There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 266

Chapter 266

Chapter 266 Where have you been

Seeing that although the clothes on his body were patched, except for the trousers legs that were a little muddy due to the rain, his upper body was clean and tidy. She also felt hungry, which was very uncomfortable.

Can't help feeling sympathetic, using the schoolbag as a cover, put the lunch box into the space, took out two buns from inside, and handed them over: "This is what I left over from eating, if you don't mind, you can eat it."

The boy's eyes were full of struggle, so he took it anyway: "Thank you."

Seeing that he picked it up, he walked upstairs, only took a few steps, and stopped again, borrowed a schoolbag and took out an empty can from the space. The cans at this meeting are not particularly thin.

Stepped back a few steps, and said: "This canned bottle is for you. There is a teacher downstairs who is delivering hot water. You can ask for some."

Although something was wrong, he did it anyway, I hope he didn't notice his schoolbag.

Mu Zhongze didn't expect that the girl in front of him would extend a kind hand to him. Ever since his father died and his mother remarried with his younger sister Mu Zhongyue, his cousin and sister-in-law have never given him a good face. Raised by their father, their husband and wife were afraid that their relatives would make irresponsible remarks, and they were afraid that they would drive themselves out early.

In recent years, apart from Grandpa Xu and Grandma Xu next door, only the little girl in front of me has seen herself as a human being.

Yu Xinyan saw that he didn't answer: "Take it, it's such a cold day, drinking hot water is good for your health, you can't have problems at this critical time."

Mu Zhongze reached out to take the jar, looked up at Yu Xinyan: "Thank you."

Yu Xinyan didn't say anything, just nodded at him, and went upstairs.

Seeing the appearance of the young man just now, he thought of the suffering he had suffered in Yu's house, the feeling of being hungry was very uncomfortable, and he couldn't help but feel pity in his heart.

Going up to the third floor to the innermost classroom, after observing it, she chose the position behind the door and entered the space directly, so that even if someone really came, she would not notice the position behind the door.

After entering the space, I boiled a bowl of jujube and **** syrup for myself and drank it. I went to the study room to read the physics book that I was going to take in the afternoon, and then took a nap in the space.

When she came out of the space and passed the stairs, the boy was no longer there.

When I came over, I saw Zhao Jianlan standing in the corridor: "Xinyan, where have you been?"

Yu Xinyan looked outside: "I looked around, the rain hasn't stopped, and the roads outside the school are all flooded."

Zhao Jianlan thought she was looking around to observe the situation outside, so she didn't ask any more questions, but said worriedly: "The rain shows no signs of stopping, which is really worrying."

Yu Xinyan patted her on the shoulder: "God, if it rains, we can't control it. Don't let the weather affect your mood. The most important thing is to go all out for the exam in the afternoon."

Zhao Jianlan nodded and said, "You're right."

The two chatted for a few more words, and each went back to the classroom. The timing was just right. Not long after they entered the classroom, the bell for the afternoon exam rang.

I still read the test questions roughly, and then started to write. Just halfway through, she had finished all the work, and checked it twice as carefully as in the morning, before accepting the pen.

During the exam in the afternoon, the rain outside became lighter, but it never stopped.

When the bell for closing the papers rang, Yu Xinyan was the first to hand in the papers and walked out of the classroom. She glanced at God who was still under the test, wondering whether she should return tonight or not.

I heard someone downstairs yelling with a loudspeaker: "Students of the machinery factory who are taking the college entrance examination, please gather downstairs."

At this time, Zhao Jianlan also came from behind: "Xinyan, what are you looking at?"

Yu Xinyan put her schoolbag on her back first: "I'm thinking whether to go back with the car or stay here?"

After hearing this, Zhao Jianlan looked at the rain outside: "I want to stay here, but I don't have a food stamp. What about dinner?"

Yu Xinyan whispered: "I have food stamps with me, just the two of us must be enough, and I don't know how the teachers will arrange it?

Let's put on our raincoats and go downstairs, let's have a look. "

(end of this chapter)