There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 198

Chapter 198

Chapter 198 The money wasted for nothing

He Jinxuan naturally didn't know about the machinery factory.

They are still on the road now, and Xiao Li, who was driving, looked at the sky and asked, "He Kechang, can we rush to Baihui Town ahead before dark?"

He Jinxuan couldn't see any expression on his face: "It should be about the same. I'm afraid it will rain today. Under the premise of ensuring safety, drive a little faster."

Xiao Li looked ahead and replied, "Okay."

As soon as his car accelerated, the car behind him followed closely behind.

It's just that the sky didn't go as planned. After walking for more than ten miles, a car broke down in the middle, and the convoy had to stop.

After the master in charge of repairing the car looked at it, he couldn't find the reason, and he was sweating profusely.

Before dark, you must rush to the Baihui Town in front. If you stop here, you will not go to the village or shop, and you will be afraid that people and goods will not be safe.

He Jinxuan checked the goods in each truck, and if there was no problem, he came over: "Let me take a look."

The master in charge of repairing the car quickly gave up the place. Originally, he and the master were the two people with the car this time, but because the master fell the night before departure and had a cast on his calf, he felt that these cars had been overhauled before departure. , there should be no problem, so he came alone with the car.

He Jinxuan checked: "The shock absorber leaks oil, is there an oil seal on the car?"

The master hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, yes."

He Jinxuan instructed him to change the oil seal. After the oil leak was eliminated, he pulled out the shock absorber and checked it carefully: "The gap between the piston and the cylinder is a bit large. In order to prevent the cylinder from being pulled, we should replace the piston ring tomorrow before going on the road." Bar."

Afterwards, after packing up everything, the convoy continued on the road.

They had another two days' journey to reach their destination. On the return journey, they also took on the work of the cotton spinning factory in the city, so they didn't run empty, but they had to wait here for two days before they could load the goods, which made He Jinxuan very happy.

He has already thought about it, he must help Yu Xinyan collect more tea seeds, no matter what she wants to do, he just wants to satisfy her as much as possible.

Still thinking about running around more and bringing back as much fruit as possible, these two requests were made in total, and he must satisfy her.

When the convoy arrived in Baihui Town, it was already dark. They found a familiar guest house to stay in, had dinner, and repaired the car overnight in order not to affect tomorrow's schedule.

The next two days went very smoothly. They arrived at the destination very early, and the unloading was even smoother, so they went to the place where they helped the cotton spinning factory to pull the goods that night, and only waited for two days to load and return.

He Jinxuan has two days of free time, so he inquired about the situation here in advance.

Knowing that there is a market not far from here, he stepped on it the next day. Seeing that the ripe fruit varieties here are quite complete, he thought about coming back to buy it when he left. If he bought it in advance, he might not save it. live.

In the afternoon, I went to the countryside to look for tea seeds.

Two days passed by in a hurry. He searched for a lot of tea, and bought lychees, durians, and a small basket of red bayberries that are now ripe and on the market. store."

He Jinxuan did not know where to find a foam box, and bought a roll of toilet paper, and spread a layer under and around it to prevent bumps.

However, no matter how careful he was, when he arrived at the machinery factory, few of the red bayberries could be eaten. They were too delicate to store. Fortunately, the team bought some cherries and strawberries when they passed by Shan Province. .

Xiao Li joked when he got off the car: "He Kechang, the stall owner said that this bayberry can't be kept, you have to try it, now it's all right, the money was wasted."

(end of this chapter)