There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 429

Chapter 429

Chapter 429 This is really a beautiful misunderstanding

Xinyan listened, and smiled slyly: "Okay."

Holding a towel to his face, the two of them had a great time.

Afterwards, He Jinxuan asked dotingly: "Have you played enough?"

Xinyan smiled mischievously: "If you play again, I'm afraid I'll be burned."

He Jinxuan reached out and pinched her face: "Naughty."

Seeing that the medicine in the casserole has started to stick: "Yanyan, the medicine juice is starting to hang from the spoon."

At this time, Xinyan also accepted the previous and Wanxin, and carefully looked at the notes under the prescription: "Not yet, wait for a while, wait until the ointment is thick enough to be poured and then pour in the medicine, after that Put out the fire, cover it and let it sit for a quarter of an hour, then it can be served."

When Xinyan boiled it this time, she boiled it a little longer, and prepared to save it in the space for emergencies.

When the medicine was almost boiled, Xinyan took the spoon in He Jinxuan's hand, sent the person out, and added the stream water prepared in advance.

There was no porcelain bottle, so He Jinxuan had to ask He Jinxuan to find a canning bottle temporarily. The current canning bottle is not small, and it would be a waste to give it too much. A small half bottle is enough for her to use.

Looking at the crystal clear light green ointment in the bottle, Xinyan was overjoyed. She knew that the ointment was quite successful: "Jinxuan, it's a success."

Seeing Xinyan happy, He Jinxuan couldn't help smiling, "It seems that you are really talented in this area, otherwise your master wouldn't accept you as an apprentice."

Xinyan was stunned for a moment when she heard this, it was really a beautiful misunderstanding.

The next day, He Jinxuan accompanied Xinyan to the military hospital again.

When they arrived, there were people in the ward, and Chu Zhenhua saw them come in: "Second Aunt, this is Han Chaoxu's cousin and her partner."

Ge Yumei did not look down on her, she smiled and said, "Hi everyone, I am Zhenhua's second aunt."

Xinyan greeted with a smile: "Hello, auntie."

He Jinxuan didn't speak, but just nodded at Ge Yumei, as a greeting.

At this time, Du Wenbin, who had finished checking his condition, turned around and saw Xinyan standing there. The two looked at each other and said at the same time: "It's you."

Ge Yumei didn't expect the two to know each other, so she asked in surprise, "You know each other?"

Du Wenbin really didn't expect to meet the little girl here, and nodded with a smile: "We met once, but we got along very well."

Xinyan smiled and took a step forward: "I really didn't expect to see you again."

Ge Yumei answered with a smile: "This is fate."

Du Wenbin laughed heartily: "Yes, it seems that you and I really have a destiny."

Thinking of what Ge Yumei said before: "The person you are talking about is not her, is it?"

Ge Yumei looked at her niece and signaled her to speak with her eyes.

Chu Zhenhua smiled and said, "Grandpa Du, this is Xinyan, the cousin of my partner Han Zhaoxu, who my second aunt said was her."

At this time, Du Wenbin also saw the canned bottle in Xinyan's hand, and his eyes were attracted: "Is this the ointment you made?"

Xin Yan nodded with a smile, and handed out the bottle: "Would you like to take a look?"

It was exactly what Du Wenbin wanted. He took the can and didn't open it in a hurry, but observed through the glass first.

After unscrewing the bottle cap, a strong medicinal fragrance wafted out: "You are really willing."

Xinyan understood what he was talking about. Xinyan added more than a dozen slices of ginseng to this medicine, which was produced in the space, and the taste and efficacy were naturally not comparable to ordinary ginseng.

After taking a little out, after carefully identifying the medicinal materials used, and after trying to wipe a little on the back of the hand, looking at Xinyan again, her eyes were full of light, and she couldn't help but praise: "You are so young, it's amazing. It's really good."

When Ge Yumei heard what Mr. Du said, her hanging heart was completely let go, and the smile on her face became even stronger: "Mr. Du, is my niece's leg saved?"

Du Wenbin stared at the medicine in the jar with bright eyes, and looked up at Xinyan: "Do you still have this medicine?"

Xinyan deliberately pretended not to understand: "You always need this medicine?"

Du Wenbin waved his hand: "Don't get me wrong, I just want to go back and study it."

I wish everyone happiness, health and prosperity in the new year~~~

(end of this chapter)