There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 614

Chapter 614

Chapter 614 is to accumulate virtue for yourself

Zhao Xiaoxue glanced at the people in the room: "Student Xinyan, I, I, my cousin is hospitalized, and I haven't collected enough money for the operation, so I want to borrow some from you."

Xin Yan narrowed her eyes: "It's been so long, your cousin is still in the capital?"

Zhao Xiaoxue nodded, with a sad face on her face: "The doctor advised her to be hospitalized before, but my cousin didn't believe it, and was planning to take the child back to her hometown.

But in the hospital, I happened to meet a fellow countryman. His son received an order to work in the south, but she fell down, which was quite serious. The doctor said that he could not move for the time being.

I heard that her family was looking for someone to take care of her, so my cousin stayed behind.

A few days ago, the fellow villager was picked up by his son. My cousin wanted to go to the doctor for a check-up before returning to the hometown, but unexpectedly, the doctor said that if the operation was not performed, it would be life-threatening.

But in my cousin's hand is the 20 yuan nursing money that my fellow countryman gave me when I left, and I don't have much money in my hand, which is not enough money for surgery. "

She was afraid that Xinyan would not have a lot of money: "Student Xinyan, I was wrong about the previous incident. Don't bother with us if you are a large number of adults. Now it is really a matter of life and death. I hope you can help us."

Thinking of Zhao Xiaoxue's cousin, Xinyan really doesn't like it at all, but it's all about this, if she doesn't help, she will feel a little bit uncomfortable.

Xinyan Zhao Xiaoxue put her hands on both sides, so nervous that she didn't know how to put them: "This matter, who knows if what you said is true or not, besides, when the money is borrowed, when can I pay it back, I don't know your cousin, Even if I borrow it, I will lend it to you."

Zhao Xiaoxue heard Xinyan's words, and quickly took out a medical record from her satchel: "This is my cousin's medical record."

Xinyan took it and scanned it roughly. Seeing the doctor's order above, she also understood that if Cousin Zhao Xiaoxue's illness had not been delayed before, maybe it would not have been so serious.

As a woman, as a woman who has lived a new life, she understands the seriousness of this disease. If she misses the best time for this operation, Zhao Xiaoxue's cousin will probably disappear in this world soon.

After a little thought, he looked up at Zhao Xiaoxue: "How much are you going to borrow from me?"

Zhao Xiaoxue let go when she heard Xinyan: "I have already sent a telegram to my hometown, and someone from the family should come soon, and they will more or less always bring money.

Can you lend me a hundred yuan first, and I will ask the doctor to arrange the operation first. Don't worry, I borrowed this money. It may not be so much that I can pay you back, but I will definitely find a way to pay you back little by little until it is paid off. . "

Although Zhao Xiaoxue is a bit cautious, seeing her asking for money for a cousin she doesn't like very much shows that this person's character is not too bad: "I can lend you money, but I have to write an IOU. And it must be paid off before graduating from college.

Zhao Xiaoxue nodded like a slap in the face: "Okay, okay, don't worry, as long as I have money in my hand, I will definitely pay it back first."

But in this day and age, no one can take out a hundred yuan at any time: "When is the latest?"

Zhao Xiaoxue quickly replied: "The doctor said that the operation can be arranged tomorrow, but the fee must be paid before the hospital closes today."

There is one in Xinyan's space, but it's impossible to give it to her right now: "I'll bring it to you when I go back at noon, let's go to class first."

After Zhao Xiaoxue thanked her repeatedly, she turned and left.

Jiang Peiqin came over: "So much money, you just lent it to her?"

Li Zhaodi also answered the conversation: "Her cousin is not easy to get along with, she always feels a little inconsistent."

Xinyan took her book and said, "If her disease is not operated on time, it will be life-threatening in a short time. You have also seen Zhao Xiaoxue. In fact, she may not agree with that person. But in this case, she still came to borrow money regardless of face, and her nature should not be bad.

Isn't there a saying that saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda should be regarded as accumulating virtue for oneself, not to mention that the money was not lent to her cousin, but I lent her. "

(end of this chapter)