There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Chapter 29 Something Happened

The remaining two rooms, the middle one is the study.

A partition was made in the center of the room, and bead curtains were hung on it. There were pens, inks, papers and inkstones on the desk inside, and a row of bookshelves against the wall behind them, on which were various books and various types of pens, inks, papers and inkstones. .

Outside the bead curtain, there is a shelf made of bamboo on each side, on which there are erhu, pipa, flute, flute, zither and guqin, and there are more than one musical instrument. It seems that the original owner is still a talented woman , I really like collecting these.

In the last room, there are various pharmaceutical utensils, and a few prescriptions are placed on the bamboo table beside it.

Yu Xinyan couldn't figure it out. Among the five books, except for one [Medicine Fu], which is about pharmacology, although the others are closely related to traditional Chinese medicine, they only have prescriptions for the symptoms. So whether the original owner is a doctor or not.

You say she is not a doctor, but she should know medicinal materials, understand pharmacology, and can give prescriptions for the symptoms, but you say she understands medicine, there are no other medical books here except for the medicine.

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. It's getting late. After being too excited, I'm a little sleepy now.

Yu Xinyan wanted to see the flow rate of this space, so she left the space with an idea, took the thermos in the room as a cover, opened the door and went out.

She walked directly to the front registration room, and had noticed a small iron round alarm clock on the table in the registration room before.

When she came back, she paid special attention to the time. The reason why she brought the thermos was because she was afraid that the elder sister in the registration room would ask questions, so she said, "Come here and ask where to get hot water."

Save embarrassment.

It's just that she was thinking too much. After she passed by, the eldest sister didn't even raise her head. She glanced at the current time, and it was a little past nine o'clock in the evening.

In other words, the time when she entered the space was only an hour away from the outside world, but she felt that she had stayed in the space for at least four hours. After she had a general idea in her mind, she took the thermos to the backyard to fight. Bring a pot of hot water back to the house.

Thinking: It's better to buy an alarm clock when you have time to compare.

After going back to the house and washing up, I lay down on the bed. I thought that I would not be able to fall asleep for a while because of this big surprise.

Early the next morning, she was awakened by a knock on the door.

The person who came was none other than Sister-in-law Tian who had been taking care of her for the past few days: "Sister-in-law Tian, why are you here?"

Sister-in-law Tian's constipated expression didn't know how to say to Yu Xinyan: "Well, from Juncheng's family, you, that, oh, you'd better go home and have a look, something happened, oh, this It's messed up."

Yu Xinyan yawned, trying to let someone in: "Sister-in-law, come in and talk about something."

Sister-in-law Tian looked at Yu Xinyan with some sympathy, and spoke eagerly: "I won't go in, you should clean up quickly and go back with me to have a look, something really happened"

Yu Xinyan asked with some doubts: "What happened?"

Sister-in-law Tian felt ashamed and panicked: "Oh, don't ask, just pack up and follow me."

Yu Xinyan noticed something was wrong from sister-in-law Tian's expression: "Sister-in-law, what happened?"

Sister-in-law Tian saw that Yu Xinyan would not give up without asking, and thought in her heart that she would have to know sooner or later, she gritted her teeth and said: "Lu Juncheng and Yao Hui were blocked in the room, and they More than one person saw that there is a ruckus in the family courtyard right now."

(end of this chapter)