There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 338

Chapter 338

Chapter 338 The role of hot spring water

She was thinking about going back to the hot springs from the south before, but she was really curious about what changes would happen to her body after soaking in the hot springs.

Looking at the misty hot spring pool, she took off her clothes and stepped into the pool.

Warm water wraps the body, and the pores of the whole body seem to breathe, which instantly makes people feel comfortable and happy.

Didn't dare to soak for too long. After fifteen minutes, Xinyan came out of the hot spring pool and found that the skin on her body was more than one degree whiter than before. The skin was like a peeled egg, more fair and delicate.

The whole person feels refreshed.

After getting dressed, she couldn't wait to leave the space, took the small mirror on the table, looked at herself in the mirror, and became **** for a long time.

I don't know if it's because of her heart, but she thinks that the hot spring water can relieve fatigue, and the fatigue from traveling before is gone forever.

She is very satisfied with the effect of hot spring water.

In the city, He Jinxuan sent Xinyan back to the machinery factory, and then returned to the city by himself. After picking up the two children at Lu's house, he went back to He's house for a walk.

Mother He smiled when her third son came back: "Jinxuan, you're back."

Seeing Ye Sili and Ye Siyan following behind him: "Oh, come in quickly, let my uncle and grandma see, she has grown a lot."

The two children obediently called out, "Hi, uncle, grandma."

At this time, Wang Erni, the eldest sister-in-law of the He family, just came out of the room: "Jinxuan is back."

He Jinxuan nodded his sister-in-law: "Sister-in-law."

Sister-in-law He is about to go to the kitchen to make dinner: "I happened to buy some meat in the afternoon, so I will cook a few more dishes."

He Jinxuan wanted to refuse at first, but he heard Father He say in the room: "Boss, you go to the vegetable market again and bother to cook a few more dishes in the evening. Since the third child is back, all of you should come over and have a meal together." meal."

The elder sister-in-law of the He family responded: "Then listen to Dad, I'll go right away."

Happy mother Zhang Guizhi was also happy when she heard that, she went back to the house and took out the meat ticket, and also took some extra money by the way: "Master, it's rare to have dinner together, so you can buy some wine and let their father have a drink for a few nights."

The elder sister-in-law of the He family took it with a smile: "Mom, I'll go right away, you steam the rice first, and I'll come back and finish the dishes."

He Jinxuan brought the two children into the house, and Ye Sili and Ye Siyan called out in unison: "Uncle and grandpa."

Father He smiled and waved to them: "Come to uncle and grandpa."

He Jinxuan put down the fruits and pastries in his hands, and saw that He Sanqiang was smoking: "Dad, smoking too much of this cigarette is not good for your health, you should smoke less."

Mother He, who came in to get food, heard what the third son said: "Yes, tell me more about him. He coughs badly all day, and he still has to smoke that one. Look, the house is ruined, and it's full of smoke all day long."

Father He saw his old wife in front of his son, and scolded himself again: "I've been smoking for a lifetime, how can I just say quit and quit."

Father He put out the cigarette in his hand: "Three, why are you back at this time?"

He Jinxuan got up and poured himself a glass of water: "I'll come and pick them up."

Father He didn't understand: "What are Si Li and Si Yan doing in the city?"

At this time, Ye Siyan raised his head and replied: "My brother and I stayed at Uncle Lu's house for a few days."

Father He looked at his third son, waiting for him to explain.

He Jinxuan finished drinking the water in the glass: "Haibo's mother misses the two little ones, and took it to play for a few days."

Father He knew that the third son hadn't told him the truth, and he was very polite. He didn't want to talk about what the other two children were doing, and he didn't ask himself.

However, I just feel bad. I would rather trouble others than come to them. It seems that the third child still hasn't forgiven them.

(end of this chapter)