There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 192

Chapter 192

Chapter 192 Gratitude beyond words

Maybe seeing Yu Xinyan frowning, he collected the money and quickly explained: "I'm sorry, I don't mean anything else, my grandma is sick and can't eat anything else, but that day I used the fish you gave her to cook fish for her She didn't feel any discomfort after eating the soup, if it's convenient, please let me know."

Yu Xinyan thought for a moment: "That fish was caught in Yuquan River."

The boy's eyes lit up: "Thank you."

Yu Xinyan thought of something, put the back basket down, opened the lid, and reached into it to take out a small bag of red dates, which weighed only about two catties: "This is for you, you can use it to make water for the elderly to replenish blood."

It's about the fish, and I can't compensate for it according to the facts. I hope these dates can help the sick elderly.

Looking at Ling Tiancheng in a daze: "Take it, it's not worth much, it's just my heart."

Seeing that he didn't pick it up, she put it in the basket at his feet, said nothing more, turned around and quickly squeezed into the crowd.

After reacting, Ling Tiancheng patted his head angrily, why did he let someone go away like this, looking at Yu Xinyan's back as he walked away, his gratitude was beyond words.

Yu Xinyan turned around and saw that there was nothing she needed, so she reached the exit, found the person whom others had talked about before, and lowered her voice: "Sister, I have a batch of goods to sell, I don't know if you have not interested?"

Huang Yali is in this black market, people who know her well call her Yali sister, even though she is a woman, she has her own way of doing things, even those men who are gangsters in the black market have to give her three points of face.

Yu Xinyan had heard people talking about this person in her previous life. I heard that after the reform and opening up, Huang Yali was among the first batch of people who became rich because of her courage and courage. Of course, she had accumulated raw funds from the black market before. This person Doing things fairly, so word of mouth is very good.

The reason why I approached her was firstly because of her reputation, and secondly because she was a woman and never cheated.

Huang Yali looked at the rustic-dressed girl in front of her, and at a glance she knew that she was not showing her true face: "Sister, do you know me?"

Yu Xinyan laughed: "I heard someone mention it, so I took the liberty to find it today."

Huang Yali saw that this person was not pretentious, but she had a lot of good feelings: "Then tell me, what are you going to do?"

Yu Xinyan didn't have much time, because she couldn't stay outside for too long. Although she left a note for Teacher Cao when she came out, she was afraid that the teacher would be worried, so she put the basket down and opened the lid on it: "Everything is in the basket." It's inside, and you can tell just by looking at its appearance.

Huang Yali saw that the girl was quick to do things, and she liked her very much. She took out the flashlight from her pocket, looked at the back basket, and saw that there were three small cloth bags inside. After opening them one by one, she couldn't help being a little shocked: "This thing, you have it How many?"

When Yu Xinyan heard the question, she had a clue in her mind: "The rice is 2,500 catties, and the wheat has not been ground into flour, but you have seen the quality of the wheat grains. It is about 2,500 catties, and there are not many red dates. Only about three hundred catties."

After hearing the number reported by Yu Xinyan, Huang Yali said excitedly: "Let's go over there and talk."

Yu Xinyan thought for a while, then followed Huang Yali to the front, and when she entered a courtyard, Huang Yali looked at Yu Xinyan: "You are really courageous."

Yu Xinyan smiled lightly: "Before I came here, I asked about the character of the eldest sister, and I found it only after I trusted her. Besides, I am a girl, and you can probably guess why I dared to come here alone."

What she wanted to say was how dare she come here because she didn't have the ability to protect herself, but it meant something else to the ears of the people present. There was someone behind her.

Huang Yali laughed loudly: "It's interesting, I like this temperament, let's talk in the room."

Yu Xinyan didn't want to procrastinate, after entering the room, she said directly: "Sister, I'm in a hurry, let's make a quick decision."

She wasn't worried at all that if she said this, Huang Yali would take the opportunity to lower the price.

Huang Yali also knows that people who come here don't want to stay longer, after all, they are taking risks: "Since the girl comes here because of her reputation, and I like her temper, sister, I won't play around with you, your things are all fine. I'll charge you 45 cents for rice, and 35 cents for wheat grains because my sister still has to process them, and I don't have to say anything about the quality of the red dates, I'll charge you 40 cents a catty, what do you think?

Yu Xinyan was quite satisfied with this price, after all, it was five points higher than she expected: "Deal."

Just like what we talked about before, ask them to bring new sacks. The place she has found a long time ago, there is a water pump room over there. She has seen that the door is only inserted with a wooden stick, and it is easy to enter and exit. The space inside is not small. , enough to store those things.

After the matter was settled, Yu Xinyan left first.

The man behind Huang Yali said: "Boss, you just trust her like that."

(end of this chapter)