There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 1038

Chapter 1038

Chapter 1038 Do you have mind reading skills?

The reason why I decided to go to Cui's house after lunch at noon tomorrow is because everyone didn't take a good leave.

Adding that Xinyan and He Jinxuan still have things to do tomorrow, this matter was settled like this.

After finishing the business, Mother He distributed the gifts Xinyan had prepared for each family, finally breaking the dull atmosphere.

After Xinyan received wave after wave of thanks, they parted ways.

He Jiefang sent He Yanqing back to Cui's house.

Xinyan was assigned to He Jinxuan's own room, and there was a charcoal stove inside, which burned very vigorously.

When the two of them passed by, the room was very hot. Xinyan asked He Jinxuan to open the window to let in some air before preparing to wash and rest.

Xinyan originally planned to live in a guest house, but He Jinxuan refused. He said that the guest house was not as comfortable as a home.

After the separation, He Jinxuan tidied up the house, repainted all the walls, and replaced the furniture and all supplies with new ones: "You planned this early in the morning?"

He Jinxuan didn't hide anything: "Well, after we separated, my fifth brother and I cleaned up the house again. At that time, I thought, if you come home, you can live more comfortably."

Xinyan didn't expect this man to think so long-term.

While talking, he mixed a basin of water and put it on the shelf: "You wash up first, and I will come and pour water later."

After finishing speaking, he took out a new towel from the cabinet: "You use this, I washed this towel after I bought it, dried it and put it away, you can use it without worry."

Not to mention, Xinyan was really moved by his carefulness, and deliberately asked playfully: "Is it really prepared for me?"

He Jinxuan stepped forward and pinched her cheek: "What do you think?"

Xinyan opened his hand: "Don't pinch my face."

He Jinxuan rubbed the top of her hair with a smile: "My family Yanyan is not made of clay, we are born beautiful, and we are always the most beautiful."

Xinyan gave him a look of understanding: "Hurry up and fetch water with the thermos, lest my sister-in-law have to wait all the time."

He Jinxuan smiled and picked up the thermos: "Deling, let's go."

After He Jinxuan left, Xinyan rolled up her sleeves and began to wash.

She tidied herself up, and He Jinxuan also knocked on the door: "Yanyan, I'm coming in."

With Xinyan's consent, He Jinxuan opened the door and came in: "What are you looking for?"

Xinyan didn't see it after looking for a long time, and then asked: "Is this the only basin in the room?"

He Jinxuan understood what she meant in seconds, opened the closet directly, and took out an enamel touch from underneath: "This basin is a reward for playing golf before. I used it a few times before. I washed it clean and brought it here. You can use this basin to soak your feet. "

Xinyan stepped forward with a smile, and instead of taking the basin in his hand, she reached out and pinched his ear: "Tell me, do you have mind reading skills?"

He Jinxuan didn't expect Xinyan to say this, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It would be great if I really have the ability to read minds, then I can think what Yanyan thinks and what Yanyan needs, so that my girl won't be hurt." A little bit of aggrieved."

Hearing these few words, Xinyan put her arm around He Jinxuan's neck hypocritically: "He Jinxuan, you are so kind."

He Jinxuan put the basin in his hand on the table, and hugged Xinyan into his arms: "Because you are worth it, besides, if I don't work hard for you, what if I am taken away by others?"

Xinyan leaned on He Jinxuan's chest: "Then you should always be so kind to me, if..."

Without waiting for Xinyan to say the next sentence, she directly blocked Xinyan's words with actions.

He Jinxuan was not too presumptuous. After all, they were not married yet. The eldest brother and the others were probably still waiting for him: "Yanyan, I will treat you well for the rest of my life. There will be no ifs and no whys."

He thought in his heart: After getting married, he will record everything in Yanyan's name, so that she will have enough sense of security, not let her think about things, just want her to be full of him. good.

Xinyan leaned in He Jinxuan's arms, looked up at He Jinxuan: "OK."

Serving Xinyan washed her feet, poured out the water, cleaned the two basins and put them in order, sealed the fire, and after giving instructions for a long time, she reluctantly left. "

(end of this chapter)