There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 437

Chapter 437

Chapter 437 Don't look for trouble, offend people

After entering the space, I sorted out the goods to be sold tonight, thinking that in another two or three years, there would be no such trouble, just buy the shop openly and open a store.

After eating, it was still early, so I harvested the mature crops in the space, planted a stubble, and harvested eggs, duck eggs, and goose eggs, and then changed my clothes and left the space.

Still go out through the back door. When turning out of the main road, I glanced at the gate, but I didn't expect Huang Yufeng to still be there. I don't have to think about why she came here, but I don't know how she found here?

However, no matter how she found her, she would never sympathize with this kind of person.

Xinyan quickened her pace. The place she had agreed with that person was not too far away. In order to get there earlier, she even took a bicycle out of the space.

After arriving at the place, I put away the bicycle in advance, and put on a pair of shoes that were one size bigger. Then I walked into the trading place, confirmed that they hadn't arrived yet, found a hidden place, and put the things out first. .

Not long after, Xinyan heard someone coming, and after giving the signal, Xinyan appeared.

The person who came to trade was Zhang Daliang, the second in command of the black market. After seeing the goods, he gave Xinyan a thumbs up: "Brother, you are amazing."

In fact, before he came here, he was not at ease. After all, this is not food or meat, but all scarce items. He saw twenty bicycles, twenty sewing machines, thirty radios, a large box of watches, and Plenty of southern fruit, the man's eyes are straight, it's really a big deal.

This kind of goods is not so easy to get. Not only do you have to have a relationship, but you also need to have an approval slip. Even if you can get the goods in the south, transportation is a problem, unless you have something to do with the drivers of those transportation companies or the transportation teams of various factories. See This person is really capable.

Fortunately, I listened to the boss and brought a lot of cash. Just in case, I also brought a box of old things.

As a result, the boss really talked, the cash was indeed a little short, and it happened to be topped with old things.

Seeing those things, Xinyan immediately had other plans in her mind: "For the next batch of goods, you can directly exchange them with old ones, so as long as they are in good condition, don't just fill them up, or our deal will be over." , I believe that other black markets are also willing to cooperate.

Just for this batch of goods, I also know that this person is not simple, there must be someone behind it, otherwise these things will not be able to get back alone: "Brother, don't worry, if you fool anyone, you dare not fool you, brother."

After the money and goods were cleared, Xinyan didn't care how they transported these things away, she just took the cash and old things and left the place.

The man following Zhang Daliang asked softly, "Second brother, do you want to follow?"

Zhang Daliang shook his head and said: "No, there must be someone behind the person who can get so many scarce goods. Don't look for trouble and offend people. Hurry up and get everyone to load the car."

After Xinyan left for a certain distance, seeing no one was following, she released her bicycle and rode home.

Seeing that Huang Yufeng was still at the gate, she called Han Jingchen after returning to the house, but it was not Han Jingchen who answered the call, but Su Jinsong answered the call. Xinyan briefly explained the matter to Su Jinsong: "Uncle Su, Please tell my dad what happened."

Su Jinsong naturally agreed wholeheartedly, and also told Xinyan to leave her alone and take care of herself, and said that she would tell her as soon as possible, so she hung up the phone.

(end of this chapter)