, so he said: "Please let me go."

It was just such a sentence, which turned out to be the reason why Jiang Lina approached Han Jingchen.

That day, Han Jingchen had just finished the meeting and was about to go back to his office, but he didn't expect to be stopped by Jiang Lina: "Hi, Director Han."

Han Jingchen frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

Jiang Lina smiled all over her face: "Director Han, I'm Jiang Lina, we met before."

Han Jingchen disagreed with this statement. His memory is very good. If he met him, it would not affect him at all. Then he lowered his face and said, "I don't remember where I met you. Please let me go."

Jiang Lina took the opportunity with great difficulty, so how could all previous efforts be wasted like this: "Director Han, last time I blocked your way at the stairs, I am really sorry."

Who is Han Jingchen? How can such a trivial skill stop her: "Who are you?"

Dear friends, good night~~~