There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 514

Chapter 514

Chapter 514 Punishing the Evil and Promoting the Good is Everyone's Responsibility

These words suddenly aroused Xinyan's curiosity, she found a place to sit down: "Can you tell me?"

Ling Tian was a little hesitant, after all, those people were not simple, and he didn't want to involve this girl.

Xinyan also saw his concerns: "If you really don't want to say it, then forget it, I just thought, if it's true as you said, I can find someone to pass it on for you."

She really thought so just now. If the matter is important, she doesn't mind asking Han Jingchen to help pass the news to the top. After all, it is everyone's responsibility to punish evil and promote good.

Ling Tian chose to trust Xinyan after struggling, "Last month, I brought my grandma back to Beijing from Eastern Province, because my grandma had an operation before and her body needs to be recuperated.

But I didn't have too many meat tickets, so I thought about going to the suburbs to find a way to see if I could exchange some from the villagers.

Yesterday morning, I went to the suburbs. For the sake of safety, I deliberately went to a village farther away, so as not to cause trouble for myself.

Because I drank porridge in the morning, I wanted to find a place to relieve myself halfway. Because I borrowed someone else's bicycle, I was afraid of losing it, so I pushed the bicycle into the woods.

It's just that I didn't expect that as soon as I finished my hands, I heard someone coming into the woods.

I thought they were passers-by who came in to relieve themselves, but they saw something they shouldn't have seen. The two people who came in turned out to be human traffickers. They said they brought goods, and they were in the mountain nest in front.

I didn't want to get involved, but in the end I couldn't bear it with my conscience, so I bravely followed.

It was only when I arrived that I saw that these people were really devoid of conscience, not only women, but also a few teenage children. According to their opinion, these people were all kidnapped from nearby villages.

It may be that they were too confident, so they just gagged and tied them up. After those people handed over, only one person was left there to guard, and the rest left.

I was afraid that those people would come back later, so not long after they left, while the guard was not paying attention, I knocked him unconscious and released those people.

It's just that I didn't expect that when I came out of the mountain nest, I hadn't decided whether to go to the village to exchange meat or go back to the city, and someone would come after me.

I had to run, but I never thought that these people would chase after me. I was afraid that the borrowed car might go wrong, so I ran into a factory in the suburban area and stored the car there.

I thought about hiding in the factory and returning to the city later, but I didn't expect that the more people were waiting for me, the more people were looking for me.

In the end, I had no choice but to run out at the right time, and part of it was thrown away. In the end, only these three people were left chasing after me. "

Just as he was talking, his stomach began to growl.

Ling Tian blushed immediately, and he stretched out his hands to hold his stomach: "Sorry, I haven't eaten for several meals."

At this time, Grandma Zhang also opened the door and came in: "The meal is ready, come and eat."

Ling Tian blushed: "It's really causing you trouble."

Xinyan stretched out her hand to signal him to eat: "Let's eat first, after we finish eating, let's talk about things."

She also understood that if this matter is not handled properly, everyone will be in danger. Since she has encountered it, she must do what she can.

Although Ling Tian was very hungry, he didn't gobble up his meals, instead, he gave people a very elegant feeling, and he could tell at a glance that he was a child from a big family.

Thinking of the white jade bracelet he sold on the black market before, it must have been a disaster at home, but I am embarrassed to ask this.

Besides, I recognize him now, this person doesn't know me, so I can't rashly say what happened before.

After the meal, Xinyan asked him to go through the matter carefully again to see if there was anything missing.

He lowered his head and thought for a long time, then raised his head suddenly: "The way they chased me, I heard those people mention Brother Li several times. I guess the Brother Li they are talking about is the person behind their scenes."

Xinyan also remembered what she heard from that person before, that Ling Tian offended Brother Li.

Ling Tian took a look outside: "In the middle of the night, when people's spirits are low, I will take advantage of it"

Xinyan immediately understood what he said he wanted to do, and interrupted him with a wave of her hand: "Your thinking is too simple."

(end of this chapter)