There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 115

Chapter 115

Chapter 115

Yu Xinyan said in the cafeteria before that he asked Lu Juncheng for compensation.

Yu Xinyan talked about Lu Juncheng's compensation, naturally, to remind Yu's mother that she knows Yu's mother too well, just click on it, and she has super comprehension ability.

The two sides were at a stalemate, and Lu Juncheng was so angry that he wanted to hit someone, but he couldn't, and said patiently: "Aunt Yu, one hundred yuan is not a small amount, I just got married, and the money for betrothal gifts and banquets before Part of it was borrowed from colleagues, and I really don't have that much money.

Father Lu looked at Yu Tiancheng, Yu's father who was standing behind Yu's mother and said, "Brother Yu, Juncheng really has no money now, otherwise you can see if it works, I owe you the money, go back to the village Alright, I'll give it to you, can you see if it's okay?"

Father Lu knew that the third son really couldn't afford the money now, otherwise, he would have already paid to drive him away, and it wouldn't be a problem if the trouble continued.

Father Yu also learned a lot from Yu Xinyan. After all, they live in the same village. It's not good if they really don't care about making a death feud: How much can I give now?

Father Lu looked sideways at his third son, Lu Juncheng.

Lu Juncheng couldn't help touching his trouser pocket. A colleague borrowed money from him a long time ago, but he still couldn't pay it. Didn't he know that Lu Juncheng also borrowed money from others for his third marriage? Pay him back.

He originally wanted to pay someone else back yesterday, but yesterday the acting director in the workshop announced that he was in a bad mood and was drinking.

Mother Yu is very shrewd, and she can tell from his actions that Lu Juncheng has money in his pocket: "Will you give it, give me a sweet word, or we will go to the factory leader for an evaluation."

Lu Juncheng hated being threatened very much, but now he had no choice but to take out the money from his pocket. It was originally thirty yuan, but he spent some on wine and appetizers yesterday, and there were still twenty-eight yuan. A block of six cents.

Yu's mother stared at the money in Lu Juncheng's hand with bright eyes, wishing she could grab it into her hand.

Father Yu looked at Father Lu: "Today, I'll just give my brother a face, and you can just write me an IOU for the rest. I'll ask you for it when I go back to the village."

Father Lu was upset, but for the sake of his son's future, he could only endure it: "Okay, I will do as you say."

When the money and the IOU were received, the Yu family and his wife knew that they would accept it as soon as it was settled, and there was no need to delay here any longer, so they asked about the train number to go back, and hurriedly left the machinery factory.

After all, they are not familiar with the place here, and now they have torn faces with the Lu family, and Yu Xinyan will definitely not care about them anymore, and they will have to spend money to stay, which is not worthwhile.

The two of them were lucky. Not long after arriving at the stop sign, a shuttle bus came.

After getting in the car, Yu's mother patted her heart: "It's a good thing I followed, otherwise it's not such a good thing."

But just after she finished speaking, she lost her face again: "I just always feel that that **** girl Xinyan is really different from before. It seems that I have to find another way, so I can't let her turn out of our palms."

Father Yu slapped her with his elbow: "Be careful what you say."

Mother Yu looked around: "What are you afraid of, who would know who we are?"

Father Yu was actually a little conflicted. When they adopted Yu Xinyan, they promised that person that they would let the child go to school and take good care of her. But since there was no news about that person, he also left his mother-in-law alone.

Thinking about the past few years, maybe something happened to that person, but now the limelight has changed, and many of the villagers who came to reform through labor before have left, and he felt a little uneasy.

(end of this chapter)