There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 456

Chapter 456

When they went downstairs, students from other dormitories were also walking out, and many people looked at them. Not to mention, the appearance of the 306 dormitory is really not impressive, it is only a little more ordinary than Bai Aiwen, Even Zhang Zhaodi, who is wearing patched clothes, is not bad looking. If she takes care of her skin, she will be a sweet beauty.

Not to mention that Jiang Peiqin is tall and flirtatious, Han Xinyan is elegant and refined, and Cui Haili is dignified and stable. Everyone walking on campus has aroused the frequent glances of many boys, and of course the envy and jealousy of many girls.

When they arrived in the classroom, some classmates had already arrived in the classroom.

Cui Haili sat directly with Xinyan, Jiang Peiqin sat behind Xinyan, and Bai Aiwen didn't want to sit with these beautiful people, so she pulled Zhang Zhaodi to sit in the two rows behind them.

The shy and delicate Su Yuelan took a glance and sat next to Jiang Peiqin. Li Yutong and Xia Ruhui, who followed behind them, sat directly at the back.

After that, people came in one after another.

After the bell rang, the counselor came in and looked around the classroom: "Students, I am your counselor He Chongyang. Welcome to Peking University and become a member of the English class of our Spanish Department."

There was applause in the classroom.

He Chongyang stretched out his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then continued: "There are thirty-two students in our class, including ten girls and twenty-two boys. I just checked and the number is just right. Next, everyone Let's introduce ourselves and get to know each other.

Afterwards, the classroom started from the first student on the left in the front row to introduce themselves, and after everyone finished introducing, the counselor He Chongyang looked at the following with a smile: "Our class can be regarded as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and there are only three provincial champions. "

The classroom suddenly became lively.

He Chongyang reached out his hand to signal everyone to be quiet: "Okay, let me reveal the answer for everyone. Our classmates Kong Yuexiang, Han Xinyan, and Duan Changzhu all entered our school with excellent results as the provincial champions."

As soon as the counselor finished speaking, the classroom burst into applause again.

He Chongyang waited for everyone to calm down, and then continued: "Of course, the other students are not bad. Those who can be admitted to our Beijing University are all outstanding. Welcome everyone."

After the self-introduction came to an end, He Chongyang said: "The other main purpose of today's class meeting is to select the class leaders. Next, we will use self-recommendation and nomination to select. If there are multiple candidates, vote to determine. "

Xinyan was normal-hearted, she didn't want to show it deliberately, and she didn't want to avoid it deliberately. After all, being elected as a class leader has both advantages and disadvantages for an individual.

She did not recommend herself, but someone nominated her.

After the final vote, Duan Changzhu was the secretary of the league branch, Kong Yuexiang was the monitor, Han Xinyan was the study committee member, Cui Haili was the organization committee member, Feng Aibing was the health committee member, and Liu Jianchun was the sports committee member. The art committee, but lost to Qiao Shanmei in the class.

When the result was announced, Li Yutong became an angry puffer fish, and Xia Ruhui, who was sitting next to her, became her punching bag.

Finally, each member of the class committee went up to speak a few words, the counselor made a final summary, and distributed the schedule, and the class meeting ended.

Because he didn't run for the literary and art committee, Li Yutong said a lot of bitter words to Qiao Shanmei who was elected. If Xia Ruhui didn't pull her away, Qiao Shanmei didn't want to make trouble on the first day, fearing that it would end badly.