There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 Undisclosed rewards

Having achieved the effect she wanted, Yu Xinyan said firmly: "Everything will be fine, even for Grandma Zhang, I have to work hard."

The emphasis on 'working hard' is of course to find a reason for the next school. Only by studying can there be a way out. It is also a disguised form to let everyone know that she is not lying, and that she is really good at studying.

Having said all that needs to be said, Yu Xinyan stopped talking. Everyone thought she was worrying about those debts. It can be said that this is really a beautiful misunderstanding.

After the meal, the doctor checked Ye Siyan: "You can go home, but you must pay attention. The temperature is unstable now, and children are prone to colds and fevers. Parents should pay more attention."

Children are prone to recurring colds, and Yu Xinyan was also worried that the child would have a fever again at night, so she asked He Jinxuan in a low voice, "Do you have antipyretics at home?"

The doctor said with a smile: "Either way, the **** is still careful, and I still need to prescribe some antipyretic medicine to take home. Take it again in the evening, stabilize it, and observe it for another day tomorrow. If you don't have a fever, then you are fine."

So, she took the prescribed medicine and wrapped Ye Siyan tightly with the army green blanket before, and Yu Xinyan left the hospital with Ye Sili carrying a lunch box.

Watching one big and two young leave, He Jinxuan felt an inexplicable strange feeling in his heart, but soon he didn't have time to think about it.

Because someone came to the factory: "He Section Chief, are you better?"

He Jinxuan saw that it was the leaders of the factory office, and there were two police officers behind them, so he knew in his heart: "Is there any progress in the case?"

The police comrades nodded at him: "Yes, they have all been caught, and they have confessed."

The director of the factory was a little excited and said: "He Kechang, you have made a great contribution this time."

He Jinxuan looked at him puzzled, and thought: Didn't he just catch a few bastards, so how did he make such a great contribution?

The factory manager saw that he didn't understand, and smiled at the two police officers: "You guys should talk about it."

One of the tall police comrades said: "Let's go outside and talk, so as not to affect everyone's rest."

He Jinxuan naturally understood that the public security officer named Xiao Tie had something to say, nodded and said: "Okay."

The patients and family members in the room yelled: We are not afraid of the impact, you just say it here, we are curious, but they can't say it, so they can only watch He Jinxuan out of the ward surrounded by people.

They did not go far, and borrowed the duty room from the doctor, while another policeman stood at the door, the meaning was obvious, that is, to keep people away.

After everyone sat down, Xiao Tie said, "Headmaster He, the thieves you caught that day were not ordinary petty thefts. Behind them is a huge cross-city criminal gang that steals, transships, and sells stolen goods. The division of labor is clear.

So this case has not been closed until now. We came here first to express our thanks, and second, to congratulate you. The province and city have rewarded you for your heroic performance, but in view of the safety protection of you and your family , this commendation meeting will not be held, I hope you can understand. "

He Jinxuan really didn't expect that those little thieves would be so deeply involved, but the director Gao Mingde was already very excited: "He Section Chief, you can't be emotional about this matter.

I was called to the city in the morning. The city leaders highly praised our machinery factory, and they also spoke highly of your performance this time. This is a priceless treasure. You have registered with the city leaders. "

The update is finished today, thank you for your support!

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In addition, because the reading system is being upgraded, the messages cannot be replied in time, so please forgive me, Yuanzi will reply one by one later.

(end of this chapter)