There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 538

Chapter 538

Chapter 538 Complaints in my heart

Ye Liyan looked into the eyes of his eldest son, as if he saw Shen Ninghui, and suddenly his eyes turned red, and he hugged his eldest son into his arms: "Father is sorry for your mother, and I am sorry for you, Dad will always guard you and accompany you to grow up .

Ye Sili's eyes turned red when he heard his father's words. He didn't know his father very well, but when he heard his father mention his mother, he missed her.

For his mother's death, he blamed him: "Dad, my mother was always looking forward to your coming home. At night, my mother was always looking at your photos in a daze, and sometimes she would cry. I saw several times when I woke up at night. Second-rate."

Hearing what the eldest son said, Ye Liyan couldn't control it anymore. He was afraid of scaring his son, so he put down Ye Sili in his arms in a hurry, turned around and went upstairs quickly.

Ye Sili looked at his father's back and thought: If it wasn't for his father not coming home for many years because of work, his mother wouldn't have to work so hard. If his father hadn't been away all year round, his mother might not have left them.

In the past, my mother was gone, and the members of the Shen family were unwilling to adopt them. Later, when they came to Eastern Province, they were still not welcomed by others. Then I thought to myself, no matter what is good for them, as long as I adopt them.

Fortunately, his cousin didn't dislike them and treated them very well, so he and his younger brother settled down, but he still missed his parents very much.

But now that Dad is back, Mom is gone. Although he is young, deep down in his heart, he still blames Dad. If it weren't for him, Mom might not have left them so early.

He Jinxuan walked to Ye Sili: "Sili, do you miss your mother?"

Ye Sili heard his uncle mentioning his mother, and put his arms around He Jinxuan's neck: "Uncle, even if you think about it, my mother will never come back."

He Jinxuan was afraid that this child would get into the wrong place: "Uncle knows that you are not feeling well, but you shouldn't blame your father for what happened to your mother. He loves your mother and you very much, but what he wants to do is for the sake of the country. , for the benefit of the people, it is great, you may not understand it now, but you will know it when you get older.

Listen to your uncle and live with your father in the future. Be obedient, okay?

Don't worry Uncle. "

Ye Sili cried directly: "Uncle, I can't bear you."

He Jinxuan lived with the two little guys for so long, so he was naturally reluctant, but Ye Liyan came back and transferred back to the capital for the sake of the child. He couldn't blame him for his cousin's death, and he had no right to stop him from picking up the child.

Helping Si Li wipe away the tears: "Si Li, uncle is also reluctant to part with you, and will visit you often, and you can also go back and stay for a while.

Your father couldn't be with you before, because he had his own responsibilities and had to do so. Of course, Uncle doesn't think you're at fault for what you're doing now, but something has already happened. Uncle only hopes that you will be happy every day. "

Ye Sili is a smart and transparent child: "I know uncle."

At this time, Si Yan on the side also approached He Jinxuan, and whispered: "Uncle, will Dad find us a stepmother?"

I don't know what I thought of, and said pitifully: "I don't want a stepmother."

At this time, Ye Liyan, who had adjusted his emotions, happened to come down from upstairs and heard what his youngest son said.

He walked over in two steps in three steps, hugged Si Yan into his arms, looked into his son's eyes and said, "Don't worry, the two of you are enough for me, and I won't let others take your mother's place again." , my only wife is Shen Ninghui."

Ye Siyan's big eyes flickered: "We won't have a stepmother, will we?"

Ye Liyan nodded and said: "No, from now on, the three of us will depend on each other for life."

Xiao Siyan ran up in his father's arms: "Oh, we don't need to be hungry, we don't have to wear warm clothes, and we don't need to have a stepmother, our own father has become a stepdad."

Standing outside the door, Xinyan looked directly at the sky, thinking: Who is this who said these things to the two children.

He Jinxuan, who was holding Si Li, and Ye Liyan, who was holding Si Yan, looked at each other, and had a guess in their hearts. After the two exchanged glances, they didn't say much in front of the child.

(end of this chapter)