There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 202

Chapter 202

Chapter 202 I didn't hear what you said just now

After entering the bamboo building, I went directly to the second floor.

Seeing the certificates and bonuses on the desk, he thought about what happened a few days ago.

I didn't expect that when my school held a school-wide meeting, the principal would invite the leaders of the machinery factory. I didn't expect that in addition to the two hundred yuan reward from the city and the one hundred yuan that the school won the first prize in the provincial math competition, the machinery factory would also be rewarded. She was rewarded with one hundred yuan.

Later, she found out that the machinery factory originally planned to reward her with fifty yuan, but she did not expect to know that the city's No. 1 school rewarded her with fifty dollars, and the province's No. 1 school rewarded her with one hundred dollars, but this time the reward in the city was two hundred dollars. In a few days, the province will reward 300 yuan. He can't afford the 50 yuan. After all, no matter whether it is a junior high school or a high school, this is the first time someone has won an award, so he made a decision directly , The machinery factory also rewarded one hundred yuan, in order to encourage students to study hard.

Once the reward was announced, the envy and jealousy of the following students broke.

Taking this opportunity, both Principal Feng and Factory Director Gao said words of encouragement to the students. Facts have proved that they have indeed aroused their enthusiasm for learning.

Yu Xinyan became a celebrity in the machinery factory and several nearby villages. She participated in a competition and was rewarded with 150 yuan before and after the school, plus the 200 in the city and the 100 rewarded by the machinery factory. In the reward, this is 450 yuan, which really shocked everyone.

What Yu Xinyan didn't expect was that Yao Hui actually stopped her in the family courtyard the next day, wanting to borrow money from her.

Not to mention her, even Zhao Jianlan and Duan Ruilian who were with her couldn't believe it, and they were all dumbfounded.

Yu Xinyan plucked her ears, and said to Yao Hui, "I didn't hear what you just said clearly?"

Yao Huili said confidently: "I heard that you won a lot of bonuses, lend me a hundred yuan."

Yu Xinyan shrugged: "I can hear clearly now, but why should I lend it to you?"

Yao Hui said nonsense: "At that time your brother was sick, but the Lu family borrowed it without further ado. We are in trouble now, shouldn't you help us?"

As soon as she said this, the people standing beside her immediately gave her a thumbs up.

Yu Xinyan was directly amused by her words: "Your words are really logical, but I didn't spend the money, you should go back to Beilan Village to find Yu's family, you can't borrow from me."

I really don't know what this woman is thinking. Could it be that her mind is filled with confusion? What is the relationship between them, borrowing money from her?

Thanks to her saying it.

Yu Xinyan didn't want to get entangled with this person, so her face turned cold: "Let me be, don't make yourself uncomfortable, I'm not made of mud."

The murderous look in her eyes, let alone Yao Hui, even Zhao Jianlan and Duan Ruilian who were with her felt it.

Yao Hui still wanted to refute, but Yu Xinyan pulled the two people around her and ran away. Yao Hui wanted to chase, but she saw someone pointing at her, so she didn't dare to chase after her.

The reason why Yao Hui came to stop Yu Xinyan was also provoked by someone. That person didn't really want to do her best, but wanted to see her joke.

It turned out that the Lu family called a few days ago, saying that the youngest fourth child of the Lu family, that is, Lu Juncheng's younger sister, Lu Juanzi, was going to get married next month. My sister prepares a decent makeup.

What is Lu Juncheng's status now? He is an ordinary worker. He still owes debts outside, and his salary is a few dollars less than before.

(end of this chapter)