There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 502

Chapter 502

This matter was soon exposed.

However, Han Chunxue, who has been silent all this time, is thinking: I must have a good talk with my daughter after I go back. She has entered the society now. Before, she always felt that she was still young. With their protection, it would be good to teach her slowly.

But through today's incident, she felt that she was wrong. If she continues to be careless like this, she doesn't know when something will happen.

After collecting his thoughts, he continued to join the chat between Grandma Zhang and Su Aihong.

From Grandma Zhang, I learned more about the heart, which made Han Chunxue and Su Aihong sometimes sad and sometimes happy.

It was almost time to chat, and Han Chunxue remembered the sweater she brought for Xinyan.

Get up and take out the sweater, and wave to Xinyan: "Xinyan, go to the room and try it on to see if it fits."

Xinyan looked at the knitted round neck sweater, and even knitted a pattern: "It's finished so soon?"

At this time, the heartless Sun Zhenling came up again: "This sweater was knitted a few days ago, and now this pattern is very popular."

Han Chunxue pushed Xinyan: "Go back to the room and change it, let Gu see if it fits."

Xinyan hugged the sweater and returned to her room with a smile.

When she came out again, she specially paired it with a pair of straight-leg pants that she made herself, and also wore the small leather shoes with heels that He Jinxuan bought her last time.

As soon as it came out, it attracted everyone's attention.

Sun Zhenling trotted over: "Cousin, this outfit is really pretty."

Everyone was full of praise for her body, Xinyan smiled and said, "Stop boasting, I'm going to float."

said, everyone laughed.

Han Chunxue looked at the tall and slim niece standing there, and was filled with emotion, thinking: It would be great if my sister-in-law could come back, because the first half of my second brother's life was too hard.

Xinyan and Han Chunxue asked for advice on the trick for a long time, then went back to the room and changed their clothes and shoes.

After coming out again, I made an appointment with my sister-in-law Wu Shengfang to accompany her to buy wedding supplies during the rest of the next weekend. Of course, Chu Zhenhua and Sun Zhenling also accepted the appointment.

In the past, everyone would stay here for one night and leave early tomorrow morning, but today there are still Wu Shengfang and Chu Zhenhua, so it is not good to stay here.

In addition, Grandma Zhang had just arrived, and they were afraid to stay, which made Grandma Zhang feel uncomfortable. It happened that Han Jingheng and Sun Baowei came here by car, and they crowded together and left together.

After they left, the courtyard became quiet.

After Xinyan greeted Han Jingchen, she took Grandma Zhang back to her room. Knowing that she must not have had a good rest in the afternoon, she asked her to wash up and rest earlier.

After Grandma Zhang settled down, Xinyan returned to her room.

She understands that when she returns to school the day after tomorrow, she will also be busy. One is to study medicine with the master, the other is to complete the schoolwork well, and the third is to find a place to sell the goods in her own space.

The quantity of that batch of goods was quite a lot, she was not in a hurry, she just wanted to ship out before the winter vacation.

During the winter vacation like this, I can still go south again,

In a few years, when the market is open and you can run your own business, you can find a promising industry, find someone to cooperate with, become an investor, and just enjoy the dividends.

Returned to the room, closed the door and window, and entered the space.

The little bronze figure given by the second senior brother really solved her urgent need. Now she goes to the space to practice acupuncture every day, and the techniques are already very proficient.

Besides, she has memorized all the five manuscripts in the space by heart, and now she is waiting to practice them.

After practicing acupuncture, Xinyan did not stop. Today, the aunt and aunt said that the moisturizer she gave was very good. Their skin was much more delicate than before, and it was also whiter.

Since they like it and see the effect, I will make some more and give them another can when we meet next time.

Early the next morning, Xinyan was boxing in the yard when Su Jinsong hurried in.

After she stopped her fist, Han Jingchen came out of the room and waved to her: "Yanyan, come to the study, Dad has something to tell you."

Xinyan went to wash up first, then changed her clothes, and walked to the study.

Knock on the door.

A voice came from inside: "Come in."