There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 279

Chapter 279

Chapter 279 I did what I wanted to do a long time ago

The letter said that there was a conflict between the Lu family and the Yu family before, and that the daughter of the Lu family, Lu Juanzi, had found a partner in the town, and the date of marriage had been fixed.

also said that Mrs. Lu boasted to the outside world that she wanted to let her daughter get married in a good manner.

Now Yu Xinyan understands why Yao Hui borrows money from people everywhere.

After reading the letter, the corners of her mouth were full of smiles. They felt uncomfortable, so she felt relieved. Although Mrs. Lu was not a big villain, she often bullied herself after knowing that she was barren.

Put the letter paper back into the envelope and seal it, and look at He Jinxuan's opened lunch box: "When did the cafeteria sell fried eggs?"

He Jinxuan was a little embarrassed when he heard the question, "I brought the eggs and asked Master Cui from the cafeteria to help fry them."

Yu Xinyan was delighted, but she still said: "Forget it this time, don't ask someone else next time, so as not to cause trouble for them, we can fry it ourselves if we want to eat."

He Jinxuan pulled the stool aside: "Okay, listen to Yanyan."

What he didn't say was that he wasted several eggs at home in the morning, and they were not very successful in frying, so he had to take the last two eggs to find another way out.

Yu Xinyan was a little embarrassed when he heard him call herself Yanyan, took the chopsticks and changed the subject directly: "Have you eaten yet?"

He Jinxuan helped her arrange the steamed buns, small pickles and porridge one by one: "I have eaten it, you eat slowly, I have to go to work."

Yu Xinyan glanced at the still raining sky outside: "I don't know when the rain will stop, please pay more attention to the Houshan and Yuquan River, even cloudy days are prone to flooding."

He Jinxuan struggled for a long time, raised his hand and touched her head: "Well, I see."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left the house. God knows how much courage he had used just now to do what he had long wanted to do.

Yu Xinyan looked at his back with a funny face, and shouted at him: "Be careful."

He Jinxuan didn't look back, and replied loudly: "Okay."

Walking out of the yard, I still haven't forgotten to close the gate. I feel extremely excited now.

In the past, when he came here, he was afraid of being looked at by others and causing trouble for Xinyan. Now he can't wait to meet someone and let everyone know that they are in love.

Looking at God who was still down, put away the charm in his heart, and walked quickly towards the security department.

After entering the security department, everyone was called together, a short meeting was held, and then the people were divided into several groups, and the task was quickly issued.

After a while, except for the left-behind personnel, all disappeared in the rain.

He Jinxuan has not been idle. After checking everywhere, he went directly to the office of the factory director Gao Mingde. After knocking on the door, he heard a voice from inside: "Please come in."

Push open the door and walk in: "Director."

Director Gao saw that it was He Jinxuan, and greeted him with a smile, "Section Chief He, come in and sit down."

He Jinxuan was still wearing a raincoat, and instead of sitting down, he stood in front of the desk: "Director, there are several gullies in the back mountain where water is flowing down. If the rain doesn't stop, there may be hidden dangers."

After finishing speaking, he said seriously again: "I have checked the water level of Yuquan River, and it will be half a foot away from the bank. The low-lying land on the other side of the river is now covered with vast ocean."

Director Gao did not expect the situation to be so serious: "Then what do you think?"

He Jinxuan said: "At present, the rain still has no intention of stopping. I think we can't wait any longer. We must make some preparations in advance."

Director Gao points to the sofa, you sit down and talk.

He Jinxuan glanced at the sofa, took off his raincoat, hung it on the door, and then sat down on the sofa.

Director Gao got up and poured him a cup of hot water, and put it on the tea table: "Tell me about your specific ideas."

He Jinxuan thought about it briefly: "Now that the water has come down from the back mountain, I wonder if we should organize people to dig a few canals. I remember that we still store the old cement pipes that were transformed before in our warehouse. The diameter is not small. If Maybe it's better to bury a few culverts this time, and if we encounter such a situation in the future, just activate them directly.

(end of this chapter)