There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 351

Chapter 351

The woman regained her composure: "Oh, I can't move my neck anymore."

The conductor had no choice but to say to the surrounding passengers: "Come on, everyone, help them up first."

Xinyan said at this moment: "Comrade, it's best to wait for the doctor to come over before moving."

As soon as she finished speaking, the woman scolded: "If you had changed our berths just now, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened. Don't ask people to help us now, you are a black heart."

Xinyan also got angry: "Okay, okay, okay, look at it, kindness is like a donkey's liver and lungs."

After finishing speaking, he stopped talking and concentrated on watching the play.

The woman was sweating profusely from the pain: "Oh, it hurts me to death. If you, comrade, help me up quickly, my neck will be broken."

The conductor was a little embarrassed, and he didn't know whether he should know what the little girl said just now.

Seeing that the conductor hadn't made a move yet: "Oh, what's wrong with you, comrade, why don't you hurry up and give me a hand."

The train attendant had no choice but to call everyone to come over and help. None of their berths did anything, and all the people who came to help were big men who heard the movement and came to watch.

Just as they stretched out their hands, the woman yelled again: "Where are you stretching your hands, it seems that you want to eat the woodcutter warehouse, a bunch of stinky hooligans."

As soon as the words came out, those who came forward to help quit, and one of them let go immediately: "I really don't know what to do, and I want to blackmail people."

As soon as he let go, the woman screamed in pain.

At this moment, the doctor in the train infirmary also trotted over with the conductor: "Where is the person?"

After the doctor checked, he guided people to lift her out: "Fortunately, you didn't move your hands. If you use improper force, her cervical spine may have serious problems."

Several conductors also ran over with a stretcher at this time, and carried the person away under the guidance of the doctor.

After a long time, a tourist who followed the past to watch the fun came back and said to his companion: "The mother and daughter are really capable of doing it. Now it's all right, let's go to the hospital directly."

Someone next to him asked: "So serious?"

The passenger who was watching the excitement quickly explained to them: "The woman had a broken arm and a cervical spine injury. Her daughter's arm and calf were also broken. Do you think it's serious or not?"

Everyone sighed for a while.

Someone said: "It's not self-inflicted, let's see if they dare to make such a fuss again in the future."

The big guys talked for a while, and the carriage finally returned to calm.

Xinyan continues her sweater knitting business. She is very fast and has already knitted more than half a foot high.

When the sister-in-law in the lower bunk stood up to move around: "Hey, little girl, your knitting speed is not slow."

Xin Yan replied with a smile: "This stitch method doesn't require distraction, so weaving is faster."

The two chatted for a while without saying a word, and they didn't end the chat until the sleeping child in the lower bunk woke up.

Fortunately, nothing happened on this journey, and I arrived at the destination safely.

This time, because of the previous experience, he quickly exchanged all the money in his hands for goods, and also made some new contacts.

After all the money in her hand was exchanged for goods, she didn't go back to Eastern Province, but went to Hai Province, which produces fruit, and then moved to several provinces that produced famous tea, and this time, she didn't miss out.