There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 585

Chapter 585

Chapter 585 Daigang

After listening to Li Yutong's words, Sister Kang was surprised, but she also felt that it made sense: "You mean to ask me to find someone to take over the post?"

Li Yutong didn't turn the corner either: "Yes, it just so happens that a friend of mine is looking for a job right now, so I'll come over and ask. If it's possible, then it happens that she has a job for the time being, which can also solve the problem of eating, and you won't either. If you lose your job, you still get half of your salary.

Sister Kang nodded: "This method is indeed feasible."

The doctor said that his man will take at least three or four months to take care of himself. Even if he is discharged from the hospital, he will not be able to leave him. He can't always ask his neighbors to help him. I'm afraid it's the best way to do it. "

So the two quickly negotiated. Sister Kang will come over tomorrow morning to talk to the leader of the unit about the substitute post. The salary is divided in half. When Sister Kang goes back to work, it is good for Qiao Shanmei to leave.

However, they also agreed that other benefits issued by the unit during the period belonged to Qiao Shanmei.

Leaving from Sister Kang, Li Yutong went directly to nurse Xu Shaozhen.

Qiao Shanmei was helping Xu Shaozhen pickle sauerkraut, when Li Yutong came over: "Yutong, you are here, do you have good news?"

Li Yutong looked smug: "That's right, I said I would help you, and I definitely can't let you down."

Qiao Shanmei stood up excitedly, wiped her hand on the apron: "Tell me quickly."

Li Yutong didn't say it directly, but he said, I'm rushing to do your business right after work, and I'm dying of thirst.

Qiao Shanmei smiled all over her face: "Yes, yes, yes, look at me, you wait, I'll go and pour you some water."

Qiao Shanmei trotted into the house.

Xu Yuzhen glanced at Qiao Shanmei who ran into the house, then turned to Li Yutong: "Yutong, did you really help her find a job?"

Li Yutong played with his fingers: "There can still be fakes."

Xu Yuzhen's face was full of pride, and she felt that she was worthy of being the child of her grandma. Although the Li family was in trouble now, Ke Yutong was still so good. Not only did she find a job for herself, she also helped her friends find jobs. Capable.

Qiao Shanmei came out with water: "Yutong, drink water."

Li Yutong was really thirsty, took the water, drank it after a few mouthfuls, handed the cup to Qiao Shanmei, and had another cup.

Qiao Shanmei didn't get impatient either, she turned around and went into the house again.

Li Yutong said to the nanny Xu Yuzhen: "Nurse, let her live with you temporarily during this time, but you can't live longer. Let her pay you two yuan a month for rent, and let her do any work at home. Help you do it."

Xu Yuzhen only said one sentence: "She is your friend, you can arrange it."

Li Yutong had her own plan to help Qiao Shanmei, but she didn't plan to help her for nothing, and naturally it was impossible for her to live in the house for nothing.

When Qiao Shanmei came out again, Li Yutong said, "I don't have the ability to find a formal job for you, so I found a substitute job for you first. The eldest sister has an accident at home and she needs to take a long vacation. It's definitely time to find someone.

I found the eldest sister, you help her substitute, half the salary, you settle down first, and then slowly find a suitable job. "

Qiao Shanmei happily said: "Yes, yes, what does the eldest sister do?"

Li Yutong glanced at her: "He is in charge of cleaning in our hospital."

When Qiao Shanmei heard that she was in charge of cleaning, the expression on her face immediately collapsed.

(end of this chapter)