There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 159

Chapter 159

Chapter 159 A matter of great benefit but no harm

He Jinxuan waved his hand: "It's all replaced by the cafeteria. It just so happens that you can use it here. It's just a formality on the financial side, and it doesn't cost much."

While talking, he had already placed the medium-sized iron pot he had brought over on the stove, and placed the bundles of firewood that had been cut in advance neatly under the stove shed: "It's getting late, you should rest earlier .

After finishing speaking, he left in a hurry.

What He Jinxuan thought was: it's too late, if someone sees it, it might affect the reputation of the girl's family.

Seeing the people melt into the night, Yu Xinyan turned around and closed the door and went back to the courtyard. A strange feeling arose in her heart. I have to say that He Jinxuan is a careful person.

Seeing a snakeskin bag at the door, she stepped forward and opened it. Apart from a few bowls and plates, there were also two small basins. She originally thought that she would buy them by herself during Sunday's holiday, but He Jinxuan didn't expect It was delivered, plus the things sent by the Zhao family and the Wu family before, it is considered complete.

However, she still plans to wait for the rest time to buy some useful things. After all, Wu's sister-in-law's amphora and Zhao's small stove have to be returned.

I have already thought about it. In the future, when I am admitted to university, I will buy a house not far from the school. Anyway, I will use these things, and it will be convenient to use them when the time comes.

After packing up the things, she went back to the house and entered the space. The vegetables that were planted before have now been harvested, and the uneatable ones were taken into the warehouse by her.

She found that the fruit in the sky must be picked after it is ripe, otherwise it will affect the next flowering and fruiting.

The time for these trees to bloom, bear fruit, and mature is about the same as the time required outside, but if they are not picked when they are mature, they will always be in a mature state.

After the ripe fruit is picked, it will be trimmed regularly, and it will bloom and bear fruit again.

As for the rules, space has its own system, which she hasn't figured out yet.

Harvested all the mature crops in the space, and then washed and prepared to rest, thinking that when he found an opportunity, he would sell these things. With money in hand, he could do what he wanted to do.

For example, if you buy your own house in the city where you are going to university, you can take Grandma Zhang to take care of you. In a few years, you can also invest in some industries.

Recalling what He Jinxuan said before, he sent out a big pot of Erhe noodles, thinking of steaming some dry food for them, as a return gift for those things.

In the Qiu family, the lights in other houses in the courtyard were turned off, leaving only the room of the Qiu family still lit.

When the family member Qiu Gouxuan was smoking a hookah on the top of the kang, he was a little nervous, wondering if this step was right.

After laying out the bedding, Huang Yufeng, who was sitting there in a daze, suddenly said, "Old man, do you have to let Qingmei go?"

Qiu Gouxuan sighed: "Who told us to talk so full that day, if we don't go, I'm afraid Han Chunli has a way to punish us."

Huang Yufeng was in a hurry: "I shouldn't have caused such trouble back then."

Qiu Gouxuan looked at his wife unhappily: "What you said sounds nice. If we hadn't taken over that child back then, we would have earned so much money and have the good life we are now?"

Huang Yufeng didn't dare to say anything more. They really benefited back then. Because of the money, they bought this job, so they wouldn't starve to death in that famine era: "But let Qingmei go there alone, and I will I'm a little worried."

Qiu Gouxuan put the hookah to rest: "I told you there, I will send someone to pick it up. Since I made the decision at the beginning, I can't regret it now. This is also for the good of Qingmei."

Tears were rolling in Huang Yufeng's eyes. It was the child she had grown up holding in her hands. As soon as she was conceived, something good happened to the family, so she always felt that her daughter was their family's lucky star.

Later, he did such a thing because of selfishness, but now he wants to send his daughter out, and he is really reluctant.

Qiu Gouxuan blew on the lamp, turned around and got on the kang: "Go to sleep, it's time to pick up people over there tomorrow morning, you make some Qingmei likes to eat tomorrow morning.

Besides, I didn't say that during the college entrance examination, Qingmei was asked to come back to take the exam. No matter what her grades were, she would be arranged to go to college for her. It's not like you don't know Qingmei's grades, it's for her plan in the future. "

Things have come to this point, it's not that he can go back if he wants to. If he lets the woman know that he is panicking, he is afraid that his good life will not be guaranteed. He loves his daughter, but he has to think about this family .

Besides, when the girl arrives there in the future, she may be able to help the family. Han Chunli said that her daughter is the daughter of the chief's family when she arrives in the capital. In short, it will be beneficial to their family. I hope Everything came true.

(end of this chapter)