There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 416

Chapter 416

Chapter 416 You guys are lucky

Xinyan and the others walked all the way to the mountainside and found the water pool.

Don't mention it, there are really fish in this pool.

It's just that Han Zhaoxu and the others' nets made of wicker are always unable to catch the fish.

They had to give up first and continue walking up the mountain.

In this season, the scenery on this mountain is full of scenery, it is really too beautiful, Xinyan thought, even if there is no harvest, it is not bad to look at the scenery.

Dad said that mom likes flowers the most, and Xinyan asked Jinxuan to help her dig out a few blue potted flowers and delphiniums, and planned to plant them in the yard when she went back.

Just when several people were having fun, Sun Zhenhai shouted: "Rabbit, there is a rabbit."

After that, Sun Zhenling and Han Zhaohui said in unison: "Where is it? Where is it?"

At this time, everyone also found the frightened rabbit. Xinyan and He Jinxuan also joined in, and everyone began to surround it.

After that, several people including Xinyan and He Jinxuan picked up small stones from the ground and threw them at the rabbit.

Don't say, this soldier was not for nothing, and this rabbit was also really miserable. The rabbit's body was hit in many places.

He Jinxuan said at this time: "There is a rabbit's nest here, let's split up and look for the hole."

Now everyone is excited, and they split up and start to act.

Unexpectedly, they actually found three exits.

Han Chaoyang assigned tasks, Xinyan, He Jinxuan and Sun Zhenhai guarded one entrance, Han Chaofei and Han Zhaohui guarded the other entrance, Sun Zhenling followed him and began to smoke the rabbit nest.

This method really works, and the six rabbits were directly harvested, which can be regarded as a complete victory.

Seeing that it was getting late, Han Chaoyang still wanted to try his luck at the water pool, so he greeted, "Clean up, let's go back."

He Jinxuan has always stayed by Xinyan's side, fearing that something unexpected might happen.

In Han Zhaohui's back basket, there will be half a bag of shepherd's purse. He smiled and said to everyone: "Now there are dumplings stuffed with shepherd's purse."

A group of people walked down the mountain.

Han Chaoyang looked at the rabbits in everyone's hands: "Everyone picked up the firewood and went back, and roasted the rabbits for you to eat."

This has received a positive response from everyone.

When they reached the pool halfway up the mountain, they could see fish swimming through the water from time to time.

This time they dared not catch fish with the wicker nets they made themselves, for fear that the noise would be too loud and the fish would be scared away.

Han Zhaoxu took out the military knife he borrowed from his second uncle, cut a few sticks, each took one, and found a place to stand by himself: "Be careful, don't fall into it."

Everyone confidently found a place to stand, and when they saw a fish swimming by, they plunged down hard. However, except for He Jinxuan and Han Chaoyang who were the first to insert the two fish, the rest of them almost became Drenched chicken.

Because no more fish were inserted at the end, catching fish became a water fight, and everyone had a great time playing it.

If it wasn't for Han Chaoyang calling everyone to leave, I'm afraid I'd have to play for a while, it's really childlike.

Before they arrived at the door, Han Jingchen and the others came to pick them up, but the material of the clothes is thin now, and the clothes are almost dry now.

Although the control is not too strict now, they dare not come back with their things blatantly. Those rabbits knocked unconscious and threw them into the back basket.

Han Jingchen looked at them: "How is it? Did you gain anything?"

Sun Zhenhai, who was walking behind, raised the two half-pound fish in his hand: "Second Uncle, Big Cousin and Big Brother Jinxuan each got a fish."

But after running to Han Jingchen, he whispered excitedly; "Second uncle, we brought a litter of rabbits, and the eldest brother said that we will roast the rabbits later."

Han Jingchen heard that he caught a rabbit: "You guys are lucky."

(end of this chapter)