There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 328

Chapter 328

Chapter 328 Let me handle it

He Jinxuan outside the house heard Yu Xinyan's cry, a little anxious, and wanted to go there.

Just as he raised his foot, Su Jinsong stopped him: "Don't worry, Comrade He, everything will be fine."

He Jinxuan looked at Su Jinsong, only to realize that this person was one of the people pulled out of the buried car that day. He thought of something, turned around and looked at Zhang Libing who was blocking Yu's family, and now he understood in his heart .

The person in the room is not an ordinary person at first glance, and he can't complain that the comrade in front of him can call him by name. He must have investigated them.

Han Jingchen comforted her so much that Yu Xinyan stopped crying, but she was a little embarrassed, after all, it was really unbearable to cry like this with her own father when they met for the first time.

But in Han Jingchen's eyes, the child must have suffered a lot over the years, and only cried when he felt wronged.

Han Jingchen saw that his daughter recognized him, and also stopped crying at this moment: "My daughter, deal with the affairs in the courtyard first, and we two will talk about the old days."

Yu Xinyan nodded, and it is true that the Yu family must be dealt with first, so as not to come out with disgusting people.

I only heard Han Jingchen ask: "What are you thinking?"

Yu Xinyan knows that her own father can accurately find her, which means that she is not a simple person: "You must have investigated the matter of Yu's family. I signed a divorce letter with them before, and I don't plan to have any further contact with them in the future."

Han Jingchen listened to his daughter's words, and he had the bottom line: "You don't have to worry about this matter, I will handle it."

The father and daughter looked at each other, and then stepped out of the yard one after the other.

After Han Jingchen came out, he looked at the Yu family with a sullen face: "I heard that you are the Yu family who adopted my daughter?"

Mother Yu was too guilty to look up, but Yu Shuisheng replied, "Yes, we have raised him for nineteen years."

Han Jingchen took a step forward, staring at Yu Shuisheng with a mocking smile: "I don't agree with you, Xinyan is only eighteen years old now, how could she have raised her for nineteen years?

In addition, I heard that Xinyan started collecting firewood, digging wild vegetables, and doing housework at a very young age, is it true? "

Yu Shuisheng heard the question and retorted: "Whose children in the village also came here?"

Han Jingchen turned cold: "Your family also has a daughter who is a few years younger than Xinyan, did she also come here like this?"

Yu Shuisheng glanced at Yu Erli who was standing aside from the corner of his eyes, and quickly found the reason for his rebuttal: "The conditions at home are not good, and Xinyan wants to go to school, so she has to do more things, this is her own Yes, it's not easy for the family to support her in school."

Han Jingchen's face became even colder. He originally wanted to save face for them, but now it seems that it is unnecessary: "Xinyan goes to school late and skips grades, and she has good grades. They are all among the best, and her annual scholarship is enough to pay her tuition and miscellaneous fees, and because of her excellent grades in high school, she is directly exempted from tuition and miscellaneous fees, how dare you say that she was educated by your Yu family?"

At this time, Grandma Zhang also stood up: "Your Yu family is really shameless. The money left over from paying tuition and miscellaneous fees went into the pockets of your Yu family, let alone after high school, because Xinyan girl followed you. With me as a companion, you still get five yuan a month for free, how can you have the face to say that your Yu family paid for her to go to school?"

Grandma Zhang thought about what the Yu family had done, and felt uneasy: "In order to save your youngest son, she forcibly refused to let Xinyan girl with such good grades go to school, and found a second-married man to marry her unscrupulously. You are truly devoid of conscience.

I signed the divorce letter before, and you are still licking your face and wanting to make another money. You guys are really shameless. "

When Grandma Zhang scolded the Yu family, Han Jingchen whispered a few words into Zhang Libing's ear, and Zhang Libing turned and walked out the gate.

Many people around here knew about Xinyan, but now it was put on the front line, and there was a lot of scolding around her.

Yu's mother now wants to die, and she really didn't watch the auspicious day when she went out.

Wan Rongjuan knew that today was going to be the end of her life, she looked at Yu Xinyan: "Xinyan, it is indeed our fault, we are too greedy, don't worry, it will definitely not happen in the future, look at the eaves of our one afternoon For the sake of living here for so many years, please forgive us."

(end of this chapter)