There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 439

Chapter 439

Chapter 439 The ending of the Qiu family

In fact, when he changed jobs, Han Jingchen had two choices, either to go to the public security system or to the railway system.

Based on his own thinking, he must be willing to transfer to the public security system, but his body knows that in the first half of his life, he was worthy of the country, and in the second half of his life, he wanted to think more about his family and wanted to be safe.

Daughter is right. Wherever she works, she also contributes to the country. He is now thinking about taking good care of his body, taking good care of his daughter, and waiting for his Wanqing to come back.

Indeed, after a difficult decision, he chose the Ministry of Railways. It just so happened that there was a vacancy at the BJ Railway Bureau, and the higher authorities assigned him to directly serve as the director of the Group Bureau of the BJ Railway Bureau, at the deputy ministerial level.

Because of his physical condition, he needs to complete the physical therapy this time. The procedures will be completed next month, and he will officially report in October.

Xinyan looked at Han Jingchen: "Dad, will you regret it?"

Han Jingchen stretched out his hand and scratched his daughter's nose: "Since I have made a choice, I will not regret it. No matter what job I am in, my father will never forget his original intention and stick to his original intention."

Xinyan saw that he had already figured it out, and she also let go of her heart.

Thinking about the coming days, give him more space water. This year has been seven or eight years. According to what Dad said before, if Mom really cares about Dad so much, she must come back soon.

No matter what happens in the future, what she has to do now is to help Dad take care of his body.

The father and daughter were talking, when Su Jinsong walked in: "I have sent you away."

Han Jingchen nodded lightly, thinking in his heart that the Qiu family has come to this point because of their greed. They should be glad that they didn't do anything serious, but with their hearts, it is more painful to live like this. the desired effect.

Xinyan poured a glass of water: "Dad, let's leave things like this for the Qiu family, there's no need to worry about them."

Han Jingchen took the cup: "Okay, listen to my daughter."

The reason why Han Jingchen is so talkative is because his daughter is safe and his wife has news, and they will not have a good life in the future.

Before I didn't know what happened to my wife and daughter, there was nothing I could do about it. If I knew it, I would let it go. It's impossible for me to pretend that nothing happened, but I'm just guarding my bottom line.

Qiu Gouxuan's team is completely useless at present, unless there is a big opportunity in the future, it will be difficult to turn them around, and to be honest, it is impossible for them to turn over.

As for Qiu Shaocheng's other family, Li Yuzhi, the second married woman, had her beloved youngest son beaten and maimed after her second marriage.

Li Yuzhi's actions completely made Qiu Weitie give up, and directly proposed to separate the family.

Even if Li Yuzhi put down his cruel words and left the house if he wanted to separate, Qiu Weitie was determined to separate.

Seeing that Qiu Weitie was determined to separate the family, Li Yuzhi proposed to give 20 yuan a year as a pension. The village cadres couldn't stand it. After some twists and turns, Li Yuzhi finally lived with his youngest son, Qiu Weigang, who was beaten miserably. Well, Qiu Weitie gave ten yuan of pension money every year, and the family just broke up like this.

The news was intentionally passed on to Qiu Shaocheng in the prison. Qiu Shaocheng couldn't stand the blow and fell seriously ill in the prison.

When Li Yuzhi received the notice, she still didn't want to come to pick up her. She was released on medical parole, which sounds like a medical treatment, but it doesn't cost money or take care of her. Now she has a disabled son at home, and she doesn't have the ability and energy.

When Han Jingchen received the news, he naturally wouldn't make Li Yuzhi happy. Although Qiu Shaocheng's cheating on the Han family had nothing to do with her directly, it did have an indirect relationship. If it wasn't for her, Qiu Shaocheng wouldn't have done that.

Under pressure, Li Yuzhi had to apply for medical parole for Qiu Shaocheng, and took him back. From then on, the days of dire straits began.

The matter of the Qiu family has come to an end.

(end of this chapter)