There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 181

Chapter 181

Chapter 181 Puzzled

It took a long time to calm down, thinking that after the rice and wheat matured, I would no longer have to do it myself, and my mood was quite carefree.

After the excitement, I was going to find a place to plant the loquat seeds soaked in stream water. Only then did I find that the edge of the fog in the space had retreated a lot, but the land had not changed. It was the source of the stream. Now not only the entire mountain The wall is exposed, and part of the hillside is also exposed.

Now Yu Xinyan was even more excited, she was worrying that there was no place to grow these loquat seeds, she really came to the pillow after drowsiness.

She observed carefully for a while, and found that there was a small path on the side of the bamboo building to go up. Yu Xinyan climbed up with a small **** bought at the market and loquat seeds.

She tried, but she still couldn't pass through the place shrouded in fog. She was also puzzled as to why the fog shrouded in the mountains receded.

Yu Xinyan made a visual inspection, and the fog retreated about three meters away, but the length is not small, so planting these loquat seeds is not a problem.

Looking at the fog, I thought in my heart: Maybe when the time comes, I will expand the area again like this time, and I feel very happy.

On the other side, Qiu Qingmei also arrived in the capital.

Han Chunli is so capable that she even found a place to borrow a jeep.

He directly took Qiu Qingmei to the hotel she opened in advance.

The two people who were in charge of picking up the person sent the person to the place before leaving.

Han Chunli thought that the clothes she made were perfect, but now Han Jingchen has got the news, and he has also confirmed that the girl he picked up is not his daughter.

Don't ask him why he knows, because in this world, apart from his wife, he is the only one who knows that the characteristics of his daughter are the secret between his wife Gu Wanqing and him.

Han Jingchen fell into a conflict. If this girl is not his daughter, who is it?

He thought for a while, and then made a call: "Find the two people who picked up Han Chunli. Be sure to find out what happened from them, and hurry up."

He naturally knew that Han Chunli's intention for picking up this girl was not his daughter, but he couldn't watch Han Chunli hurt others for her own selfish desires.

He wants to know everything about that girl as soon as possible, maybe, along this line, he can just find his daughter.

He also accidentally discovered some clues some time ago, which made him suspicious of Han Chunli, but he didn't expect that after investigation, another old matter would be revealed.

He was thinking about something, and his thoughts drifted away.

When Yu Xinyan came out of the space, it was already a while later, she was carrying the amphora sent by Wu's sister-in-law and the bag containing apricots and mulberries, and she was still in her pocket, ready to pay back the ten yuan from Wu's family. out the door.

Following the direction in memory, I searched all the way to the past. When I was about to arrive, I confirmed the house number with someone at the alley, and I was more careful, and said the purpose of my coming. It was really that the previous life experience had to make me cautious.

When it was over, I went to knock on the door: "Is Mrs. Wu at home?"

Jiao Sini was mending his son's pants under the shade of the courtyard: "Who is it?"

Yu Xinyan heard the question inside: "Sister-in-law Wu, I'm Yu Xinyan, and I'm here to return the double-ear pot."

Jiao Sini hurriedly put down the work in hand, and came out to greet her: "Oh, don't be in such a hurry, my brother doesn't need it for the time being, it's hot, come in and have a rest."

Yu Xinyan entered the yard and put the pot under the eaves: "The school rewarded some money a few days ago. I took advantage of today's rest and took a walk in the city."

As he spoke, he passed the cloth bag in his hand: "This is the apricot and mulberry I picked myself, and I brought it to my sister-in-law's children to taste."

Jiao Sini is a bit muddy on weekdays, but as long as she catches her eye and gets her heart, she will treat each other sincerely: "Look at you, why are you being polite to sister-in-law?"

Yu Xinyan smiled all over her face: "Sister-in-law, it's not some valuables. This is my heart, not to be polite to you."

Jiao Sini took it with a smile: "That kid Wen Sheng is really lucky."

The Wu family has three daughters and one son. The husband and wife love the youngest son. Yu Xinyan can naturally understand what Sister-in-law Wu said. If the things are sent out, then she can't control it.

Because I still want to take advantage of the afternoon to go up the mountain, so I can't stay here any longer, so I took out the ten yuan I prepared in advance: "Sister-in-law, this is the ten yuan I borrowed before, you take it."

Jiao Sini is very conflicted, her family is really not rich, but the girl in front of her is not having a good time: "Xinyan, you just got a reward, and you are buying pot and paying back the money, and you still have money in your hand." ?"

Yu Xinyan was very moved. The Wu family's sister-in-law's reputation in the family home is not very good, and everyone said that she is unreasonable.

But with these words, she could see that she was sincerely thinking about her, and she was moved in her heart: "Sister-in-law, keep it, you also know that I am good at fishing, and I can exchange some things as much as possible. Fifty is purely a windfall, and it happens to be able to repay the money I borrowed from you and Mrs. Zhao, so I can feel at ease."

Yu Xinyan is good at fishing, and everyone in the family knows it, because many people have exchanged fish from her. The main reason is that Yu Xinyan is also generous. No matter what she needs, as long as she needs it, she will never let everyone suffer.

Yu Xinyan saw that she was still struggling, so she whispered: "Sister-in-law, the rewards in the city should arrive in a few days. By then, I will have more money in my hand, so keep it."

(end of this chapter)