There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 323

Chapter 323

Chapter 323 This is what you guys added to my makeup

Now everyone in the Yu family also knows where the money to build the house comes from, and they also know that their parents have signed a divorce letter with Yu Xinyan. not calm.

Yu Erli saw that her father kept silent: "Dad, anyway, the relationship with Yu Xinyan is impossible to return to the past, what do you think?"

Yu Dali, who is already married, persuaded: "Mom, this is broken, and that man is not stupid, how could he give us the gift money, and you also said that Xinyan is not giving face to the family at all now. If you annoy her, if there are any bad words, how can we meet people, Er Li and Shui Liang have not married yet."

At this time, Wu Fangfang, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Yu family, answered the conversation: "Dali, you are right, but since we will not be in contact with each other in the future, if we look for another gift when we see the opportunity, then we will earn it."

The second son, Yu Shuisheng, was also worthless and said: "Sister-in-law is right. Anyway, I can't count on her in the future. It just so happens that I have this opportunity. Why don't you try it? If it happens, the family will be able to earn more money." gone."

Father Yu glared at the second son: "It's fine if they don't know, but you know it clearly, if someone really comes to the door, wouldn't we just bump into the wooden door.

The boss of the Yu family said at this time: "How about this, let's go again in the afternoon, if we can do it, we can do it, if we can't, we can't let it go, now my job in the county is pretty stable, and our family can have a stable income in the future , if it really doesn't work, don't force it.

Actually, he was also afraid that Yu Xinyan would take revenge on her family after she became full-winged.

Father Yu didn't care if no one listened to him. As for what he was thinking, I'm afraid only he knew.

The Lu family is also arguing now.

After Lu Juncheng and the others came back from the town, Lu Juanzi rushed out of the house with a face of excitement: "Third brother, are you back?"

Lu Juncheng pointed to Yao Hui: "This is your third sister-in-law, call someone."

In order to add makeup, Lu Juanzi called someone obediently: "Sister-in-law San, hello, I'm Juanzi."

After calling people, he looked directly at the bullock cart, but when he saw Lu Xiangyang's mouth: "Xiangyang's mouth, what's wrong with this?"

Lv Xiangyang cried when his sister-in-law asked about his mouth, "It was that bad woman who knocked me out, shed a lot of blood, and my teeth were also knocked off."

Grandma Lu didn't understand what her grandson meant: "Juncheng, what's going on?"

Yao Hui seemed to have found an outlet at this time: "It's not because of that dead woman Yu Xinyan."

When the Lu family heard this, their faces changed. Father Lu frowned and looked at the third son: "Juncheng, how did you come back?"

Lv Juncheng thought of He Jinxuan's warning, so he didn't lie, and just went through today's events.

After hearing this, Father Lu glanced at Lu Xiangyang with displeasure, and then said to Yao Hui: "Although the three of Xiangyang and the others are not your own, they are also your nephews. They are not young now, and you have to teach them some truths." They, today's matter, it's Xiang Yang's fault."

Yao Hui didn't expect this father-in-law to be so disrespectful. This is the first time she came to the door, and she was scolded before entering the house, and her face was very ugly.

Lu Juanzi doesn't want to hear this now, she thinks about her makeup: "Mom and Dad, let the third brother, the third sister-in-law and the children enter the house first."

Father Lu also realized that he was too impatient when he heard what his daughter said: "Okay, since Xiang Yang is wrong, then don't mention this matter, let's all go inside."

After the three children got off the bullock cart, Lu Juanzi realized that the third brother and the others came back with two small packages: "Third brother, where is my makeup?"

When Lu Juncheng heard this, his head hurt, and he turned to look at Yao Hui.

Yao Hui had thought about it a long time ago, and directly brought out a double bed sheet: "Juanzi, these are the sheets my sister-in-law bought for you, and she picked the most popular color."

Lv Juanzi looked at the bed sheet in disbelief: "Is this the makeup you gave me?"

Yao Hui pretended to be puzzled and said, "Why, don't you like it?"

Lu Juanzi immediately became anxious: "Third brother, where is my makeup? Don't tell me, it's just a bed sheet?"

Lu Juncheng took a deep breath: "I'm a little tight recently, and the third brother will supply you later."

Now Lu Juanzi exploded: "Third Brother, how could you treat me like this?"

Grandma Lu was also angry: "Yao Hui, I didn't call you, what are you doing, you are only sister Juanzi."

After that, there was a flutter of chaos in Lu's courtyard.

At this time, Han Jingchen, who came after his daughter, also got off the train, and the group boarded the jeep arranged by Yilan County.

At this time, Han Jingchen's nervous palms were sweating.

Dear friends, good night~~~

(end of this chapter)