There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 393

Chapter 393

Chapter 393 Expelled

He Yuejin held the newspaper and pointed to the report: "Look, how inspiring."

He Yanqing snatched it over and looked it over carefully: "Oh my god, look, I really got lucky today, I can tell that my third brother is the one, he is not a good-tempered person.

Fortunately, I didn't say anything to offend anyone today, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to get close to her in the future. "

Cui Ziqiang answered with a smile at this time: "Daughter-in-law, you are indeed sober today."

When he was saying this, He Jiahui, the eldest daughter of He Jianguo, the second room, came over at some point: "I just said, why didn't the aunt of the third uncle's family give me the big white rabbit toffee, it must be my mother this time." Offended people."

After speaking, I started to cry.

He Yanqing is an aunt, no matter how stupid she is, this is also her own niece, and besides, her natal family is still watching, so she turns to her son: "Da Ming, give Jiahui one of your candies."

Cui Daming was a little bit reluctant, but Cousin Jiahui kept looking at him. He took a candy and stretched it out in his hand, retracted it a few times, and finally passed the candy out.

After that, he held on and refused to let go. After a long time, He Jiahui, the second roommate, dragged the candy from her cousin Cui Daming into her own hand, peeled it off and stuffed it into her mouth impatiently.

Seeing that she stopped crying, the people in the room started chatting again.

He Yanqing read the newspaper to the end: "So he found his father?"

He Yuejin nodded: "Anyway, that's what it says."

He Yanqing patted herself on the head: "This future third sister-in-law is amazing."

He Yuejin looked at his sister: "Okay, just tell me what you have, don't play tricks there."

He Yanqing pointed to the newspaper: "Look, the family that adopted her before was named Yu, but this newspaper says Han Xinyan, if ordinary people can change their surname so quickly?"

I have to say, this He Yanqing is really smart.

The discussion here is in full swing, but the second wife and his wife almost started fighting: "He Jianguo, you are so capable, if you can't provoke outsiders, you will take it easy on me."

He Jianguo regrets it a little now. He was indeed a little reckless. Not only did he not do things according to his own ideas, but he also offended both sides.

What worried me the most was that the deputy factory manager would retaliate against me. After all, what happened yesterday was really embarrassing.

But that's how it is, what you are afraid of will come.

When he went to work in the afternoon, the candidate for the vacant seat had already been announced in the workshop, and the person came over to thank him, but his words were full of sarcasm.

What he didn't expect was that the relatives of this person happened to be having dinner at the restaurant yesterday, and witnessed the situation with their own eyes, so they took advantage of the incident to manipulate it, and He Jianguo didn't have anything to do.

The workshop director knew that he had offended the deputy factory manager, so how could he give He Jianguo the position of team leader, unless he didn't want to do it anymore.

Because he was in a panic, he couldn't bear the stimulation of the man's words, so he punched the man directly.

That person was not the one who suffered, and the two directly wrestled together. The most important thing was that they accidentally smashed a machine in the workshop. This made things more complicated and reported it to the factory department. there.

As a result, after the deputy factory manager found out about this, one was dismissed and the other was fired, which was regarded as public revenge.

Both of them were dumbfounded.

He was dismissed just after he was promoted before taking the hot seat. This is also unprecedented. It almost made people laugh to death. In the words of the deputy director of the factory: "You can read my family's jokes, and you dare to use it for yourself. For the benefit."

It didn't take long for the news of He Jianguo's dismissal to spread throughout the factory.

Before it was evening, the He family received the news, and Father He was so angry that he burst into flames. When the drunk and violent He Jianguo came back, he picked up the broom in the courtyard and rushed forward: "I'm going to kill you!" Die you bastard."

He was worried to death at home, but when he came back a drunkard, what time did you say it was, and you still went to drink?

Mother He was very distressed, but she didn't step forward to persuade her. It's really because the second child made too much trouble this time, so he should be taught a lesson.

Dear friends, good night~~~

(end of this chapter)