There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 348

Chapter 348

Chapter 348 Why are you two fighting again?

Sun Baowei comforted softly: "No, the situation was special back then, and it was a last resort. Those people have been biting and refusing to send their mother and daughter away, fearing that something serious will happen."

Han Chunxue sighed: "These years, every time I think about it, I feel very uncomfortable. I feel sorry for my second brother. I really want to hear about them. I have been disappointed too many times in the past few years. I am really scared. .

Sun Hewei reached out and patted his wife on the shoulder: "I have a hunch that there will be good news this time."

Han Chunxue raised his head suddenly: "Have you received any reliable news?"

Sun Hewei laughed: "It is true that I have received some, but I have to go there before it can be confirmed."

Han Chunxue couldn't stay still for a moment: "I'm going to ask for leave, let's go there now."

The one who thought the same as her was Han Jingheng. He also got some news, but he had been disappointed so many times over the years that he couldn't believe it easily. After receiving the call, he killed him directly.

The two brothers and sisters entered the door.

Han Chunxue arrived at the door of the second brother's study room, but raised his hand several times but didn't have the courage to knock on the door.

Han Jingheng, who still came over, couldn't stand it anymore, and raised his hand to knock on the door of the study.

Han Jingchen said, "Come in."

When he saw the eldest brother and younger sister coming in, he stood up, probably thinking of the hardships of these years, maybe thinking of these too many disappointments and heartaches, and there were tears in his eyes in an instant.

Han Chunxue stared at Han Jingchen intently: "Second brother, did you find someone?"

Han Jingchen walked a few steps quickly, and came to the eldest brother and younger sister: "Yes, I found Yanyan."

The boss of the Han family, Han Jingheng, stretched out his arms and hugged his younger siblings: "Okay, just find it, just find it."

He really knows too well that the second brother and younger sister have burdened too much, and everyone has had a hard time these years.

Han Chunxue cried directly: "That's great, it's really great."

After she had cried enough, she asked, "Where is the person, where is my niece?"

Han Jingchen asked them to sit down, and then told them all about what happened in the Eastern Province.

When Han Chunxue found out that her little niece had won the top prize in science in the Eastern Province, she wept again with joy.

Sun Baowei handed her the handkerchief: "Don't cry, this is a happy event, we should be happy."

Hearing this, Han Chunxue wiped away the tears on his face, and looked at the second brother: "Yes, second brother, since the little niece has been found, should we hold a confession banquet?"

Han Jingchen put on a soft smile on his face: "It's not urgent, Yanyan said she would come back early, let's see what she means when the time comes, I've been busy furnishing her room these days.

When I was thinking about it at night, I happened to ask Zhenling, their ages are not much different, what styles do girls like? "

They were chatting when Su Aihong, the eldest sister-in-law of the Han family, came over with her youngest son Han Zhaohui: "Why did you come here so early?"

Han Chunxue got up and took the cooked food from sister-in-law: "Look at me, I forgot to bring some roast ducks along the way."

Seeing the red eyes of several people, Su Aihong knew that they had cried, and looked at Han Jingchen: "Is there any news?"

As soon as she said this, several voices came from the room: "We are back."

The eldest son of the Han family, Han Chaoyang, and the second son, Han Chaoxu, came in. Both of them were in the army. They had received a call and asked for leave.

They knew that the second uncle called to let him come back, so there must be something important at home.

They were followed by Han Chunxue's eldest son, Sun Zhenguo, who was also a soldier in the army, but there was a confrontation match here these days, and he happened to come back a few days early, just in time.

As soon as they came in to say hello, they heard Sun Zhenling and Sun Zhenhai also coming in arguing.

Han Chunxue saw these two friends coming together: "Why did you come here together?"

Sun Zhenling replied with a smile: "The bus at the front and back of the two of us."

Han Chunxue tapped her forehead angrily: "Why did you two fight again just now?"

Sun Zhenling got angry again when she heard this: "Mom, your old son provoked me just now, how can I spare him."

(end of this chapter)